Did I do good, Sup Forums?
Did I do good, Sup Forums?
>that thumb nail
The fuck
dude your fingers are ugly
Crystal treatments going good for you?
>Garbage cheap remaster with more bugs then the original sold at full price
>Collection of weebshit remasters with more bugs then the original sold at full price
>LITERALLY "WEEB: the dream game"
>Crash Memecoot
you should have bought God Eater 2 or some decent PS4 game like Yakuza 0
>using weeb as insult
back to neogaf. You are not welcome here
yea you did user
coulda emulated all dem KH games if your PC was good enough.
sup Sup Forumseddit
How do you expect to fingerfuck a woman with hands like that? Cut off your arm, invest in robot prosthetics
Good haul though.
>good albeit overpriced remaster
2/3 KH is for faggots
>falling for the Nioh meme
>playing Kingdom Hearts while being over the age of 18
You did awful actually.
Nioh is pretty fun. Probably the most fun dark souls clone that isn't dark souls.
Yes those games are fun
>Did I do good, Sup Forums?
Good games won't cure your clubbed fingers, op.
>DaS clone but shit
Damn, so this is the power of the PS4....
Not bad......
It's awful repetitive bullshit and the story isn't even good. You'd be better off playing that shitty sci-fi dark souls rip off bullshit than Nioh and even that was awful as fuck too.
>no black hand
>It's awful repetitive bullshit
It suffers from the lack of enemy variety but all the bosses are extremely fucking fun to play against. Like I said, it is the best souls clone that isn't made from From. I enjoyed myself playing it and will get the next DLC.
Not bad. Nioh gets old fast. Get BB or Yakuza
Not bad. KH gets old fast. Get BB or Yakuza
PS4 Slim or PS4 Pro
I'm a poor fag btw
I've never used plebbit. I'm beginning to understand why Sup Forums always claims that only redditors try to call out redditors.
>lack of enemy variety
And weapon variety. The only redeeming quality is it's bosses and even that doesn't save the game from being shit.
I wish i had a ps4 :(((