5v5 game

>5v5 game
>Designed so one single hero, (like the OP Riki) can completely take over and dominate the match

This game is pure shit

git gud

What is dust and sentries

>op riki
Are you BR perhaps?

Shit that you can't afford

Like HOW are you supposed to farm your core items if you have to buy sentries every minutes?

>OP riki
oh boy, I've been 2 years without dota and the 2k memes are still the same

>buy detection
>catch riki out with detection
>get more kills
>get more money
>get more time to free farm while riki is down

>riki can completely take over and dominate the match

Lmfao, no he can't. You have to let him do that.


the game is shit, but thats because it has
>no region lock
>no surrender
>shitty cosmetics that rape some peoples framerate (main reason I dont play anymore is that some of the more particle intensive skins raped my framerate so bad it went below 20)

Ignoring Riki, the game still has the problem of having an execution floor of Down's Syndrome on the vast majority of the cast while having power spikes so severe that a player who's doing well can just roll their face on the keyboard and rape everything. Literally zero room for individual performance unless you also A) pick something that scales and B) farm/memeback your way into godhood.

I'll bite the bait.
Weren't support items lowered in price over the last few years? Even TP scrolls are cheap as fuck - they're like 80 gold a pop.
Granted, most carry heroes can get to the point where they need at least 2-3 enemy heroes focusing them in team fights or the game is over. But that goes for both teams (unless you get poor team comps, which is common in pubs)

>main reason I dont play anymore is that some of the more particle intensive skins raped my framerate so bad it went below 20)
What the fuck kind of system are you using


>no surrender
This is the most needed feature. I hate games that take 20 minutes to drag 50 just because someone wants to farm for 3 divines

>Literally zero room for individual performance
not really, but the timing windows for effectiveness differ for each hero/role.
A game that does what you're talking about is Overwatch, more like it.

FUCK OFF, I have seen hundreds of 1 or 2 rax down comebacks. This isn't League of Legends where when a team snowballs it's just instantly over. Even people in pro games throw huge leads due to comeback mechanics and gold loss.

that's not the problem with the game.
the problem with the game is everything about it.

When one of your teammates has abandoned/throws a hissy fit and is running down mid, you know goddam right you want the surrender feature. Should be unanimous tho

I play on a lenovo laptop (need to bring to work, dont want 2 computers, also play console games). I expected it to run better though, because 3rd world shitters in Peru can ruin my games

Maybe don't travel alone.

Surrender should be unanimous. You've seen hundreds of comebacks, but how many times have you won when a team member has abandoned or is intentionally feeding (at a respectable MMR)?

Surrender should be unanimous at first, but then go to 4/5 after ~35 minutes.

>When one of your teammates has abandoned/
You can leave if they abandon the game.
>they feed
Just stay in the jungle and let them push, game would end quickly enough even if the rest of the 3 people on your team are defending. Now if 3 teamfights are won by 3 of your team, then you'll win lategame. Period.
>they are bad
Bad luck, that's part of the game.

Unlike LOL, in DotA a comeback is actually possible unlike a lot of games of the same genre. Surrender is retarded in DotA, in lol it is not, because comeback is almost impossible

Nah the fag would just keep voting no just to troll and waste time

I guess this is just a dota thread now.
I recently got back into the game after like a 2 year break and have been trying to find fun builds to fuck around with. I dont really care about being competitive anymore I just want to play fun characters with fun builds whether i win or lose. Any suggestions?

I'm actually surprised that people apparently still complain about invisible heroes when you can just throw down a sentry and make their life a lot harder, and that's if they're good. If you're really far down in the gulag then the shitters that rely on invis use it like a crutch and have no clue how to safely farm, basically making them a creep with a higher bounty once you can see them.

>mfw I act like I can't see an invis hero until he's out of position enough for an easy kill

>Like OP Riki

This is why Sup Forums hates Dota 2. Because they suck absolute ass at it.

To be completely honest where I play (4.7k mmr) it is extremely rare to have a feeder or leaver. I think I've only seen it about 10 times over the course of 2000 games played and that was usually someone assblasted about not getting mid. Not saying it doesn't happen more at other brackets but with that happening as rarely as it does I think giving the 0-10 GG people a surrender button will hurt way more games than it helps with say a dc or feeder. Even if they bitch at least they'll play, with a surrender button they'll just afk in fountain demanding we surrender.

>game where the most effective way to deal damage is either hit Q/W/E/R in some order, sometimes with a mouse click to choose a target, or hit one or two of those and attack-move, but you literally cannot miss abilities/attacks except due to RNG-based passives so it comes down to raw stats, making yourself immune to damage, or using an equally easy-to-use active to shut down the target
>game that's literally a third-person shooter and you have to actually aim at people on most characters

Just because you don't have to have PvE farming efficiency/build paths in a game does not mean it's easy. Also, the power spikes mean that it very rarely matters which player is actually better at the game mechanically. That's called a barrier to entry. It's fucking trivial once you know what all the random arbitrary bullshit does. It's just a test to make sure that you've farmed/killed enough and haven't been hard countered. Dota has so many 9-1 matchups it's not funny, even in the context of a team game. For instance, having a team doesn't make something like Medusa vs. AM or Skywrath vs. Pugna any more playable.
I'm not gonna say that OW is some amazingly deep competitive game but you certainly can't play it on 150 ping.

>Skywrath vs. Pugna

Its significantly more prevalent for those with lower behavior scores (potato pc, shit internet).
Even as rare as you say it is, theres no denying it absolutely ruins the game when it does occur.

>Let them push
the surrender function would save 5-10 mins of everyones time here, sounds great

>Literally zero room for individual performance

Honestly dota has gotten a LOT easier for supports than it was years ago.

Everything used to cost more, passive gold was less, and just existing for a gank provided almost nothing.

Now it's pretty easy to hit 300gpm on a position 5 when I used to see double digit gpms on the losing team's hard support years back.

>the surrender function would save 5-10 mins of everyones time here, sounds great
Except not because the comeback exist and possible in almost every game.

>complaining about Riki
welcome to 5 years ago
how the hell can you still be shit at this game OP? it's easier than LeL now

Skywrath vs Pugna is favoured toward the skywrath since he gets to kill Pugna whenever the fuck he wants with a single blademail into ult combo unless ward damage no longer reflects

honk honk


Counter with BKB/Hood/Glimmer. Heck, making blademail reflect its own damage type made it more counterable.

This is baseline in other games, moba or not, not an exception. 10% of characters in Dota at best require you to even hit a skillshot to be effective. I probably shouldn't have said "literally zero", but even so, you can hard counter pudge with heavy physical damage (Ursa) or especially Lifestealer. You can literally never fight them unless they're already almost dead or you're stupid-ahead on gold and XP and you stacked armor.


pudge. also dagon pudge

To add to my post. In my experience in both games. surrender is bad because a lot of games in lol were "first blood gg afk till surrender" and in dota a lot of games were "first blood gg rage quit" then you get the money of the quitter and you are even in a 5v4 game because you can get items faster than your enemy.
In the end, surrender is there because people don't like to try. And DotA community (based on experience playing this game since W3) really try until the end.

I think the only surrender avaible is when playing a 5man ranking-tournament mode were the captain of the team has the final word were the mean must surrender or not. Like how they do it on tournaments.

>That dagon finish-off

I just looked it up to be sure and ward actually no longer reflects to Pugna. The ward "takes" the damage, but they turned it into one of those weird attack-only health bars so it would actually do nothing to it either. So basically you actually can't deal with Pugna as Skywrath anymore unless you get magic resistance or BKB. Or kill the ward before entering the fight, but good luck with that since they nerfed flying vision in 7.00 in the name of The One Who Needs No Introduction.
Also nether ward used to burn flat mana, and now it burns percent mana, so it actually fucks Skywrath harder than it used to while low-mana shit like PA or LD don't give a fuck anymore.

Why are you complaining? Dota's been the same for over 10 years. You've had ample time to whinge already.


Dota shouldn't have surrender simply because it's very hard to have a 10 person game where everyone is emotionally mature.

I can't think of a single match I've played in the past few years where at least one person isn't mad that they're losing and starts throwing a shit fit whether it be on my team or the enemy's.

If dota players already can't be trusted not to act like children when things don't go their way it seems stupid as fuck to give them the option to surrender.

Sweet, Pugna needed a buff

>tfw no friends to play dota with

hello 1.5k mmr

>have more experience with the game
>can't whinge because "it's always been that way"
>have less experience with the game
>can't whinge because "you don't know what you're talking about"

So which is it? More importantly, Dota changes more drastically with each patch more than any other game I've seen in my life. In fact, it's changed so much that the power spike shit went from being something you could actually take advantage of to just being a forced comeback mechanic that invalidates early-game and farm-heavy strats, so now you have what HotS would be if you removed any execution barrier and added a bunch of RNG. Half of the cast is unplayable in a general sense because they either A) become irrelevant after minute 20 or B) have to actually farm and can't fight before they do, so it's just all midgame teamfight snowballing carries all day every day. When was the last time that Luna, Jugg, and Gyro were legitimately bad heroes?

Party queue is garbage anyways so don't feel bad

>tfw your friends ask you to play dota with them and you just don't want to play it anymore

What do you mean? Solo queuing with randoms is the worst. It's like everyone is playing their own game and you can't try different tactics with them.

>execution barrier
come on now user
>Half of the cast is unplayable
then why is almost every hero picked or banned in tournaments?

Party queue is garbage as well. It's horribly unbalanced.

The last time I played party queue I had two 7k players and a 3k player on my team. At least in solo queue the players will be in your bracket.

>tfw friends to play dota with but they want to queue party ranked every fucking time as 3ks and you're 6k

Just play unranked you fucks

>not playing roaming support riki

Ok I get you now. What if you queue with 4 friends though?

>OP riki

I haven't played dota in 2 years now and I can still identify a butthurt 1k pleb.

Honestly if you want to just fuck around and play with friends I would suggest playing League or something.

>Half of the cast is unplayable in a general sense because they either A) become irrelevant after minute 20 or B) have to actually farm and can't fight before they do, so it's just all midgame teamfight snowballing carries all day every day
The metas the most diverse its ever been, shit did you see what VP did during the summit? Also gyro and luna are outclassed by other carries right now

>tfw you have friends to play DOTA with but you'd rather play solo queue

Comebacks are pretty easy these days. Pushing high ground is pretty fucking hard if you dont have the heroes for it.

>if this was league of legends all you'd see is garbage particle neon effects, all the characters zooming in and out of each other. Probably ending with nothing happening.

>Friends are bad enough that the mmr disparity causes onesided stomps every game

>He doesnt play broodmother and buy blue wards yourself and still dominate lane and be fat as fuck

There's nothing wrong with this comic. Chris Chan should have learned from this.

>be 4k
>friends 2k
>still pretty bad at Dota but friends are even way worse
i sometimes switch to offline mode so that they don't see me

I hate that they changed Broodmother's face. From an actual spider into a stupid fucking thing.

My friend is low 4k and I really can't play those games without going crazy

The worst part is that they all talk so much shit

Jmantime is self aware

you can queue with friends and not fuck around you know?

But why take party queue even remotely serious?

It's also full of exploiters/boosters trying to get high on the leaderboards

She sure does

>riki op
lmao this is exactly why i like playing riki he STOMPS on scrubs SO easily and then the tilting just continues on till +25

that fucking CHEN hnnngh

honestly considering booking time off work just to watch the international

Riki's so far from OP now that people play him as a fucking support.

is she not wearing any panties?

>switch to offline so they dont see you
Get a fucking spine tell them your playing at your level and they can fuck off

Who knows

why is Sup Forums so bad at dota?

but that's what makes him OP



the best

Would be better if every hero on both teams could.

This fucking forced cooperation can suck 12 dicks.

They're scrubs who don't buy every compendium.

Got back into Dota after a long break, checked the game during 7.00 but it doesn't count, what's the current popular meta among pro/streamers, I need to know who picks memes in my team and shit on them.

i love watching dota but most of the compendium stuff is wrapped up in playing the game. feels bad man

>OP Riki
wow this archived post from 2013 somehow got posted again