ESA 2017

Right, remaking this since it's nearly time

NOW: Fuck all
NEXT: Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
THEN: Dishonored
twitch tv/esamarathon

Other urls found in this thread:

get in here

>10 minutes follow to chat
Wew, lad.

hard pass,I will join you later guys

>stream is already over estimate

>he fell for all those idiots in the gdq threads saying they'll watch esa


mike pls

It's not ESA without technical issues.

5 minutes late already
this is gonna be a disaster

Will Stream 1 be the main stream for these threads?

What's happening

Literally months of preparation and they still managed to fuck up the timing.

I'm just glad they went back to the two seperate streams again, but I really hope they get their tech shit together this time

finally live

It's live

We can talk about both. It's not like these threads are very populated.

What did you expect from a bunch of swedes?


Probably, might be worth making a fuss about the other one though just to trick people into switching

p-please clap

Real Girl!


Not in Sweden


host started staring at the ground the second she sat down

>followers mode enabled


Not my type at all, but she's adorable, holy fuck.

Save the (brown) children goyim

Look at this shiksa

Laptop on a table

Spilled spaghetti live on stream

She was adorable as heck, they should let her commentate sometimes.

>tech issues out the gate

Spaghetti are a European specialty you know

wtf i love mexico now

When's Edobean?

>Forgotten Sands
>nobody remembers it exists

It's the only reason I'm watching


Fun begins folks

*poyos your run*

>runners have flags this year
We Sup Forums now?



>God of war orbs

Honestly didn't know this was a game

who else is excited for a fucking My Summer Car race?

I wish GDQ would do fun shit like that, I cant wait for it

please be bait please be bait please be bait

These two guys seem more normal and charismatic than most of SGDQ already.

Though maybe that's the not-fucktarded camera angle playing tricks.

>no donations

So what games are you guys looking forward to?

fun is allowed here!

my summer car is probably the most meme game here, so that one

Oh yeah. I forgot about this.

Thats going to be a good one to watch

What said.

Also interested to see what the fuck the LA Noire Traffic run will be like.

Persona 3 Yukari%

Illbleed, Final Fantasy VIII, Pandora's Tower, some other shit too. Partially wanna see the Golden Sun race but it'll just be who can mash through cutscenes faster.

They must have because it says $292 at the bottom left.

fuck yes! too bad it's in the middle of the night

I missed you guys

This is my first time watching this event, what makes it different from GDQ?

What the hell, what Assassin' creed was in Persia?!

fun is allowed

Silly accents, much more relaxed, swearing allowed.


Wassup Yuffieanon! Time to buckle up for a week of games and technical difficulties.

Way more laid back.

Nobody can speak english

Who is this whore again?

get over here

Less people; more diverse game choice, instead of the same thing over and over again; it's about the speedrunning and the meet up and not about the money

There is at the same time more and less spaghetti

schrödinger's spaghetti

until it's observed there is simultaneously less and more of it

same amount, just a different flavor

Rayman, barrier skip in Wind Waker, Final Fantasy VIII, Sly Cooper, Ratchet and Clank, New Super Hook Girl, and whatever the fuck birdsong is.

Uma is cute. I'm not interested in a single thing until Illbleed, go figure. Keep holding the fort.

how many hours until it?

anyone got a picture of the see-through shirt?

Near the very end of the game there is a jumping section where you have to freeze waterfalls

I could never beat it, despite getting 100% in the other 3

It's the EU equivalent of it. It's not nearly as PC, people can say fuck and shit, it's not nearly as commercialized and donations are basically never mentioned and only read out loud if they have some relation to the runner and are from the community, it's just a lot more laid back and chill in general


bonus stream

>mods are shitposting on equal grounds with the chat

>start the marathon with a scotsman
what is ESA trying to say here?


>these chokes

>can't hear anything
>breaks a pot

first throw of the event

>Americans are more fucking degenerate than Sweden

Wew lads, and two ESAs next year.

>maral asked to chain clothes because her shirt was too revealing
>also she got fat

welp, i'm out. see you guys in the AGDQ threads

He sure is showing us how it's done.

Can't wait for the oishty boishty kind

ESA is boring. It just isn't the same without the trannies and the drama.

no trannies
no sjws

Scots are pussies who voted No

>anonymous donates 1000 to gdq
>he only donates 50 to esa
thats not fari!

>maral asked to chain clothes because her shirt was too revealing

Post it


isn't it guaranteed now that they're leaving?

Press Y to kek

>press y to kek