What are some good methods of suicide?
What are some good methods of suicide?
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Yes Kill yourself because your Bing Bing got cancelled
who actually gives a fuck about these things?
were you planning on scalping them?
if so, then go with whatever method you currently have available, faggot.
bite your tongue off and bleed out
>paying $80 for an emu and 20 roms
literally retarded
Be glad your not a part of this shitty gimmick.
you're a fucking idiot for even ordering this shit box.
Hanging is the patrician choice.
Arsenic makes you bleed internally. Extremely painful, and not recommended. But it would be fitting for a fucking scalper like you.
I'd kill myself too if I was too retarded to figure out emulators.
build a raspberry pi holy shit, it's cheaper and can put whatever you want on it.
it'll be okay user, just google snes9x
I intentionally wiped/added accurate information before ordering (at the risk of losing it all). Walmart rarely ever honors anything and cancel when they feel like it. I expect to be told at pickup that they are all out, without a gift card or any form of compensation.
Some of us just want the old console to play on our TVs, without being ripped off trying to acquire half the games on the list.
I assumed from the thumbnail that you were turned down for an interview. Somehow, this is even more pathetic.
You ordered 2 you greedy bastard
Why buy 2 though?
Here you go, dumb ass, no need to thank me.
>Sign up for amazon e-mail to notify me when its available on day of announcement
>literally nothing
Did it come and go so fast that the bots couldn't respond?
You're only allowed to order one, dummy.
>Qty: 2
Idk. This is going to be exactly like last time though. Which is weird because you'd think Jewtendo would do anything in their power to make available a product that prints money.
Yeah, it's almost like something is preventing them from manufacturing enough units? Naaah, they're just doing it on purpose to make less money.
Was it even put up? I was watching the page like a hawk at 3PM and there was no change.
One asshole on Slickdeals ordered 8 through multiple accounts. Guys, most of us ordered 2. One to play and one to keep for the distant future. Not all of us are scalper scum.
>Quantity: 2
Scalpers get what they deserve.
OK, but you're literally not allowed to order 2. That's why your order got cancelled, and it'll get cancelled again.
>wanting this Chrono Trigger-less piece of plastic
Man I wish I had first world problems
yeah he ordered one per account on multiple accounts. You can only order ONE.
Anyways, serves you right for taking that nintendo dick in your mouth
>One to play and one to keep for the distant future.
I'd rather be a scalper than completely fucking autistic. The latter at least has motivations and desires comprehensible to a normal human.
>$80 for 21 roms
More like 80 dollars for a complete Star Fox 2
fuck, that's even worse
>Qty: 2
No sympathy.
>$80 for the privilege of playing Starfox 2 thirty minutes sooner than piratefags.
What did he mean by this?
Have any of you faggots gotten one of those Raspberry pi's? Can they play N64 games reliably? It's all I care about.
are you for real kid? seriously?
i have one and they can run N64 but not well at all and no-one does it. the emulation for it is shit
Nothing can play N64 games reliably.
>Are you for real kid? Seriously
The irony of calling me a kid while telling everyone to steal everything. Literal irony.
Being gay.
>not being gay
the fucking bait is real
Some more irony.
>Someone wants to buy a product and is sad they couldn't buy it
>Just pirate it you fucking faggot!
This is bait right here. Off yourself child as you're clearly not going to contribute anything worthwhile to humanity.
>Someone wants to buy a product and is sad
and you're not getting one either haha, enjoy paying $300 for one, kid. Maybe your dad will loan you his credit card.
Projecting real hard there. You should try getting your first job so you can actually have the option of buying vidya when you want to.
>Someone wants to scalp a product and is sad they couldn't scalp it
fixed your post
tbqh at this point I just want the hardware so I can mod it.
>one to keep for the distant future
So you're a completely inexcusable shit heel.
You still aren't getting one, hahahaha
Scalper piece of shit, get dumped on fag
For anyone who is still wondering Amazon, BB, and Gamestop hasn't put up preorders yet
>buying 2
>one to play with
>the other kept in pristine unopened condition for decades after which I'll sell to a collector for a small fortune.
OP is just going to try and order two of them again and have those pre-orders shut down because he's retarded as fuck and doesn't even know how to scalp correctly. It will be hilarious.
>contemplating suicide because you didn't get your glorified emulator box
Nobody's stopping you.
What's the big deal? Honestly, outside of starfox 2 you should already own all these games on physical anyways. It's your own dumbass fault for waiting 20 years to buy shitty emulated roms like a neet poorfag.
Those things don't work for something that sells this fast. Amazon has the same thing and I know for a fact that you won't get an email.
>Tfw haven't gotten a cancelation email yet
Maybe because I just pre-ordered 1 instead of 2 like some scummy scalper
Says the little kid that made a thread on Sup Forums to cry about his scalping plans getting backfired, in a sad, desperate attempt to gain sympathy.
>based Walmart punishing scalpers
Justice is served