humble bundle is giving away steam keys


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Great, another game I'll never play.

>play the first level
>feel like my head is going to crack open and im about to throw up at any moment
Is this motion sickness? Never happened to me before.

>want to get a free copy to give away
>cant get one because i already own the game
>gift link option doesnt work

>didnt get the code to verify browser
>even after a few resends
is there any other way?

Just go into your library and grab the key there, don't bother gifting through HB itself

idk user I played just fine, maybe you're just mentally ill from all that moeshit anime you watch. I actually finished it 1 week ago. Fun game, great protagonist duo.

This game is better than DOOM 2016.

shame about the sequel

Lalala lalaaa

>need to verify browser
>it wont send me a fucking code
rather annoyed @ the moment lads
worked on my second email in seconds and i want to givve away 2 copies

Try increasing fov, or maybe the weapons viewmodels are too big. Game does feel clunky though

Rub those two brain cells together and take a look at the options menu, you stupid elf abortion

Thanks, OP here's a free redpill.

:>get Shadow Warrior yesterday
>start game
>literally the first thing I find is an outdated as fuck meme
>not even a meme from around the time it came out, it was well over 10 years old before the SW remake came out
>delete game permanently from library

>only the freshest and most up to date, zestiest memes for me, garcon

*tips katana*

in a perfect world there wouldn't be any memes in video games, only memes that came from video games

>NG+ doesn't have the sword

should i?

I played the two back to back, and I can safely say that your statment is bullshit.

>getting triggered this easily

How the fuck do I get 5 stars? seems impossible

>he doesnt play underrated gems
whats your excuse?

I really liked the second game and I'd say it's worth that price alone, but I am actually in a minority on this.

The first game I think is hugely overrated, and the second one is hugely underrated. That said, I can see why people take issues with the second one entirely: the game does a lot of things poorly, and is absolutely terrible at actually explaining/teaching player how to take advantage of the things it does so well.

Sounds like an motion sickness issue. This is almost always caused by two elements: headbob and low FOV. I'm pretty sure both can be adjusted - either in the game settings, or in INI file. If there isn't an FOV slider in the menu, google "Shadow Warrior FOV fix". Same goes for head bob. This applies to almost all games, especially FPS ones, in case you run into the same problem again.

The rating system is UTTERLY arbitrary, there is virtually no logic to it. I do remember I got 5 stars one for a terrible, boring turret segment, and once somehow in a narrow corridor sewer fight where enemies just keep running at me from behind one corner and I kept pinning them down with a crossbow or blowing them up with environmental explosives.

Showing up as 4.99 not free

I don't think they really matter at all, but to get all 5s you need to abuse the karma reward system. You get bonuses for killing enemies with special attacks, like environmental, headshots, slicing limbs. I think the best way is to knock them down with a power then dispense a fully charged headshot with the crossbow.

what dis

>90% off
Yeah nice shill

oh shit wrong thread

So, what is the weak point of the warlord demons? I just slash at them until they die but at higher difficulties is a nightmare how spongy they are

Pretty sure you are supposed to cut off their limbs first and then finish them off. That said, they are poorly executed and annoying and spongy as hell anyway.

Tip: their right arm. You can dodge the getoverhere easily.
I had a ton of trouble with the shamans. Man, that part in the shipyard with a shaman and those sword cunts. Had to restart the whole thing twice on heroic, many many attempts wasted. Here's a tip again, you can pin the rezzing bads with your crossbow while they are still a ragdoll.

*blocks your path*

I got it for free yesterday

It's ok. You can just stab them with katana anywhere and they take damage, even in the front. You just need to stab a lot.


I don't think it's free anymore

fun gun

I leave the house for the first time in months and miss out on a free game.
Trying to be a normie is a mistake.

this game really overstayed its welcome

too much filler chapters that weren't fun

Is the melee gameplay satisfying?

>pirated SW2 earlier this week
>one side quest concerns the Nobitsura Kage
>get hype as fuck to get my old shit back
>you just get a generic weapon augment thing you get dozens of anyway
Boy was I upset. But really, what was the point?

Is the 2nd game any good? Been looking for a game to play with a friend.

It's honestly the second best first person melee combat I've played. Just lower the ridiculous default weapon inertia.

>Is the melee gameplay satisfying?
Reasonably, yes. It does not have much weight, but it has nice slicing feel to it - it's pretty fun, especially combined with the movement-related special powers.

The gunplay, on the other hand, is attrocious. And the melee gets pretty same-y pretty fast. The second game does a bit better job at it I think, by introducing more varied melee weapons, more weight on directionality to your attacks and also LITERALLY THE MOST FUCKING SATISFYING CHAINSAW EVER MADE IN A GAME.
That said, the second game has a whole slew of it's own issues.

>sign up for their botnet spam
>collect free games
It's not hard. You had a few days to get it.

>The first game I think is hugely overrated, and the second one is hugely underrated

No one listen to this faggot they fucking ruined the second game with updates. When it released it wasn't bad at all but they kept altering it and making it more and more like Borderlands, adding in more bullshit ways to extend gametime through grinding, buffing enemies while nerfing everything you have, it turned a fun game into boring tedium.

If you have to play Shadow Warrior play the original or the remake, forget the second.

Maybe on lower difficulties where basic strikes actually do damage

on higher difficulties only power attacks are actually viable

basically it's skyrim(with a gore mod)-tier

It's basically the same thing with more weapons, less distinct enemies, and instance-based levels. Weapon upgrade system is absolutely fucking abysmal, nothing but meaningless 0.1% elemental damage bullshit you're going to pore over anyway because optional bosses are huge damage sponges and you want to make them piss off faster. Wang's also progressed from arsehole to obnoxious hairy arsehole after losing Hoji.

That said the core gameplay is still super fun, there are a lot of guns to discover (and they are somewhat functionally different), and the added mobility options allow for some crazy as fuck manoeuvres.

>basically it's skyrim
That's an insult to SW, and you fucking know it. It's closer to Dark Messiah, except much less physics-engine feedback and more gun.

I fucking wish Skyrim had melee combat half as engaging as SW's.

I hope you're talking about the chainSWORD, because that shit was dope, while the chainsaw was really god damn boring with only one alt attack.

Actually, you can't get any upgrade like that one - it's one of a kind and fairly significant. But yeah, it is still dissapointing to get a boring invisible flat stat-modifier compared to actually getting something that you feel like you are really using.

Not him, but... it's complicated.
It has a campaign that has no atmosphere, virtually no story and basically consists of the same few arenas being repeated ad nauseum.
It has a bizarre upgrade system that is really LOT more intricate than most people would ever want, and does not explain shit about how it works.
The upgrade system (tied to loot) is what makes or breaks the game. If you get into it, it makes for some of the best shooting you'll ever get in a game.
If you don't play along it's needlesly complicated and confusing laws and don't spend time tweaking it at least between every missions: you'll get a frustrating, bloated mess.

So it is really a strange one.

Also, don't really listen to either of these two:
The updates are not nearly as terrible as people pretend to (the first batch was, but they eventually evened it out to be a solid, decently ballanced game).
And the upgrade system is ABSOLUTELY KEY to this game. It's vital. On any difficulty lower tha the basic two, whenever you'll have fun fast paced game with no bullet sponges, or terrible, spongy mess is depending entirely and purely on your capacity to understand the upgrade system.

In case you missed it


Thank you user

Also I would totally do her without the makeup

Is there something wrong with me if I prefer left over right?

>It's closer to Dark Messiah

>I fucking wish Skyrim had melee combat half as engaging as SW's.

just download a gore mod, then it'll be like SW

>The updates are not nearly as terrible as people pretend to

You may enjoy grinding those .02% upgrades and bullet sponges Borderlands style in your action games but I don't. I bought SW2 because I liked SW, the devs didn't like that though so now SW2 is this fucking mutant that dosn't know what it wants to be and has every ounce of fun removed in the name of "balance"

Play SW, play Blood, play Duke, play DOOM, play Quake, DON'T play Shadow Warrior 2: Tales of the Borderlands.

Nah, the sword was actually pretty awful. I mean - it was fun to watch, but actually it was pretty weak and useless. It was the chainsaw that allowed you to literally stuck it into enemies and then cut them from within without the ark of the swing cutting your fun too quickly, and the weapon doing too little damage.

>The updates are not nearly as terrible as people pretend to
Dude, I finished the game, like, two days ago. I know what I'm talking about. Most of the upgrades are boring percentage-based crap, and the ones that actually modify your weapon in some way (fire modes, ammunition upgrades) usually either ruin your weapon (multi-shot introducing a huge, unnecessary cooldown before you can do ANYTHING with the same weapon, including reloading comes to mind) or barely make a difference at all in the end (double pack). It's a bad system, and it shouldn't even have been in. Firing mode switches and shit like dual wielding and fragmentation ammo would have been enough if they'd worked each weapon to accommodate those.

>it was pretty weak
It had one of the highest possible DPS of all melee weapons, dude, at least until you get Hoji's sword and Orochi's arm, which are end game weapons.

>Most of the upgrades are boring percentage-based crap, and the ones that actually modify your weapon in some way (fire modes, ammunition upgrades) usually either ruin your weapon
>You may enjoy grinding those .02% upgrades and bullet sponges Borderlands style in your action games but I don't.
Again, incompetent people who do not understand how the upgrades work. Which is normally understandable, most people don't bother with understanding the systems and they are really poorly explained.
But it stops being understandable if at the same time you try to pretend that the fault is at the game balance, rather than in you or arguably the game's tutorializing.

I doesn't seem to be free anymore.

Well I can always just pirate it.

>It had one of the highest possible DPS of all melee weapons
Fun fact. DPS is literally the least relevant statistic in this game with just about ALL weapons in the game. It means nothing.

You can kill things much faster with the early-game chainsaw than with the early game chain-sword. Even if table-wise, they have lower DPS.

That's illegal and you can and will go to prison.

Oh I understood the game perfectly fine user, completed it, ran through it multiple times because it was fun as fuck, but they changed every single fucking thing about it in the updates and changed it so much that it was no longer the game I initially purchased. Now you're clearly the kind of guy who would shill Borderlands 3 when you get the chance to but I'm not going to let you lie to people who might be interested in SW2 after playing the first and have a horrible fucking time of it because you happen to have really shit taste in vidya.


Once again, I didn't find an issue with the balance, and I largely skipped modding the weapons. Played on Normal, for the record. Regular enemies went down fast enough, and bosses were spongy enough. It was overall a balanced experience. And, once again, I largely skipped the upgrades. What does that say about them?

I'll take the risk.

Can anyone gift me a key someone who already has the game? i can't remember my old humble bundle pass and they just wont allow me to reset it.


# is 0-9

>Oh I understood the game perfectly fine user, completed it,
No, you don't. A fact. And it's entirely possible to finish the game without understanding it, especially on low difficulty. Just because you can get through using the most simple mechanics with absolutely no understanding of the more complex additional level does not mean that you understood it.

You can entirely finish Factorio without having the slightest clue how logistics, trains or logical networks work too. But you don't really undestand most of it if you do.

This is the same case.

>Now you're clearly the kind of guy who would shill Borderlands 3
Wonderful assumption you have there you mongolid, except I absolutely fucking despised every single of the Bordelands games.
I did enjoy SW2, mostly because it's nothing like borderlands on any level but the most superficial.

This is the only part I will agree with. SW2 is very little like the first game. Mainly because it isn't ABSOLUTE IRREDEEMABLE TRASH like the first game was, though it is still massively flawed title. And it is nothing like Borderlands.

>Played on Normal, for the record.
Yeah, the game is laughably easy on normal, in order to make it playable while ignoring the upgrade system.
Actually, the original first release of the game was laughably easy even on the highest difficulty IF you understood the upgrades.

But skipping the upgrades is basically skipping what makes the game really fun in the longer run. I mean: I don't blame you for skipping it: I entirely understand that the upgrade system is just REALLY not for everyone. It's a spreadsheet management, which usually does not appeal to people who like pure silly killing festivals.
And the normal difficulty is kinda ballanced to accomodate people who don't want to get into it.

But I had most fun only once I did get the handle on the upgrades.

got it ty

Spreadsheeting has no place in FPS. QED.

>Spreadsheeting has no place in FPS. QED.
Well, that is not true. It's not something that appeals to most people (I would have NEVER believed that I could enjoy it myself if I did not play this game). It's really weird and niche combination and while it pains me personally, I can kinda understand why the game flopped after trying this. It's just too weird, too niche appeal and it also isn't explained at ALL in the damn game.

That said, if there is a way to make spreadsheeting in an FPS work, Shadow Warrior has really provided a really good example of it.

I'm sorry user I didn't realize you were sitting next to me as I completed it what a fool I was for believing I knew what I was doing when I set my weapons up to wreck everything in my path. Holy fuck thanks for opening my eyes!

You fucking idiot.

>Shadow Warrior has really provided a really good example of it.

It's a really good example why this kind of shit dosn't work and why games like DOOM and QUAKE are timeless meanwhile no one will be playing SW2 in the next few years.

What they should have done is made the weapons behave differently when modified, rather than being more damaging. That would have complemented the action-focused core gameplay better than straight damage upgrades. The firing mode upgrades were a step in the right direction, but giving them crippling downsides in return was the proverbial two steps back.

If they really wanted elemental mods in, they should have made them universal, flat damage, separate secondary effects, you-can-only-have-one-of-each-type sort of deal. That would have kept the elemental weakness stuff functioning, while avoiding the number creep. Number creep is for MMOs, not for FPS.

Is this that Land of the Dead game?

Road to Kiddie Fiddlers, yes.

what's the most relevant stat then?

The only thing I really really hate about SW2 is that if you want to turn the difficulty up everything turns into a bullet sponge

>I'm sorry user I didn't realize you were sitting next to me as I completed it what a fool I was for believing
You were factually wrong about your observations about the game you provided earlier. I'm terribly sorry that it's literally impossible for you to even begin considering that the problem might be on your side, despite the fact that your whole argument is "this thing isn't in a game" while I had fucking encountered the thing game: making the possibility of you MISSING something much more likely than other people making something up.

That is bad. Now fuck off. If you can't ever doubt your own comprehension - of this game or anything else, you are a shit human being and you should fuck off.
You don't get to judge things just because you don't understand them. If something goes over your head, then you are a bad judge of that thing. Screaming at others how they must be wrong, how the world must be wrong, how blame is ALWAYS on somebody else is fucking. PATHETIC.

>What they should have done is made the weapons behave differently when modified, rather than being more damaging.
They actually do behave quite differently, though the number of individual upgrades that immediately change the feel of the weapon is somewhat limited. The whole point of the game however, is that it's the synergy of multiple upgrades, and then the synergy of multiple different weapons is what changes the feel of the game.

One of the most fundamental misunderstanding about SW2 is the assumption that it's all about the GUN. This is something I pressume people carry in from Borderlands, which does indeed work that way.

However, SW2 is ALL ABOUT THE ARSENAL. It's based around the idea that you specialize your guns and consistently switch mid fight, and that is where the real fun comes in, and where seemingly small alterations start to make huge, and I mean huge difference.

Most people tend to stick to one or two weapons for most part, occasionally shortly switching to the few situational guns. But SW2 really does not work that way. You don't get to pimp one weapon to be useful 80% of time and feel super powerful.
You get to specialize multiple guns and then consistently switch between them with high frequency. It's a bit like Serious Sam on highest difficulty driven to absolute extreme in this regard.

There is none, that is the joke. DPS is useless, and all of the other stats are extremely important for specialized purposes, because no weapon should ever serve a universal role. And it won't: not efficently at least.
Learning what individual stat adds to the use of individual weapon is the core "complexity" of the game.

What's wrong? Can't handle the wang?

>specialize multiple guns and then consistently switch between them with high frequency
>switch between them with high frequency
I want you to read what you just wrote, this time thinking critically.

That is actually different than specialize in a gun. The "do this with multiple weapons should have tipped you off).
It's actually an itteration of a statement done just above.


Look, mate. You can only do either of the two:
1) Specialise multiple guns for the same scenario. Engage in said scenario, frequently switching between them, as they all have been made to be useful in this scenario. Possibly re-modify all guns before each engagement to sustain this playstyle (i.e. boring).
2) Specialise each gun for a different purpose, then switch weapons depending on the scenario of the current engagement, i.e. not very fucking often. This is actually how Serious Sam, DOOM and other classic FPS work.

Make up your mind.

He's right, end game SW2 basically throws a ton of enemies with immunities to every damage type but 1 or 2 damage types, if you don't have weapons for each situation you're likely to run into an enemy you either can't kill at all because they're immune to every weapon you have or you're do very little damage.

Basically your arsenal should be something like elementless weapon, ice weapon, toxic weapon, fire weapon, etc. That's the only way you can play on the highest difficulties.

what's the meem with this shit

Joking aside I did get a bad virus from a torrent of this game and had to reinstall windows because of it

just started. actually pretty fun, can I finish the game using just katana?

>game played one way
>updates made it play completley different

This is getting pretty funny you fucking shill.

>2) Specialise each gun for a different purpose, then switch weapons depending on the scenario of the current engagement, i.e. not very fucking often. This is actually how Serious Sam, DOOM and other classic FPS work.
>i.e. not very fucking often.

That's not true because of how many x damage type immune enemies the game throws at you. You'll find yourself killing an enemy with one weapon and then needing to switch weapons for another one which is immune to the weapon you're using, sometimes you won't even get to kill the first enemy because another one gets right in your face and you can't afford to reposition to finish off that one enemy.

The only reason you'll be using one weapon for an extended period is if you're fighting a boss or a rare enemy.

If you don't switch weapons often you'll just find yourself not doing damage to anything

Dude, you are beyond pathetic. This is turning into some kind of pretty dark comedy at this point. You just got terribly told, now you go around shitty tantrums because you don't actually understand basic english?

Seriously, who hurt you this bad?

he is not talking about the game mechanics, he is talking grammar.
He is insists that if you say that you specialize multiple things, that MUST mean that "You adapt all of those things to all do precisely the same thing."
Because, you know, he is so fucking DESPERATE to feel like he is the smarter one after I sadly made him consider the possibility that he did not actually fucking understand the mechanics of this game that he will actually stoop this fucking low.

I think some enemies will be out of melee range but for the most part you can use your katana as a primary weapon

>Make game free temporarily
>Wait until it gets attention
>Make it 90% off

These are some advanced guerilla marketing techniques here

>just started. actually pretty fun, can I finish the game using just katana?
Yes, in theory, if you use the katana-range attack special power. But it is a pain in the ass, the boss fights in particular will be nearly impossible because you really have to keep their distance (and they just fly all over the place).

Most battles can be won almost exclusively with the sword, but it does get pretty repetetive.

>game free by 'mistake'
>Wait until it gets attention
>Make it 90% off

It's £4 niggers..

>runs like shit
>show fps
>over 100
>try to put up with it
>start to get motion sickness

Thanks for the trading cards but yeah i'm out. Got a foil at least.
