Why didn't you get a SNES classic from Wal-Mart, Sup Forums ?

Why didn't you get a SNES classic from Wal-Mart, Sup Forums ?

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Because Walmart fucked up and they don't actually have preorders available.

>believing chat agents

I had one in my cart but by the time i put in my credit card info it sold out.

>believing the people whose job it is to provide customers with order information

No, they did. You're just one of the unlucky retards who placed an order after they ran out. If your order isn't cancelled by now, you got one.

There are numerous posts in the thread on slickdeals of people who ordered just 1 in the first few minutes of it going live who got theirs canceled.

Got one within 5 minutes of it going live, no cancellation emails yet.

Brah youre literally talking to people whos bathroom breaks are taken outside on the sidewalk

Yeah, and they were still too slow. Wal-Mart probably had a stock of 10 total since Nintendo are worthless cunts.

How the fuck are you supposed to know when these things happen?
How many people are casually browsing Wal-Mart's website at midnight who happen to want one of these things?


you have to realize that scalpers do nothing but this full-time because they are worthless niggers at everything else in life.

There are plenty of tracking websites
If you really want one, it's easy to get one
You just don't want it bad enough

why would I need this meme console if I have a hacked wii and a PVM?

Because I have downloaded Znes.

Fucking disgusting.

There cancelling pre-orders

What do you think the SNES classic is?

>paying $80 for a 300kb file size
Fucking disgusting

Why do you people assume I'm retarded?
Obviously I've got original hardware+CRT; anything short of that and you might as well emulate on PC.

>paying $80 for two $150 controllers
Seems like a good deal desu

The ports aren't the same though.

When's Amazon putting their stock up

don't waste your time. i have bots already set up. just build a raspberry pi

Because I got one for christmas... 92'. Damn.

No you stupid nigger

Are your bots also programmed to purchase new amazon prime subscriptions for each one you want, because we already know that's what amazon is going to do for the entire time this item is being sold.

>if I buy this cash grabbing product, maybe I'll feel nostalgia for something I never experienced

underage b& detected

If you have the age of having owned a SNES in your childhood, you should probably take some time to think about how you ended up being still shitposting here.
Don't you have kids to take care of? Or maybe take your wife to a restaurant for the night?

So are these new SNES consoles I can order off the website and have them shipped to my house if they have them in stock?

Answer me, RIGHT now, FAGGOTS.

1. underage b&
2. The type of nostalgia you describe is literally the most common fucking one.

Yes, Nintendo just announced yesterday that they're going back to selling the SNES as their current gen console, after the failures of the past few generations. New games are coming out this year too, starting with a brand new Star Fox.

I got 4 so far. This will be a good Xmas.

I'm 21. PS1 was released when I was born.

you can use amazon prime trials that are free and yes i have 4 accounts set up with bots. I'll make over a grand on ebay easily. just like i did with the nes classic

>The type of nostalgia you describe is literally the most common fucking one.
lol, no. Nostalgia is supposed to appeal to those who experienced the real deal, you sell shit using their own memories.
Buying something for nostalgia factor when you weren't even born when it happened is just being a full retard.

>buy this over a real SNES like you can find everywhere for cheaper and sometimes bundled with like 20 games
Why? Somebody gives me a good reason.

>4 accounts
Congrats on your 4 consoles and your $40 in total profit.

As long as it's 240p with muh scanlines I don't give a squat-ass hoot, son

>$40 profit for something taking a few minutes
Seems like a good deal to me. I'll order a couple I guess if I can make a few easy bucks.

uhh yeah..whatever you say!

I hate this stupid fucking logic so much

>wow ur not a low life retard with nothing better to do than stay up til four am to get a game because the retards at Nintendo only made four of what could be a fucking smash hit? U didnt want it enough LOL

>download an emulator
>get a rom pack (usually less than a gig in size), takes 5 minutes to download
>play on a computer, maybe buy a shitty controller if you dont already have one
fucking retards

I want to say that I hate you, but I can't when there are people retarded enough to actually buy it from you for that much

I don't get how people haven't told you faggots to fuck off by now

Tell that to every 80's themed shit aimed at millennials now, or talk to your parents about school sock hops or Happy Days.
See, the reason people fucking hate underaged isn't your birthday, it's your general levels of ignorance on super basic shit.
Stop triggering me plz.

>mfw Nintenbros tell me that artificial shortages don't exist

Hopefully by your age I'll be wiser and certainly not posting on an anime website for virgins like me.

you sound like a 14 year old. fuck off.

I used to work at walmart as an electronics sales associate
When we had Marth and Villager amiibos that were literally sold out everywhere
me and the supervisor took the boxes and "hid" them on the highest shelf
come 2:00 AM we both got 4 marths each and 4 villagers each discounted ourselves so in the end we only paid 2 dollars each and through eBay sold them for 75 bucks each

A problem with something I said, gramp? Is it my fault if you're a fucking loser? At least your pathetic example will make me less eager to fuck up my life like you did with yours.

Video games and cartoons are like candy to fat ass manchildren. i put up a nes classic for $550 on ebay and it still fucking sold even though it was way overpriced even for a scalped price. Nintendo does nothing about it, and man-bitches deserved to be taken advantaged of.

>take care of children
>take wife out to dinner
what kind of a wagecuck wastes money like that

NES Classic isn't even selling:


$200 brand new in box with receipt and even store bag.

lol fucking savage

Wow, $150! Fucking poorfags

Because I can build a Pi 3 setup with classic controllers and achieve the same thing without paying for outrageous scalper prices.

Yeah, they could waste it on marketing shit in the hope of reliving part of their childhood before they became pathetic losers who failed at life.

>Nintendo does nothing about it

Why would they? It's good marketing for them. The entire reason for cancelling the NES Classic was to send the message that you had better pre-order your SNES before the same shit happens again

>achieve the same thing
Nah son.

> less than a gig
> mfw each rom weighs less than 100 kb
> mfw there are like 780 games on the snes including the shitty ones that nobody should play ever
> mfw that's just 78 Mb at most

git gud

Oh yeah, son. And I don't even have to pay for the repackaged games.


You still pay for the Pi and controllers, dipshit.

I like how he took a picture of it sitting in the bag to try and prove it's somehow authentic like he just bought it. and the factory plastic on the box has been removed, meaning he opened it. i'd flag this bitch's ad easily.

As compared with paying for the rehashed bullshit and having to pay for games on top? Runs me maybe $45-50 for everything.

Stay mad kiddo


Why should I be mad? I have the real thing and not a knockoff

>m-muh nostalgia

Dude, where the fuck is your math?

> 4 Marth Amiibos + 4 Villager Amiibos
> $75 each

> HUURRRRRRR 150 dollars!!!!!

What the fuck man?

those 20 games on the snes classic all have the best rom dumps. I know i've downloaded and beaten them all. no bugs or glitches whatsoever and i've almost 100% most of them
So yeah it is the same fucking thing.

You're right. I just carelessly downloaded a pack that had EU, US and JP versions in it and threw it in muh emulator. good times!

> m-muh greentext stutter

stay mad, retard

>You will never play vidya with a shinigami while purging the world of filth

see Still not the same as an official licensed product.

>paying for snes games

Nintendo doesn't seal their boxes. Even the Switch could easily be taken out and put back in and nobody would ever know.

I ordered one. Either I get it and resell it at markup, or I can give it to my nephews for Christmas. Either way it's a win/win. And if it's cancelled I have a snes and flashcart so it doesn't matter.

why weren't you faster IDIOT

It actually is the same. the rom dumps for those 20 games are a 1:1 comparison and they're available on every emulator site. With the exception of kirby's dream course which i never downloaded so can't speak from experience

SNES classic has the same hardware as the NES classic, and I can speak from experience that it doesn't get the sound right in multiple games.
Odds are SNES will have more issues with that, not less.

I had a SNES Jr. I feel no nostalgia for a mini version of the big ugly original SNES.

oh no whatever will i do without a console that's 200 years old

these are the type of kiddos who would crawl on their hands and knees to suck DLC dick.

don't bother with them.


The SNES Jr. is fucking hideous.

lol these fags are almost as bad as the ones that goes to movie theaters to watch remakes

it would pain me if i had to spend paycheck to paycheck for inferior consumer items

How could you not like that griddle pattern base and big jelly bean buttons?

But I did. Three of them. Two for pickup one for delivery. I plan on flipping all three of them to retards. I expect to make about $600 off of the lot of them, selling them for around $300 a piece. No one is actually wanting to play these things on Sup Forums right? Because that'd be dumb: Paying for an emulator.

I'm not underage so I played pretty much every snes game I'm interested in as a kid or through emulation.

CAG's discord told me. I damn near threw a promo match to secure mine.

You have enough time to shitpost on Sup Forums, though.

why can't nintendo do stuff like this?


Because that looks like it was created by somebody with mental illness.

Enjoy never touching a real vagina.

The NES classic never even reached $300 and this is going to be available in much greater quantities than that. With how many people are already lined up to scalp this, you'll be lucky to break even.

uh yeah man whatever you say lmao

if he were to throw that on ebay for a grand it'd probably sell within the hour
