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dead thread

Rehost Engi


It is still a bit early.

Just got this on the sale and I've been playing a little here and there. Is there an optimal strategy? I've been trying to load up on everything i can find in the first level and then trying to breeze through the rest. Gotten enforcer, enforcer, engineer, and bandit so far and gotten 4 or 5 levels in

stay alive
learn enemy patterns
jew items


>jew items
How though?

I meant in MP when you have everything unlocked along with artifacts

just edit your save.ini and join us

Always make a beeline for the tele and dont spend any more time in a level than you need to

damn that was fast


Neo Turf Masters when

>Game literally on sale for 4 bucks on PS store
Can you guys give me a quick rundown on this roguelike? Should i buy it on PC instead if i want to play along with you?

Me on the right

Alright, lets see what I can pull out
+Most active community
+Mods(that might be coming or in development hell)
+Can increase player limit to 10 instead of being stuck at 4
-Have to foward your ports if you want to host a game
-Prone to crashing
+Actual matchmaking
+Kinda more stable
-Ded online from what Ive heard
-Stuck at 4 players max
-Game might not be able to keep up in later loops when shit starts to get really crazy

Please get better soon
I'll be waiting

Ok, thanks.

Make room

Look up on how to get glass artifact and get it


Who's the worst character in the game and why is it Sniper?

for you

But sniper is the best character?

Trying to get to the end as fast as possible is the way to go. The surplus chests you find on lower levels don't compare to the difficulty hike that comes with wasting time. You get a lot of cash and chests by just looting the last level and hopefully you can start slowly growing by killing minibosses at that point.

I want to give her a hug

I've tricked you, Metrid!


Jokes on you
I knew it was you all along

Fucking Enforcer; I'm probably a scrub that needs a git-gud but damn.

Also any advices on playing Enforcer?

Back against the wall, always.

Ok I play Risk of Rain on ps4, and Vita pretty much join the Risk of Rain community if you want to ensure that you get Multiplayer sessions the community has 650+ members that play Risk of Rain alot. Other then that if you don't do that you'll be stuck playing solo most time
>inb4 shill

Get Goats leg probably 10 of them will help you

>Rolling with /ror/ artefacts
>Doing fine
>Zap-wurm spawns
>Rocket lizers spawn.

Impossible to play.


wait for me

Best way to play enforcer is max syringes and goat hooves with some feathers. That way you can always have your shield up as you mow people down then you jump in the air to take off shield and turn around


Nice, thanks for the post.

Out of the 4 I have it seems like it's just the best. The others require you to run away constantly while with enforcer I can just lie back behind cover and take no damage



You'll come to realize that enforcer's shield is good on paper and not in practice. Too many things bypass it, especially with honor, to ever be consistent


I was just in the server, but I'll be back after playing a little bit of single player, just to get my bearings.

It was my first time playing since I first bought it, and it seemed like a whole lot of shit was happening. It was fun, though.

I always see these threads and didn't want to miss out on an online experience, since communities for those always come and go.

At least waiting for a game gives me time to catch up with all the anime this season.
I wouldn't recommend a first-time player's experience to be a game with Sup Forums's rules, it's too much for them to take on.

Great, I was looking for that guide a few days ago.

>land of the free

>since communities for those always come and go
For some reason the Sup Forums RoR community is constantly dying and reviving.
For the past three years these threads have risen right before christmas and also before summer started.

Only thing that really fucked me up was missiles. Everything else felt great, loved that the shield bash hitbox is a little behind so you can push enemies ahead of you instead of being fixed to turn around and disable the shield

Are you playing solo? Because the shield becomes horrificly inconsistent in multiplayer

aaaaand crashed.

That explains a lot.

Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAKE!

>The others require you to run away constantly

that's how you play the game though. kite kite kite.

take shots or use abilities then kite some more to build distance and take some more shots or wait for your cooldowns. Rinse and repeat until everything is dead.

Of course if you don't have glass on or if you have enough items you don't have to kite as much.


Yeah I'm solo, I've not finished yet so I've not tried to do multiplayer

Sniper becomes the most satisfying character in the game when you play with the glass artifact. It basically becomes quickscope simulator.

still open?


so fucking hyped for RoR2: 3d bogaloo

>tfw sniper has already been confirmed

What characters wont be returning? I bet enforcer is out of luck without a major remake

As far as I know, commando, >bandit, huntress and sniper are already confirmed

>no niggering artifacts with bandit anymore
whats the point

I really hope hopoo changes bandit because dealing with jewing bandits is so annoying

Engineer is also in.

Sorry lads. Family forced me to go eat with them and now I'm going to go fishing at Galveston (which is like 2 hours away) so I'm probably not going to be back for like 6-9 hours.

>forced me to eat with them

are you a dog?





Why do you keep posting that thing?

thanks for games

Because clownpiece is cute, CUTE

Anytime you bwaka poster

What has that got to do with Risk of Rain?

she is pretty cute, though. I'll give you that.

Because after a year or so of bumping ror threads regularly sometimes I get bored of just writing bump, also thanks!

kek, no. I just have my own schedule but since it's my in-law's birthday I had no choice.


>in lobby difficulty shows up as drizzle with no artifacts
>ask about it
>umm no user its normal
>game starts
>difficulty is drizzle
>artifatcs are sacrifice command spirit and origin
>but only for me
>everyone else is Sup Forums rules

that was... i'm not sure i've ever seen hopoo code do THAT

That's happened to me twice, but the game itself ran as usual.

must be your crappy Mac


Someone post the electric guitar webm



ayyy I found it



Time for regrets.

Is that the clitoris?



rip shapefoam
dont worry I'll pick more jetpack in your honor

Oh dear, did he crash as well?

Actually, if you pick any red in my honour, please pick Permafrost.

its open