Fight simulation game?

Sup Sup Forums I have a strange request. I'm looking for a simple text based fighting simulator. I only need to be able to create fighters (wrestlers)and be able to write/watch the outcomes and moves. Hopefully something that can support a picture of each fighter.

Maybe someone can put me on the right path to creating my own, but my knowledge of coding is bare bones.

just read a book, you dipshit

are there any naked fighting games?


Who's winning in pic related?

As usual, guy is throwing the fight but deep down inside he's winning.

the female

Neo Scavenger has this type of combat.

You spotted the Kojima hair but missed the titties.

both people in the pic are grills dude

Princess of the Ring and Heroine Rumble come to mind, they're free but lacking in quality

what am i looking at here?

There's no males in that image.

yea but that game sucks

stale culture, let em go in and mindrape you silly human slave take your bluepill before you fap,you cannot preserve anything if you let em control your woman

Shit you're right. Woman need to stop cutting their hair so short.

they're both males

>both people in the pic are grills dude
>its actually true

Sponsored catfight action

Oh shit, I used to have the video of the dyke girl.
She's so fucking hot I nutted 7 times that my balls almost vaporated.
Do anyone knows her name?

Xcom already happpened ,now go and breath our chemical air and drink and eat our poison food and let us control your life so we CAN EAT YOU

titty twisters are no fair


The name given for that girl was Tara, couldn't find any twitter handles though i didnt look hard. Probably just some no name fetish actress

Games are shit for naked fights. Your best bet is probably or