I mean if i wanted to play Wii U games i'd just stick to my Wii U, i see no reason to get an entirely new system that only has ports
Is there really any reason to buy this?
No. Wait a year or two to see of it actually gets games. By Christmas, all this will have is Splatoon 2 and a pretty mediocre looking Mario. Not exactly a great lineup.
I don't think it will ever get games besides like ports of games we got 5-6 years ago like Skyrim and Payday 2.
Even by this time next year i think it might just be lame ports instead of actually good games, nothing seems like its worth getting the console for.
Why are people buying this thing?
>mediocre looking Mario
They're essentially pretending the Wii U never existed. They don't care about it's owners. They're embarrased by it.
Hipsters and manchildren
If you want to play the games, then yes. If not, then no. Fuck you for a retarded thread op.
He's right. It looks like more 3D World and that game was ass. We're never getting another Super Mario 64 or Sunshine.
pokebarneyfag thread #4 today
If you already have a Wii U then I'd wait.
>Having a Wii U
You're forgetting that nobody owns a Wii U
It's a very simple question that is the same for every console they release.
Do you like Nintendo?
Left out Bayonetta 3.
Do you like Nintendo games, OP ? If so, buy it.
Nobody here bought a switch for third parties or as main vidya system. Despite what sonyfags think.
If a company relies solely on their first party games then thats bad business, when people buy a ps4 they arent in it for the first party game and it shouldnt be ok for nintendo to do so simply by virtue of being nintendo. They shouldnt sell a console and then promise more 3rd party games and they are then a noshow. Its a scam really.
What if people dont like nintendo games why should they buy a Switch? Even Xbox One has multiplats.
None of those games are good or look remotely appealing and only children would find any of that trype entertaining.
have you even seen the gameplay videos user?
Ok, cool. Can you play these games on a PS4?
>there are people on Sup Forums still pretending they didn't buy a Wiiu
This board is full of Nintendo fags. Yet everyone here likes to pretend they didn't own a Wiiu. Why?
Because you fags went out to buy a Switch, which so far is just the Wiiu 2.0.
Every time I see that controller my interest in the system dies a little more.
Especially when I imagine that fucking dog mascot furfags like to meme up.
>muh mature games
13 million do, that's like 4 times as many people as Switch owners
>giving their kid an M rated game
>not even the current gen version
these parents are faggots
If you are gay or do you like to pretend to have fun, yes.
If not, then no.
It depends of the objectives of the company.
Kirby. That's the only game I'm looking forward to they announced that makes me want to get a Switch but that'll be in 2018.
Mario is looking underwhelming.
Zelda sucks.
Splatoon was a snore.
Something tells me they're gonna fuck up MP4
No Donkey Kong, FZero or Pikmin announced for it.
They have fucking nothing for this year.
I watched their entire E3 demo and at no point was I impressed. Looks like gimmicky boring trash. I want the switch to have good games so I'll buy it but so far nothing looks worth it to me.
This desu. Shitch should of have more epic cinematic experiences like The Uncharted 4 and God of War(I especially love the fact that Kratos raises another man's son in this experience, very progressive)
>OP starts a thread claiming he owns a Wii U and doesn't need to buy a switch
>30 posts in
>nobody has pulled out the "literally nobody bought a wii u, switch is 10x better, if you own a wii u you are subhuman" argument
I'm proud of you Sup Forums
You missed it
Oh fuck you're right
Guess there's really no escaping the switchcucks in denial