Gigantic Thread

I love Voden, which is your gigantic spirit, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:

I've been trying to get into the game but I'm having a hard time.

The matches seem a bit of a clusterfuck and outside of tyto, none of the free chars have very satisfying moves.

i dont play tumblr game

looks like assfaggots straight from plebbit
fuck off

Mozu's kind of cute.

>gigantic thread
>thread is actually really small



Ramsay is best boy without a doubt.



($0.05 has been credited to your account)

Sweetie... the games is aliver than ever

For real though where do you go to get hired for shilling? I already spend most of my time shitpoasting, might as well make a pittance while I do it.

i want Xenobia to pull me deeper inside her, with every one of her delicious curvy limbs.

Is this game worth my bandwidth and patience? How many things will I be blocked from as a free to play?


You'll have to unlock characters. Also, I think most of the alternate skins can only be unlocked with rubies, the premium currency. That said, there are still some founder's pack codes floating around on various giveaways, so you can probably get past the former if you look hard enough.

Is the gate sumon a joke?

blablablablawagawgawgaaa blaa24849

Is this controller friendly? Or will I be at a disadvantage?

Considering it's available on Xbox One, I think they've put some effort into making controllers work.

>no name studio
>no name game with close to no advertisement
>Steam just displays people playing through steam, and not the people playing on Windows10 store, straight through Arc, or Xbox1
>released a day earlier than advertised

>currently at 7,000 people
>doing better than Paladins when it first released on steam
>Paladins currently holds around 30k people a day


>>doing better than Paladins when it first released on steam

l m a o


But none of this really matters, the game is DOA. No amount of tears will be enough to revive this husk.

Small question. Can you cap enemies points? Because at some point me and my teammates managed to kill the summon that was sitting on it, but I couldn't cap the point for my team. Did I miss an explanation?

I want to try Tyto but hes so fragile

Not really. Killing their summons earns you power, and denies them both the creature's ability and a convenient means of harvesting power.

Trying to play this on a win7 laptop with a 560M and it's telling me I can't run it since I don't have D3D 11.1
Am I totally fucked?

Flank your enemies. Never stop moving. Catch them by surprise when they are attacking your points with your speed. Pic related was my first try with him.

>not a single white male character
>all the female characters are pure tumblr
no thanks I donĀ“t play sjw games

ded on arrival gaem

So far Tyto is my favorite character by design, playstyle, color scheme, and concept. He feels so right.
Zandora honorable mention. Stupidly strong tanky and her normal swings are great. Bonus the devs hate when people ask if she's steven universe inspired because she is inspired from Jem and the holograms.

There's already a Gigantic thread up

Apparently the subreddit started 7 years ago. I havr no idea if the game has just been dead for 7 years or if they have been developing it for that long. I think the devs just have their fingers crossed that steam is enough to get the game off the ground.

this shit is my jam

This shit has been around for 7 years and this is the best it can do? This has to be a fucking scam.

Wasn't some of the maker of this game came from GW 1's Arena net?

I'm not sure if that's true someone can check that because I really don't know how to see how long a subreddit has existed (or how to use reddit at all desu) but that is what I've been told. I mean I could see it taking some time to make the game, but its INCREDIBLY small for a game that has been at least in development or existing for 7 years. For me, idgaf personally because I got a free founders key from some polish site on the last day to redeem codes. So i haven't and don't intend on spending money on this game.

Yeah, a gigantic piece of shit lol


Well, the devs ran into funding issues pretty early in development, and they threw in with Microsoft. Unfortunately, they wanted it Xbox One/Win10 exclusive on the Microsoft app store, which didn't help the game or the devs. But with Perfect World footing the bill, they seem to be in a position to actually do something with the game.

I'm not sure if I like the game or not. Sometimes it fun but other times it feels weightless as fuck.

wow that's hurtful

>microsoft pushing win10 caused this game to have funding issues
Color me shocked. I wish microsoft would stop with the pushing of their shitty os. I already cant play phantom dust. What next?

underage b&
you must be 18 to post here

the obvious answer is "gigashit"

When both teams have the same power, and the power gained by the creatures collecting it reach 100, what decides which guardian will attack?

Whichever team had the higher total most recently.

This game was in beta for HOW long?
The balance for this game is absolutely terrible. In every game I've played so far, the team with the robot guy wins. This last game the enemy turret got 24 kills while our team's assassin barely had 8. I was playing the purple sword bitch who's supposed to be a tank, but I couldn't even reach him even with my speed buffs. He outmaneuvered and outgunned us at every turn. It wasn't even a factor of clever positioning, he could just shoot us and back up, and we'd be dead before we could even reach cover.

I wanted to like this game, but it's garbage. I'm sorry.

>another "action" combat assfaggots

How's the netcode?

It's alright but I worry about the longevity. Combat is pretty much the same every game you play, you just spam your cooldowns except maybe your mobility ability. The maps and artstyle are cool, I like the concept of having different creatures to summon but I'm not sure why you would ever summon anything other than the healer unless you have the drake unlocked.

Is this better than the best game in the genre aka Overwatch?

Is there an MMR system in place? Or is everyone just getting slapped together?

Pretty solid, from the matches I've played. No stuttering or jumping around.

different genre

>play Wu
>be useless
>Play Chaika

How do I git gud with the frog?

Git gud mate. HK is strong, but you can deal with him. If the electric ninja chick gets slightly ahead and its a decent player you're fucked. Beckett is a gud too.

The only thing he can do damn well is his tounge lash. That can really ruin a fight if done correctly

Robot guy is shit.

>be chardok
>see robot guy
>get deflect range skill
>win game

That said, the only fun part of this game is knowing when to choose what skill in what order based on the enemy composition. Otherwise it's just

>Is there an MMR system in place?
Don't worry if you get queued with someone that's a really high rank, it just means they're still shit.

Is Uncle Sven really hard to play or am I bad?

They still know more about the game than you.

not totally, you need to google something to allow you to bypass the restrictions, I've done it before when I had an older DX card, but I'm sorry I won't do the googling for you

I find him easy as fuck.
>huge aoe attacks
>good self-peel and escape
what is there to even be difficult

Do characters hard counter each other, or is everything fairly viable? Also is it possible to be on your own and take down multiple enemies? Both of these have been noteworthy issues for me in OW, wondering if this has the same issues.


Everything is viable, but knowing when to peel out of there is the most important strategy in most cases

As long as you're managing stamina there's never a 0% chance for you to survive a 1v1 encounter

this game's genre is "strategic hero shooter"

is this what overwatch-likes are called now

The real question is, what do you do against an HK if his teammates actually come and stop you from diving him?

HK does a lot of damage by himself, so when somebody else comes in and starts hitting you too, it becomes a bad time really fast.

Is HK-206 the pub stomper of this game? Because he really seems like the kind of character that absolutely stomps new players but ain't great against people with experience.
Regardless, I just downloaded this game today and it's pretty fun so far. Practice mode is amazing, and HK and Aisling seem really fun.

I mean, there is counter play in the game.
>Enemy has healing
>use posion skills on them
>Enemy has strong ranged skills
>use deflect/reflect skill on them
etc etc

I hope you like playing with the same 20 people next week.

why are you meant to pick 5 guys before a game

I been roflstopmping with Becket, I don't necessarily win because my retarded teammates like going 1v3+, but I been getting ridiculous high scores.

Everything so far looks fairly viable. There are some things that are strong but the skill spec keeps it fresh. Characters like Aisling can be a full offense or fulm support by just putting points on them differently.

>make some 80s glam rock looking star knight
>she's just a buff bitch
>entire play style is, hold lmb while pressing rmb, e, and q occasionally
Is there a more boring hero to play?

You don't have to pick 5, just up to five-this indicates which characters you're willing to play, which helps the matchmaker balance the teams a bit.

Almost every hero in Overwatch.

It's enough to know there's a way around it, thanks

I'm glad the shittiest looking hero is also the most boring that way I don't feel bad about not using her

This is a gigantic thread you fucking retard. Don't reply to me again

I think the monsters are kind of a cool idea, but it doesn't really work when each point of each map has a best monster. Like on the river map having the cyclops on point C and back by your base makes it absurdly difficult for the other team to ever wound your guardian. And I wish the dragon's special ability wasn't so garbage because he's pretty cool looking but the best place to put him is on a point no one will ever see.

I agree that every game feels like the same shit on a different day. You just kind of roam around as 5 and kill whatever stupid fuck isn't with the rest of his team.

Yeah hk is a huge pub stomper. Best way to deal with him is Tyto imo. Though I'm a bit bias since I fucking love the character assassins who can get to him can blow him up by abusing iframes on dodge attacks, then just reflect him because most hk players don't realize you're reflecting projectiles on them. If people are stacking on him in turret form you just have to get energy on the map and not die to him and his friend circle jerking on him.

Drakes are just bad in general. Lightning Drake can be god in an enclosed space, but it's super expensive and you could just summon a Yeti Cyclops for the same cost.

I can't really secure kills at all
I end up with tons of assists and low deaths but very few actual kills. With the scoreboard I can't see if my healing is being worthwhile or not

>comic style moba fps

But it's nothing like overwatch. This comparison by idiot "gaem journoz" along with a slew of other buzzwords, is what's going to be the downfall of this game. Its a f2p title so any reserves you have of it can be dispelled by a simple click of your mouse.

It's not even about people stacking on him. If the HK has a half decent assassin on his team, they could be anywhere on the map, and the moment you dive HK they will be up your ass, and I don't need to tell you how fast you will die with an assassin + HK attacking you.


>muh kills
You are playing a support character. Just heal your teammates and annoy the enemy with burning zones from lmb upgrade and rmb ugrade.

It feels like this game needs a ranked game mode to help spice things up a bit. Also more interesting/weird maps that really change the pace of the game.

Alright, played a couple matches so far. From my personal opinion, this game is what Battleborn and Paladins have tried to be, but it's actually fun.
I couldn't be bothered to play more than 1 match of either of those, especially Paladins, but this game has gotten me to playing it all morning so far.
Gotta say, it's characters and art style are huge bonuses. They're all just so fucking weird and different visually compared to other Class based shooters like Overwatch.
I'm not gonna drop Overwatch for this, but I'm definitely gonna keep playing it for a while. How frequent are new characters in this game, anyhow?

>Windows 10
It's shit


Every month(tm)

I suppose you're right
Just wish they had damage done and healing done on the scoreboard screen
I really don't feel like I'm doing a lot when the game wraps up

god, these designs are just as clusterfucky and awkward as stillborn's

It's not Win10 exclusive anymore, and it doesn't really play like a normal MOBA.

I heard they're aiming for one a month, or something along those lines.

Or you could go to the steam page and stop spreading lies.

If they have a good assassin (ninja or tyto) then that's another problem, but if its just an hk in the middle of a fire fight he needs to be focused out. If he's just guarding an enemy point, let the enemy team play the 4v5 and just ignore him. If hes on a point rush him.
Yeah he has to die first and its a pain but hes literally just like bastion. If your assassins are shit the he's just going to be a pubstomper. The only blaring issue I have with him is his guardian damage. Past that he's for the most part negligible.

Why is this game so ugly?
The art style looks like something Battleborn would do, I don't know. I find it repulsive. It's some "goofy wacky proportions furry" art.

There's not enough hate for this game for Sup Forums to genuinely like it. I smell shills in this thread.

One a month, eh? Not bad, that'll help offset the relatively small hero pool it has now in comparison to the other games.

The art style is literally nothing like Battleborn. If anything, it's like a mixture of No More Heroes cel shading with a Technicolor Paladins paint job, with a dash of Brink thrown into it.