Metroid Samus Returns new gameplay

It looks good

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The dude in the far right looks like that guy from the "name something that isn't Jackie Chan" clip.

Looks like Other M 2.0. According to comments by the developer so far, it's going to be linear just like Metroid II. What's the point? I'll just play the original game if I want a linear experience.

An excellent fan game was C&D and buried for this atrocity.

To be fair the first game was linear so I don't know where your complains come from, is a remake after all, is supposed to be a enhanced experienced, not a different one.

Looks fun.

>enhanced experienced

That would be the point of making it non-linear. Otherwise it's just a rehash with added gimmicks.

>Other M 2.0.
Don't say things you can repent later.

Can you post a download link for us? It's nice to see someone already played it

no user
YOU look good

>literally rip off official assets and arrange them into metroid 2 levels
>gets shut down
hopefully little shits will finally learn a lesson about copyright

>non-linear = enhanced

You kids today. So obsessed with your non linearity when the best Metroid games are the linear ones

I'm pretty hyped. glad that they confirmed some new areas.

They did?

>muh copyright
Looks fun. Wonder how well it controls. Any news on demos or something?
Is it me or does the powersuit have killer hips in this game?

>Looks like Other M 2.0
Except not at all.
>so far, it's going to be linear just like Metroid II. What's the point? I'll just play the original game if I want a linear experience.
The same point than making Zero Mission. I don't see how metroid 2 being linear forbid it from having a remake.

1. how is it an atrocity?
2.How is it buried when you can basically download it everywhere.


but the developer didn't do that at all.

It's not new gameplay and that showing was terrible

>gets the name wrong MULTIPLE times
>say's they are showing off new stuff they didn't at E3 but it's literally the same demo area showing the exact same features
>stupid fuck questions "WHATS THE PLURAL OF 'METROID'?"
>Nintendo guy doesn't know the release date, not even the fucking launch month


>That would be the point of making it non-linear. Otherwise it's just a rehash with added gimmicks.
Excpet it"s a complete ovehaul with the map completeyly redone. Both game being linear isn't the same as both games being the same.

The games like 1 hour long anyway, not much to spoil.

Neat, I hope they are talking about proper areas and not just a couple of rooms here and there

I guess it's not as bad as I feared, but it still looks way too casual. The enemies telegraph their attacks too slowly, leaving way too much room open to counter them. Even if I don't touch the melee counter mechanic, it still leaves them vulnerable for way too long. It screams "we want the casual audience" all over again.

>b-but Super Metroid wasn't that hard

And that was a flaw not to be emulated, but to be fixed in future installments. And if the "hard" mode in many metroid games is any evidence, it won't remedy the problem either.

Sakamoto already confirmed it's getting Zero Mission extension treatment.

>not being released for switch
Fuckin waste of an opportunity

Literally the only new thing we get from this video is the fact that you can wall jump in this game. They never showed that in the E3 demo.

Fuck you, you're the only atrocity around here.

"Oh noes, the fan game that was made due to the lack of a Metroid 2 remake and completed is now shutdown because Nintendo is making their own Metroid 2 remake. Now I have THREE VERSIONS of Metroid 2 to pick from."

Next you'll bitch about Federation Force or how Primefags aren't Metroid fans, despite the overwhelming majority of them buying the 2D games alongside Prime titles, in comparison to the 2D purists that bitch and moan that they only get a new game every decade since they don't support the series they claim to enjoy so much.

Yes they did.

>The enemies telegraph their attacks too slowly
When you compare to most of the enemies in 2D metroid game who always follow the same pattern, that's actually a notch up of difficulty.

>it still leaves them vulnerable for way too long. It screams "we want the casual audience" all over again.
People who have tried it confirm that it's at least on par with other metroid games.

>And that was a flaw not to be emulated, but to be fixed in future installments.
Difficulty in Super Fusion and zero mission were all right.

Not to mention, there is more than likely an hard mode so everyone is happy.

>how Primefags aren't Metroid fans,

Not him, but it's pretty much well known that Primefaggots ruined the Metroid series forever.

they wanted to use the double screen for the map.

Sup Forums is litterally the only place where I hear people saying this

how so

I don't recall them ever using it in the E3 demo. And if they did, that's a grand total of 0 new things we learn here.

I wonder if the constant fuck ups and time restraints prevented them from showing off the new stuff

>that's actually a notch up of difficulty.
No, it isn't. That just means you have low standards.

>People who have tried it confirm that it's at least on par with other metroid games.
And since I know all of them are on Nintendo's payroll, they're all automatically wrong until I personally get to try it out.

>Difficulty in Fusion and zero mission were all right.
Are you kidding? They were even easier with the retarded handholding elements.

>Not to mention, there is more than likely an hard mode so everyone is happy.
Not gonna be enough, since Nintendo hasn't made a challenging game in 10 years.

>And that was a flaw not to be emulated, but to be fixed in future installments. And if the "hard" mode in many metroid games is any evidence, it won't remedy the problem either.
It absolutely does.

enemies being harder to kill compensate attack that you think too powerful.

even the founder of the Metroid Database said that the Prime games weren't good Metroid games.

How long is this game? I'm not paying full price for a 6-7 hour game.

>still not as good as AM2R
It's shit.

Don't let Nintendo's C&Ds silence the truth, user. Spread the torrents wherever you go.

>enemies being harder to kill
>in a Nintendo game

HAH,. That's a good one.

>Are you kidding? They were even easier with the retarded handholding elements.
What Metroid games do you even like?

It doesn't seem very atmospheric, and the art direction looks mobile game tier.

>founder of the Metroid Database
Literally who?

This looks like the hardest Metroid game since the original. II to Other M were all piss easy and these Metroid battles look pretty brutal.

It's a 2d Metroid. It will be 3 hours tops and 2 hours on your first run if you aren't retarded. These games aren't meant to be played just once.

If that's the case, Metroid isn't for you. Metroid games are short and meant to be replayed either to get every item or to speedrun.

>No, it isn't. That just means you have low standards.
This has nothing to do with standard.

an enemy with always the same pattern is obviously easier than an enemy that changeits pattern to attack you.

>And since I know all of them are on Nintendo's payroll, they're all automatically wrong until I personally get to try it out.
people who test out the games aren't paid by nintendo.
And guilty until proven innocent isn't a valid argument.
>Are you kidding? They were even easier with the retarded handholding elements.
you didn't had to follow it and depending of how much item you collected, it could be more difficult.
>Not gonna be enough, since Nintendo hasn't made a challenging game in 10 years
Play super Mario 3D world.

You haven't played a nintendo game recently, haven't you?

Oh no some (probably) autistic wiki manager has an autistic opinion

>Not gonna be enough, since Nintendo hasn't made a challenging game in 10 years.

How to spot someone who doesn't even play Nintendo games.

>Even some literally who non-important faggot has shit tastes

Switch/WiiU port when?

I like AM2R as of recent because it has so many options for how you play. Not just for difficulty options, but the billions of modifiers and new game + modes make up for any flaws in the enemy AI that might exist. Tell me, will Samus Returns have a hell run mode, a randomizer mode, a "get rid of the lava barrier" mode?

>an enemy with always the same pattern is obviously easier than an enemy that changeits pattern to attack you.
But AM2R already did this but better, and didn't give you a cheesy crappy mechanic that auto-counters them.

>people who test out the games aren't paid by nintendo.
They were hand picked to give positive reviews. They're on a payroll as far as I'm concerned.

>you didn't had to follow it
Try playing through Fusion without being forced to listen to every dialogue box that locks you into the information rooms with Adam. Go ahead.

>play Super Mario 3D World
A casual platformer where I can't remember the last time dying in it? Even in the crown stages? Boy, so difficult. Much challenging. Very hard.

How to spot someone who doesn't play on a PC.

>No, it isn't.
Explain how the enemies all rushing to attack you aren't an improvement over the ones slowly moving back and forth in the old games.

It just isn't the same without the cute treehouse girl playing it.

I do though. Here’s a hardcore game I finished recently

Please stop replying to ACfag.

Ok then, what OFFICIAL Metroid games fo you like?

Yep. They didn't show anything new at all.

He asked what Metroid games you like, not what shitty rom hack projects do you enjoy masturbating to

Thanks marketer san

>Explain how the enemies all rushing to attack you aren't an improvement over the ones slowly moving back and forth in the old games.
Because they're changing their AI to an even easier one to counter. It'd be like if the original enemies just stopped moving so it was easier for you to shoot them.

>game doesn't count because muh Nintendo brand seal of approval

Shills begone!


>avoiding the question

It was used almost immediately after they got the scan pulse at e3.

Game doesn't count because it's not an actual Metroid game. Why are you so inept?

It looks insanely fucking easy, like it was made for the newer generation that needs hand holding.
Oh and look at that a fucking marth/roy counter in case you're fucking terrible.
Haha what a shit game.

Who gets to decide what's an "official" Metroid game? Let's just say I refuse to consider their opinion if they'll also consider Metroid: Other M as "official".

>Who gets to decide what's an "official" Metroid game?

So you are retarded. I'll stop picking on you now because I feel bad.

>who gets to decide what's official?
>still avoiding the question

do you know what the word "official" means?

>This game is pretty challening
>Arachnus fight

This is the first real Metroid game to use 4 face buttons and to feature the Grappling Beam since Super

A knockoff doesn’t count, yes. That’s how it works.

You're going about it the wrong way. You should argue instead that "official" is meaningless in regards to quality since Metroid has shit like Other M and Federation Force as official.

is it 60fps on o3ds?

This is pretty much babies first metroid game

Other m was a good Metroid game though. Better than Prime Trilogy.

You really need to work harder on that bait, son.

this fucking fanbase really need to stop infighting and just appreciate the fact that we're getting TWO new games, AM2R can't be that hard to find either

>Metroid: Other M apologists


What’s the second?

One. One new Metroid game.

Fucking the Haloid shit on Switch.

Does Metroid destroy friendships and bonds?
Usually you hear some guy talk about his friend having negative opinions over the recent titles or some jazz like that. Along with sucking your life energy, you gain a divide with your friends?
I hope it's the case and not that the players suck. I wonder how Omega Metroids will get revamped

>if an official game is shit it becomes unofficial

Listening to Andre's impressions from Comic Con and he too has nothing but high praise for it and says it feels amazing to play and looks way better on the 3DS itself as most 3DS games do.

I uploaded it once and everyone reported it, got taken down. won't be doing that again, no-one here deserves it lmao

I'll buy it used once people realise how short it is.

Wait a fucking minute. Do I hear a remake of Lower Norfair/Magmoor Caverns when Samus goes into the heated area around 6:00?

Lower Norfair, yes.

Yep. They shoved Norfair Ancient Ruins Area into yet another game.

>once people realize how short it is
Do you have brain damage? He already said Metroid games are at their best when you are speedrunning or going for 100%. Everyone who has played a Metroid game knows this.

Why do people shill ZM on this board all the time?

I just beat it and it was pretty linear.

Why does it look so fucking easy? holy shit and the other trailer showed a QTE in battle. Just wow...I'm speechless, it's like they made this for seven year olds that haven't discovered call of duty yet.

All Metroid games are linear besides the original and Super.

Samus Returns threads have been great in finding out just how many people don't know what a QTE actually is.

Super is also linear.


>defending QTE's