How hyped are you so far?

How hyped are you so far?

I'm literally shaking with anticipation at all the DLC packs i'll be able to buy.

Fuck I love DLC, the first game barely had enough!

>So we're making a DLC and selling it as a full sequel

I'm hyped to see how they are going to out jew themselves after this one. I thought $20 race packs and 7$ hero packs was insane. But these guys have no scruples at all.

>We got a lot of feedback on preorder DLC
>Many people didn't like that it was an army that should have been in the game in the first place
>So instead of giving you an army for Warhammer 2 we'll give you another Chaos army for Warhammer 1 :^)

>Mommy said I had to choose between dlc and tendies reeeeeeeeeeeeeee

not buying it and i liked the 1st one fuck there jew ways

No, i'm an adult who would rather spend his money on entertainment that I feel is good value and not support shitty business practices.

I'm honestly not sure what disgusted me the most about Warhammer 1.

The ridiculous amount of DLC, the fact that in addition to the DLC they're already busily shitting out a "sequel", or perhaps it's how quickly they devalued the original game completely fucking over anyone who bought it on release, I mean ffs it was $15 mere months after release at a price point of $90.

There is literally no point in buying this shit on release, you're better off waiting six months for them to patch it and buying it + DLC for 75% off.


>There is literally no point in buying this shit on release
That's every game

and especially true for warhammer 2

hence no hype for this trash

I dislike how you mostly only fight 1-2 other races the entire campaign

Not more than for any other game

If you play as the Empire or Bretonnia, you'll generally get more variety. Orcs will mostly be fighting Dwarves and other Orcs, Wood Elves fighting Beastmen and Orcs etc., but the Empire is surrounded by enemies, and you can expect to be fighting Chaos, Orcs, Beastmen, and the Counts regularly.

>That's every game

Only if all you buy are AAA franchises where the developers are keen on shitting out yearly iterations and milking them with DLC/Season Passes.

I've got tons of games that weren't on sale for the first year or even more of their release and the developers continued to support them without jewing people with DLC.

nice try shill

I've only played as Dwarves so far, but i've fought Vamps (they were hilariously one of my first fights, I had no idea what I was doing, Dorf buddy asked for help and I got overly enthusiastic and stormed into their lands really early on), Greenskins, Empire, Wood Elves, Beast Men and Chaos.

how the fuck did they never release any other Empire factions

Very. The fames alright, but everyone finally getting in on one of the best fantasy setting to date (pretty ET) gives me hope that I can break out my table top army again. I've already talked a couple friends into trying the smaller mordheim games with some proxy models after the city of the damned game, and total warhams had them hyped as well.

TWW2 is just icing on the cake. Fuck AoS: 40k melee edition. If I wanted shitty cgi art in a dry setting in super big space colony I'd just go to MTG's ravnica or D&Ds Sigil in planscape.

Depends on your position on the campaign map tbph. Playing as Kraka drak, you get to fight chaos from the start.

I dont understand why people bitch about dlcs like this. I much rather have dlc for a game then have a game reliced every year like cod. I also engoy games that have a lot of content, TWWH has tones now. Furthermore you dont need any of these dlcs its like a paradox game. Nice to have but not needed.

I got like 250 hours on the first one (PvE+PvP) and pre-ordered this one as soon as it became available.

Can't wait to crack some skulls as Norsca, and Dark Elves when they come out.