Is there one (1) video game ALL of Sup Forums hates?

Is there one (1) video game ALL of Sup Forums hates?

Mass Effect 3



Every game

All of them.

Metal Gear Solid 2

I've never watched Fairy Tale. Do people hate Erza or something?


Planescape: Torment

Borderlands. Unmodded Skyrim.


Anime games.

Your favorite one

Nah people just hate fairy tail, it's legit shit though

That bunny isn't Haruhi. You can't fool me into fapping this easily, OP.

No man's sky

And I think that's something we can all agree on

He said games that all of Sup Forums HATES, not loves.

I don't hate it because I was never hyped for it. I enjoy it in the same way I can have fun with a shallow flash game.

gone home

Everybody hates Andromeda too, but if you're implying that not everybody hates ME3, you're wrong.

I only found out about it from the phone game they put out of all things.
I loved it when it came out, though later when I saw what it was supposed to be i was disappointed.
Creature and Space are the only good stages anyway


I don't hate these games

Dark Souls 2

Sup Forums is full of das2 defense force

I bought this game day-one with the $80 edition, but I can never truly hate it because it's the only game that lets me do spice trade.


fuck you
i liked ds2
ds3 on the other hand is dogshit

The $80 was the hard white case right? I got that too. I even got a guide for it for some reason, found it when I was going through old shit.

>The $80 was the hard white case right?
With all of the designs and holes? Yeah.

Starfox Zero

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 5

Yea, it's really nice.
It's the only game case I've bothered to keep, but then again I think it's also the only SE case I have.

I'd vote for Andromeda as well. All sides seem to agree that it was/is a buggy rushed out mess. The Mass Effect series isn't that great to start with, but Christ it had potential. Then Andromeda removed the mechanic that made the series fun, the Paragon and Renegade system.
Mass Effect 3 had a nice multiplayer, and a decent single player game. It did shit the bed many times, but even then, it is far and away a better game than Andromeda.

It's probably the worst shounenshit in existence.

Gone Home

Revolution 60


No Man's Sky. The difference between this and is Spore was actually an okay games made from the ashes of a great one. No Man's Sky was never good, and will never be good. Even Molyneux shat out a few good games despite his lies. Hello Game's magus opus is Fucking Joe Danger 2.

This game is absolutely unlovable in any capacity.


Op asked for games

Some girls just had potential to be hot but it's generic and shitty shonen that finally ended.
I think Ride to Hell is not only hated by Sup Forums but everyone in general.

Nice digits you got there buddy

As an Ex-fan Erza was the best female character due to Lucy being shit. But she supposedly had more plot armor than anyone in later volumes.

>But she supposedly had more plot armor than anyone in later volumes.
Mashima is such a fucking shit writer that at one point literally gave her an armor that negated ALL magic and a sword that cuts anything, even space! The drawback was supposed to be that it consumed a lot of mana or whatever is the resource in that universe and Erza had more than enough.

Needless to say he retconned it and never used it again because even he must have realized how fucking retarded that chapter was. He literally made her the god of that universe.

ive got bad news. i liked NMS a lot. it had some glaring flaws, but i still enjoyed it. i think that i didnt expect it to do things it wasnt able to do helped. unrealistic expectations really fucked a lot of people in the end.


Nah I love spore, but I did play it when I was like 12 years old

but I love them

My problem was more with every arc's final fight was resolved the same way. Natsu gets absolutely BTFO, but suddenly can still go on, goes on about his friends making him strong, and super punch to the face

If you don't dislike it, I have some bad news.

Cory in the House for the DS
