What's the best way to mod Skyrim?

What's the best way to mod Skyrim?

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>modding a gameplay simulator

>le simulator meme



Use the switch to the PS4 version mod. Skyrim was made for consoles.


into hardcore survival w/ porn elements

Seconding this, Skyrim is only good as a porn game.

>ignore main quest
>don't get a home, just live from what you have with you
>no fast travel

Graphical fidelity mods that strain your 4k ready GPU on 1080p.
Tits, ass, pussy, cocks, and balls. Everywhere, even the dragons - no, especially the dragons.
Increase the difficulty wih survival mods to the point you can't even maintain an erection due to mental exhaustion.

Now play.

>Wanting to turn a turd into a survival meme game

The only way to mod Skyrim is to install some quality of life mods like SkyUI and go ham with visual mods that suit your preferences. Every combat mod is shit because the base game combat will always be shit and making an already fundamentally shit combat system more complex just makes it more complex shit. Re-balance mods are also all shit. The only overhaul mod that comes close to being good is Requiem because it changes nearly everything in the game and it hand places enemies and encounters and loot.


With sexy girls

>Sneaking into a bandit camp, to rescue missing boy
>Discovered due to new difficult stealth mechanics
>Bandits come at me, I run out of ammo since I have to craft my own arrows
>Small lithe female elf, no chance in melee combat
>"Well ain't this a surprise!"
>Big fucker in heavy armor enters the room, decide fuck it
>Run outside, freezing because snowstorm
>Use my stamina running, trip
>"You picked a bad time to get lost, friend."
>Big fucker catches up, grabs me
>Rips off my clothes, hypothermia kicking into high gear
>"Gonna split your belly like and old woman's purse!"
>Rapes me with unskippable animations, so I'm frozen to death by the time he finishes
>Gets up and leaves my cold corpse in the snow

Modded skyrim is fun.

how much did you coom?


Any guides to have something approaching this without spending your life for a year to mod it?



I feel like it took me two weekends. One to figure out what type of survival I liked, the other to figure out what type of porn elements I wanted.
Everything was either from Nexus or Loverslab

Because obviously limited mod support, 30 fps, and mandatory controllers are the best thing for any video game

With a shit ton of lolis running everywhere.
I currently have a few futas too since I hate seeing hairy asses piledrive urchins

Tip for anyone who wants to mod. Do not use Nexus mod manager. Complete shit program. Install with mod organizer. Much better to use and easier to figure out if there are conflictions.

SKSE (nexus)
Death Alternative (nexus)
Defeat (loverslab)
Campfire (nexus)
Frostfall (nexus)
Schlongs of Skyrim (loverslab)
xpmse32 (nexus)
hdt pussy all in one (loverslab)
caliente/UNP (nexus)
sexlab (loverslab)

Those mods came into my mind to recreate user's greentext. No particular order. Be sure to download whatever requirements those mods need

That actually sounds just about right.

>they keep screaming NEVER SHOULD'VE COME HERE while they take turns
>some guy comes and leaves a bow with you for you to keep then runs away, all while you are DPed
>just before the end, some thallmor agents come asking you for a bow
>as you die, a message shows up that you need to take a piss

Skyrm mods/

>no first person mod
>no smut quest mods
>no graphix mods

wtf that's my fucking screenshot

Yeah, at first. Then git gud and figure out how to fix all that shit. I honestly had more fun modding skyrim and coming up with a working product than I did playing.




Nice clipping.

feel free to add up to the list

The best way to mod would have to be uninstalling.

Just sit down one day and follow the STEP guide. It's relaxing in an autismal way and will teach you how to use stuff like Tesedit and Wrye Bash very quickly. After that adding extra mods and not having your game break is easy as fuck.

Nah, I am too lazy, and way past my Skyrim modding days.
If someone uploaded a torrent with a completely decked out Skyrim that WORKS, I'd download and play it.
I can't be arsed to battle mod comparability myself anymore, I lost too much hair already.

let's talk about mods that are forbidden in your modlist.

>Sands of Time.
Never again will this piece of bloated piece of shit be part of my game again. It's a nice concept criminally executed.

>Populated Skyrim
Is it me or this mod copies NPCs? it has singlehandedly made my cities some 10fps hellholes.

adding duke nukem voicelines


there's a 1 click install russian package with over 300 mods around the web, . Dont remember its name tho, I believe its called Skyrim Legacy.

My fave Skyrim mod is the Automatic Variants mod.
Took me a while to figure out how to set it up in Mod Manager though.

But when its working its main function is to give things multiple skins.
No longer will every chicken be the same color!
Giants with different hair colors and tribal paint patterns!

Its also supposed to support different Armor and Weapon skins but I think it got abandoned before that was properly implemented.
If you go really in depth with it, you can assign skins to specific things, so if you have say, a special horse skin you like, you can assign it a special name, stats, spawn areas.
Just no one supports it cause why would you support something that could change the game this much?


yeah the regular version of skyrim handles population mods really badly, need the enhanced for them really. they just work on fallout 4

but is it good

How are sex mods for Fo4 going?
I just completely uninstalled my modded skyrim after ruining the installation and was thinking of switching game.

>Want to add new female armor to Skyrim
>tfw all of them are either "DMRA SUPER SKIMPY WHY EVEN WEAR CLOTHES PACK" or "super edgy vampire serenity of the night witch's outfit"

try immersive armors, adds alot of great armors for both men and women

none of them are that skimpy

The FO4 mod scene is totally dead

I mean it's a shit game, I totally expected it.

The "Mods will fix it" meme died when consoles got them.
The mask got ripped off that little lie.

Ye yes PC has floppy dongs and Horse vagoo mods.
I guess a winner is you.

Mods can't fix things on Consoles.
Bethesda won't let them.

Combat overhauls.

>tfw no 4K highly detailed female feet mod for special edition
>tfw no special edition mod that incorporates open toed/ barefoot designs to all the skimpy armor remodels

>special edition
>tfw he also doesn't have a functioning brain

Tell yourself what you have to.

How is Enderal?

I had mixed feelings about Nehrim if that helps.

The MLP of fetishes, kill yourself.

Scripting is very important to a lot of bigger mods and if you don't have SKSE that shit just wont work and SKSE isn't on consoles.

SKSE is just needed if you want to do something the game can't do already.
You need SKSE for positional damage, because you need to write a script that recognizes which limb was hit.
You don't need SKSE to add a new inn somewhere, because all the scripts required for that are already in the game, they were written by Bethesda for their own inns.

So consoles will be able to expand the game within the realm of its existing rules and mechanics, but not add new mechanics.

Special Edition doesn't have SKSE, and probably never will have SKSE, so it will never have any mod that has to expand the game's scripting.

I liked it. Some people think it's stupid.
World is rather pretty, but there's barely any towns or cities other than the main hub, quests are alright. I liked the story. It's supposed to have a near-apocalyptic/end-is-nigh feel to it. Has very pretty locations.

>never will have SKSE
It's being worked on and might have a rough release date, I think. Should be out eventually.

It's unlikely that it will never have it with the work thats been done already its just progressing slowly. It's not like the original game stopped getting sold and if you own special edition I'd wager you probably own the original+DLC because not only has it been dirt cheap but owning it all also got you a discount on SE.

Is this information from before or after E3?
Because this E3 means SKSE will be used (illegally) by everyone to make money on Creation Club.
I think its creators specifically said they won't work on it if that happens.

Creation club could just disallow mods that require SKSE to function since its supposed to be a curated system and they would never work on consoles anyway.

Ultimate combat
Sperg and Ordinator

can't play this game without

ha ha what
fuck that then