It was never good

it was never good

it was never bad

Leave this place

Annoying sound effects and infantile presentation
Mario caters to all ages while BK to kids only

Kazooie had the gameplay down to a T. All of the levels are the right size and have the best density of objects in any 3D platformer I have seen. There's less character/dialogue "charm" in this game than most other Rare games, but it doesn't really matter when the gameplay is so good.

N&B is fun

Speak for yourself, I had my first adult moment with this game

this cements that you've never even played BK
BK was made by british people, there's innuendos everywhere

It is, but they really should have given us more platforming or just used some OCs instead of slapping on older properties.

People critique this game?
What is wrong with you?
Hit the gym and get some puss, ya mook.

>kids only

There’s innuendos in Teletubbies and MLP but you don’t watch those so you

Now you’re reaching, friend

Nig was almost certainly an accident (Maybe not though, it's Rare after all)

Arse was 110% Rareware's handywork though.

How would you know? Do you watch them on your daycare or something?

yea im sure they accidentally spelt arse backwards.
a word that was used liberally in CBFD

how does it feel to be so naive and ignorant

I’m just assuming

Why the fuck is Rare still working on the shitty ass pirate game instead of Viva Pinata 3?
And what the fuck is Playtonic's next game?

Even if that was true, it’s just an easter egg

Let Rare finally make their Pirate RPG.
Playtonic is too busy porting Yooka to Switch, maybe they will show the extra worlds later on.


>Game chugged on PS4 and Xbone
>Now they're trying to port it to an ever so slightly improved WiiU
Lord help the nintenbro that actually tries to play the game on Switch

>Let Rare finally make their Pirate RPG.
Dream is fucking dead and the only surviving thing from it is in Tooie
I thought this game is a pirate MMO

That image is missing Lord Woo Fak Fak bleeding

>W. Anchor
Thats fucking hilarious

A 10/10 if there ever is one.

But if Kazooie is a 10/10 we can't properly rate Tooie unless we do something stupid like 11/10

it's just okay.
Something that most people don't talk about, that for me is a big problem is the pacing, mostly the comfy pacing, but also the quality pacing (for me).
The game starts with 2 comfy levels:
Mumbo's Mountain and Treasure Trove Cove
Then it has 7 non comfy level in a row:
Clanker's Cavern, Bubblegloop Swamp, Freezeezy Peak, Gobi's Valley, Mad Monster Mansion and Rusty Bucket Bay
And only then it has a comfy level as the last one.
I feel like Freezeezy was supposed to be comfy, but for me it wasn't, the level is probably the hardest in the game, with annoying as fuck snowmen and some ugly props.
Another pacing problem is that having 2 swamp tier level in a row (Clanker's Cavern and Bubblegloop Swamp) was awful.

Then for me it also has bad quality pacing.
Clanker's Cavern, Bubblegloop Swamp, Freezeezy Peak and Gobi's Valley imo are the worst level in the game. and they are all one after the other, while Treasure Trove Cove and Click Clock Wood which are imo the 2 best are pretty much at the begging and at the end of the game. So for me this game starts amazing, then has a long mediocre stretch only to end amazing.


Tooie is worse. Don't make me fight you.

>mario 64 is a 10/10
>banjo kazooies is much worse, but somehow also a 10/10

>Freezeezy Peak
>Mad Monster Mansion
>Rusty Bucket Bay
>not comfy

different genres faggot

Freezeezy Peak is 100% not comfy as I already said.
I agree with Mad Monster Mansion, I mad a mistake, but still 4 non-comfy level is a row is a pain, specialty when the game begins with 2 top tier comfy levels.

Anyone else drop Tooie half way through?

>It's a Mario 64 is the best because it was first retard
>It's a Mario 64 is the best because it's straight up broken gameplay leads to accidental ""depth"" retard
Mario 64 isn't even the best Mario game and it easily wasn't the best 3D platformer by the end of the fifth generation.

Fuck off retard.

After playing Y/L for a couple of hours and then dropping it like it's hot and never touching it again, I wonder if BK's perfection was just luck or if some key talent left Rare after it and before BT and obviously YL which is complete garbage and inferior to BK in every single aspect.

if you actually looked at the fucking Playtonic devs you would know that it was mostly artists from Banjo and DKC and Nuts n Bolts level designers
basically a bunch of faggot useless people, and Kevin Bayliss

>Complete garbage
It's the worst of the 3 but its hardly as bad as the youtuber you watched told you user.


>Tooie is worse
Every day on Sup Forums I see people actually living with tastes like these and I thank the higher powers I was spared from that shit.

>y-you never played it

Try again faggot.

>still far worse than a 16Mb game that came out on the fucking N64 20 years ago

How did they do it, the absolute madmen?

>found the bingbingwahooer


Because you were a snot faced toddler back then


> nintendo exclusive fan calls others nintenbros

If it was mostly artists why were the visuals and sound design (I'm talking sound effects, not music) so incredibly lacking?

Honestly, I think the games artstyle would have worked out a lot better if everything had polycount level of Rextro and they actually tried to emulate the N64's style with a low poly aesthetic.

Steve Mayles was the lead artist
Had it had been Kevin Bayliss, it would have looked so much better

also Unity engine

What happened?

>that bird


Winky Steve happened

its almost like having a completely different team matters

Several of the unhighlighted team members are original from other Rareware projects though.

It's not as if it's 5 rare employee's and the rest are complete randoms (Though there were certainly a few)

Whenever I see Sup Forums hating on good ol' Banjo-Kazooie, I get sad.

they were only 3-4 people they picked up who never worked at Rare
unsurprisingly, every woman on Playtonic's team was fucking useless

get over it pussy

Freezeezy always creeped me out for some reason. Maybe it's the constant night and laughing snowmen, it just seems sinister

I really don't understand why they went with that really odd block-design. I feel like the development process for this game was all over the place, and that the team ended up convincing themselves to the point of delusion that the fans would like it.

Nah he;s right. Banjo threads used to be apex good Sup Forums material. But after Yooka Laylee they're often unsalvageable garbage of people flinging shit at the games for zero reason with the "x old game was never good" meme

They worked around limitations with the N64, so its unsurprising they look like shit with more detail
That and Steve Mayles is shit

You know those N64 games had high poly models for promotional renders? Look at Banjo-Kazooie's box art. That looks better than Nuts & Bolts. Hell, the in-game models of Banjo-Kazooie look better than Nuts & Bolts.

grunty is hot

Pretty much. It just bums me out, especially when asking for a true Banjo-Threeie usually gets met with the response of "Who cares, you got Yooka-Laylee. Be happy."
I just miss them so much. They used to be recognized as great gaming mascots, standing right next to Mario and Zelda.

I just don't like the blockiness, it's really off-putting and don't capture the original CGI artwork. I hate that they're the designs used to represent them.


Such quality posting. Way to contribute, OP.