>all this engrish
Is this intentional or do they not have a single english speaker proofreading any of this?
This is beyond engrish, shit just doesn't make sense
>all this engrish
Is this intentional or do they not have a single english speaker proofreading any of this?
This is beyond engrish, shit just doesn't make sense
Whenever I see Engrish nowadays I just assume it's amateur writers trying to be poetic with their chuuni garble.
How can I get this with English
Wait for it to be released outside of Japan.
Why does it gibe me a boner when she says that?
unreal black things
I feel like I've hit a wall. I can't do any of the 4- missions (except 4-2) as Wagner.
Wait for the english release in the fall.
That clusterfuck of a title should've been a hint
It's not made for English speakers, it's made for Japanese who think English is cool. The same way dickheads with Kanji tattoos are getting them because they look cool, not to be legible or coherent to the Japanese
What's the story like? I was thinking about stumbling through it slowly as Japanese practice but I'm guessing it's blazblue tier utter nonsense.
It actually makes sense, so far anyway. There are still some things that are unexplained but there's no time travel involved.
Thanks, I might as well give it a go then.
Did you try watching the demo video to see where you're fucking up
I hope they keep adding more random words to the titles of it's sequels
I do, I even slow them down. I don't think my hands can do it.
Watch the demo and turn the speed down if you need to.
They'll run out of words that they can pretend make sense before long.
It doesn't help.
Don't you remember how far they got in Melty Blood?
You know how weebs add japanese to everything because they think it sounds cool? The opposite is true in Nipland
*Most* Late[st]/er/
I remember reading a post that explained what the hell Under Night In Birth was supposed to mean once. Can't recall now, though.
Will my cunnyfu Snifftista be in Tag Battle?
Keep practicing then.
Yeah I will. Maybe I'll just go back to the older missions for now.
Its getting a steam release right?
>Under Night
The Hollow Night that happens every month, where dark shadows known as Voids prey upon humans that are drawn into it.
Humans who survived being attacked by Voids and remained sane, they're able to wield magic powers because of it but they don't have souls.
Might be worth just doing something other than grinding through missions for a while. I usually do better once I go back to them after a break.
I've taken brakes/ gone to work, just can't brake the barrier. Just gotta keep working at it I guess.
Take a break and come back later.
With fighting games, and anime ones in particular, the execution grind leads to smaller parts becoming muscle memory, that gets more and more efficient. The parts that are improving also won't necessarily be apparent.
A break to cool down and do something else helps with the process when you truly hit a wall.
Maybe four months after it gets localized.
Okay, but explain Thousand Night, Recurrence Night, Reverie and Invite and. . . 「7days Immorta」 Unreal BLACK THINGS
Tonight. The deepest Night,
If it makes you feel better, a lot of Wagner's 4-x combos have filler moves that can be cut out for only a slight overall damage loss. It's better to go for easier routes and miss out on like the 100 or so damage if it means you can do the combo consistently. Unless you're just trying to 100% it for personal satisfaction or something.
If it's the instant j.2c that's bothering you, it actually doesn't need to be done that close to the ground. It just needs to be inputted quickly or else the opponent will be able to tech before it hits.
It's made up gibberish that's supposed to sound exotic.
>play Uniel 1 and Melty online
>get juggled to death and all of opponents move feel safe on hit
I'm so shit at anime fighters but I can't stop wanting to get gud at them.
The game is called under night in birth, what did you expect?
Reverse Beat does that to ya.
Doesnt really play like an anime fighter from what i seen.
Does the [st] make it Exe: Latest or Exe Late [super turbo]
Late ess tee
Can't even care about wins anymore. It's gotten to the point where I go online with a basic goal (anti-air, basic BnB) and only focus on that until it's burnt into muscle memory. Trying to approximate fightan was a mistake.
Reminder that Seth is the true hero of the story
that's the right way to go about it. once it all comes together then you'll start to win
Thanks for the info. It's gonna take awhile but I'm gonna do it.
There are plenty of people in Japan who speak English but NOT the average Japanese person let alone the average JPN gamer.
There's currently a Spanish language summer hit that has one billion plus views on YT. I doubt everyone who likes that song knows what it is about.
English IS exotic if you're a Jap. I don't know why, English is efficient but ugly.
>tfw want to play UNIEL again but too busy with Tekken
There's no way I can be motivated enough to play 2 fighters at the same time
At one point, I juggled 4 fighters
It's really good user
These delays on the 6B for Hyde is killing me
Good work.
Good job user. Now for the rest.
Good job dude, I still can't do it but 4-2 is way easier.
Now 4-6 is fucking with me
I like Enkidu's design but man he feels so braindead/beginner-friendly to use that it makes me feel embarassed to play him. Not even that fun to use either, really.
you cucks still shilling this irrelevant niche fighter that will die within the week? release on pc first if you dont want it to fucking die instead of fucking us over
You're not fooling anyone
>Release on PC first
>In Japan
release simultaneous retard instead of waiting 4 months after localization when the game is dead as fuck
Wagner's backdash is pretty huge
Is this just another anime fighter that people hype up till release and then ends up dead 1 week post launch? Or maybe it's the one that comes out with a new version that you have to buy in two months
yes. doesnt help that us release wont be for 5 months and steam release another 5 months after that
I don't know, I can't see the future
It's fun but yes it will die within the week.
You know, going through the story summary really changes my outlook on the overall cast.
>netplay shitters
Fighting games need two people, they're not fucking MMOs
If anything, I don't hate Byakuya as much as I used to
aren't they in purpose? someone said that they make it sounds as stupid as possible like melty blood
>not liking crabsticks
He's still an edgy fuck but I guess he has his reasons. The Hollow Night ain't all rainbows. I like Merkava more than I did before, that's for sure.
French bread really likes their Engrish.
>Melty Blood: Actress Again: Current Code: Hologram Summer Again, Tri-Hermes Black Land
95% of people that will play this game are introverted neets, so it might as well be.
I don't consider Byak all that edgy, just unsettling as shit
Yesterday was a ride
>The UNIST logo got rid of UNREAL BLACK THINGS
I don't care for the new menu or network music either
>True hero
>Arcade mode has him ambush hyde for no reason and tie linne up in a tree before abandoning her
Maybe Chaos hired him to take out Hyde so the Insulator wouldn't get in the way of Amnesia. Or maybe he's just really butthurt about Hyde for whatever reasons, possibly getting in his way of accomplishing his dream or something.
Linne's probably tied up so she doesn't try and run away so he can kill her when he's ready or something.
Rival things, man
>for no reason
The Insulator is his back-up for killing Linne
Is the insulator something you can actually take away from hyde? He pulls it out of his hand.
Either way he acts like a real dick about it, acting like he's going to outright murder hyde with what he actually does being left ambigious
As long it doesn't phase out of existence if Hyde gets knocked out, I guess he can carry it around with himself. For all he knows, he's just prolonging Linne's suffering
He's probably mad that Hyde easily obtained something that he was dreaming about his whole life and almost gave up on. That, and the fact that Hyde probably could've killed her by now but is keeping her around whereas he just wants to do the deed and save her already.
Both of the Indulgence Weapons can probably be taken away and used by others. Kuon used it in the past, after all. Seth is probably just taking his dream really seriously now that he has a chance again, if Hyde gave up the sword he'd leave him alone.
>Seth story mode just makes him an even more obvious shiki ripoff and doesn't bother to actually explain what the fuck his EXS or his swords actually do
Seth was still a self-employed assassin for hire before he received the Eliminators. He was already fast as shit so the only supernatural abilities he feasibly has are the blue streaks the knives make and how he can stun you with his stitch orbs
Discord is pretty much a must for niche anime fighting games. Im surprised people still say this.
His EXS is the ability to stop people. It's probably why he's such a good assassin to begin with.
>Seth was still a self-employed assassin for hire
Does he have an ad in the paper?
Didn't Hilda say he was an international assassin? He probably browses the deep web or something. He lives frugally for someone who kills people during his school vacation days, I wonder what happened to the rest of his family.
>using palettes to actually give them different clothes
fucking finally why do no games ever do this?
He's part of some assassin clan like shiki right? I assume they all died for some reason that requires him to be very angsty
He did something right. He makes enough money to fund his own school fees and living expenses.
Still ex-Yato clansmen. Seth probably left his hometown and came to the city. Fanmail Q&A confirmed that he lives alone at the moment
tell me about Enkidu