>Game doesn't have a tutorial
Game doesn't have a tutorial
>game doesn't have an instruction manual
>Tutorial advisor attacks you
>first 3 hours of the game is a tutorial
>tutorial is the hardest part of the game
>the game itself is the tutorial
>the game's entire singleplayer mode is a half-arsed tutorial just to prepare you for multiplayer
>you don't notice it's the tutorial
>Tutorial has unique missable items.
>you can't go back to the tutorial area
Game has multiplayer.
If there's one thing I remember about Driver it was those abysmal draw distances. And Driver 2 was even worse.
I'm not enjoying this game as much as I had hoped I would
i bought it for the singleplayer the oven boss was neat
>you can go back, after a time
>theres new shit
>Attention Riders: This is a hate free zone.
Wow, well I was going to verbally harass that fucking dirty nigger sitting across from me but then I saw this sign. Hate free zone. Guess I'll have to hate elsewhere, bummer.
>Unskippable tutorial with intro cutscenes
>Game is only tutorials
Goes without saying.
Actually, just fuck the entire idea of putting unique missabale items in hidden areas that become inaccessible after you leave, at a point in the game before you're introduced to them.
>back of game case has a art of scrapped levels
that hotdogs gonna have its own video game soon isn't it?
Kek, where the fuck even is that? I'm guessing it's in the UK since they're the type of people that would do that
>entire game is a tutorial for the last hour of the game
>npc who gives tutorial later is revealed to be the final boss
>game teaches you new skills throughout the entire game
>final boss relies entirely upon what you learned in the tutorial
>every single new skill you earn has a mandatory tutorial
>most of these skills are only used in the level you got them in
Did legoman draw this?
>Tutorial is just the demo level
Isn't this every modern MP fps but Halo and nuDOOM?
>Game pins you down and cums in your ass
>Tutorial is you teaching another character how to play
nu wolfenstein doesn't do this either and is actually a bit challenging on the hardest diff
>game has instruction manual
>doesn't allow you to see it.
>Tutorial lets you have all of your equipment and skills
>first level takes them all away
What item do you miss in runescape again?
what is stick of truth?
>tutorial has you fight enemies central to the plot
>first level has you fight rats
Is that an AR character blocking the exit like a mannerless fucking caveman?