When did you realise video games turned to shit? For me it is 2017. Worst year for video games.
When did you realise video games turned to shit? For me it is 2017. Worst year for video games
For me it is 2007
For me it is 1997
For me it is 1987
For me it is 1977
For me it is 1987
For me, it's the McChicken
For me it is 1967
For me it's1987
For me it was at the age of 7
For me it is 007
For me it was the year I found Sup Forums
For me it's 1889
Truth is they were always shit since the first pong made with radar technology.
sauce for pic?
Video games were never good
wow surprise, everything is shit.
Lum morrigan and random succubi
Its been literally decades and Lum is STILL best girl
>random succubi
end yourself
The girl on the left is Lum
I prefer her chinese cousin
is that star patch canon?
Her porn was shit
You tell me
Ew no.
For ne it was when American games gained traction on the 7th gen and it all became cinematic dudebro experiences.
t. Not american
what game lets be play as the sexiest character of all time
Probably 2013. Haven't played a new video game since then.
How cynical and jaded do you have to be to actually think this?
>random succubi
>he doesnt know
Not jaded at all. Name 1 good game released this year?
>inb4 mememata
Get the fuck out with this shit, son.
>Do this
>"They're all shit" reply
Yeah great thread. Real winner here.
Or you know, you could at least try.
For me it was Tuesday
Hollow Knight
Tekken 7
Get some taste user.
BotW, Yakuza 0, Persona 5, Gravity Rush 2.
Mario Odyssey is looking good too.
>inb4 kek no fucc vidya gaems
Why are green haired girls the best?
wow you sure convinced me
It's not even the best Urusei movie
>this thread
About 2003. That's when the Xbox was released. Things are finally starting to get better though with the death of AAA title games.
>best year of vidya
>the year it turned to shit
Yeah, no. You turned to shit, you bitter cunt.
It's one of the best and arguably actually the best though.
For me it's Kefka, intelligent nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
What's wrong with it?
Best year of vidya was 1998 you underage.
I know, I'm not saying it's bad, I just preferred Lum the Forever more
probably around 2005 or even earlier
I want more
What anime?
Do you guys know where can I watch the later half of Urusei Yatsura? I only got to watch up to episode 120 or something.
>virtually no good porn of Lum
I was put on this earth to suffer.
2010 summer actually
You could torrent it desu but if you'd rather just stream it KissAnime has literally every piece of UY animated media up.
Lum is pure
If you tell me your favorite game released this year
That middle girl looks like a dream come true, what's her name?
Just now as I purchased an xbox one and I've been downloading call of duty infinite warfare for about 3 hours now and I have the physical disc. This is fucking bulllshit.
The downfall started around 2000-2001, but there were still some occasional masterpieces until 2004 or so. After that I stopped caring for new games.
It's really not that good
For me, it has to be persona 5
I love Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2 but I fucking hate InuYasha with all my soul.
I never could get into InuYasha and I haven't been able to place why. Something just wasn't interesting
Well maybe other people made porn of her too. Just give me her name please
I didnt mind the aethetics of Inuyasha, but the story seemed to fucking drag. I only watched it because it was the only thing interesting on TV, and i wanted to see up Kagomes skirt (
yeh, Kagome has a nice design
It's not completely unheard of
Yae even has a Lum costume in Goemon's Great Adventure
Why the need to draw that scene? It got animated like 2 or 3 times. Also tits on UY are pretty common.
Always room for more
Could be worse.
For me, video games have always been shit.
1: It's because of the Japanese. They're racist, not because they want to, but because of locality and their situation with foreigners. Their racism ends up in their video games and therefore turns them into shit.
2: Waifu Wars. Every time it happens, (young) guys end up losing in one way or another.
3: Western games want too much blood and gore. Games like Mortal Kombat flip the middle finger to restraint.
4: The doors keep closing for people who want to make video games and go into the field. Either your sucking ESPN's dick for e-sports money, catering to the waifu crowd, or you can't get in at all.
But for me, it was Tuesday.
Would it be even possible to rape Lum?
She'd just electroshock your dick to ashes.
Epic memes! I love Vsauce too.
Not if she secretly wants it
>that face
Lum can be scary sometimes.
I want her to be my wife!
Have a copy with a slightly better resolution.
Shut ut nerd.
There's no way such a beautiful girl could be scary. Ataru is probably just overreacting.
keep posting and maybe I will
I see you are also a man of culture.
Will you shut up now, kid? We talking video games here.
What/who the fuck? It's a Street Fighter movie reference you fuckface.
No surprise. InuYasha is a formulaic retelling of Ranma 1/2 without the cute genderbending.
Huh? This isn't a Vinesauce meme, it's from the Street Fighter movie, arguibly Raul Julia's best scene in that thing.
I'm still playing and enjoying games, but the only game I'm playing that was made in recent years is Fate/Grand Order, but I'm also trying to enjoy Rance 5D. I'm not sure I'd want more games like that, but maybe with some of the more random elements taken out of it since I can almost like the game despite all of the shit that pisses me off in it.
Post her delicious brown recolor pls.