Have you ever fell in love with a video game character?
Have you ever fell in love with a video game character?
I love Kasumi!
Real best girl right here.
but only ironically I swear
Yes. But i think everyone loves Heather.
There is literally nothing likeable about this frigid bitch.
This is a platonic love, right?
Very much so
>video game
mind posting one?
I lover Max. I wish I could marry her.
Ye. With my waifu.
>she will never look at you the way she looks at blue haired chick
>all of these animeshit
Sup Forums is ded for me
Max is best girl
good, then leave
Yes and i am mad I will never find someone like her
No, only anime and VN characters
these two are belong to each other.
but I can take best girl Kate I guess. post more Kate pics please
It's "fallen" and not "fell" in this case
She is straight!
She is cuter with brown hair. I like what before the storm is doing with her better.
..Straightly into that chick yeah
Such an irritating character. I have no idea why the final choice is split 50/50.
>complaining about anime and not the interactive movie shit
She still looking manlier than wimpy brown-haired faggot in this game (i forgot his name though)
Opie is his name I think
because main girl is like so obsessed,in lesbeans with her so much. in entire game she wasn't giving a shit about tornado only dedicated herself to keep her alive to be together
Is Max still the protag in the sequel? I probably won't be interested otherwise.
I said wimpy
we're gonna see her and chloe for the last time in farewell episode. then their story ends..
That will literally be just a scene of Max leaving Arcadia Bay when she was a kid. Nothing special.
>play this game as fetus lesbians for the last time
Fuck,I'm gonna buy it
>tfw omegamale with an emoji shirt went FULL ALPHA on nathan
>tfw he now needs a break from this week's ULTRAVIOLENCE
I picked up the novel and realized he's perfect.
>asks for video game characters
>posts non-game
What did OP mean by this?
Yeah. Someone else's GTA Online character.
>nathan didn't even make effort to fight,if he did he'd totally kill that betacuck right there and after this betacuck announced himself as if he's Muhammad
>got drunk by a half beer after night
this kid's existence makes me cringe
Stein's Gate is a game, right
Only one and one only
Kate appreciates your support
How about smug Kate?
She's not that smug
Let's get everyone together
Damn that's pretty smug
But the user only wanted Kate pics
Explain this
the best
Explain this
M-my heart..
Daily reminder that Max is straight for skater boys. Girls and Warren are not canon.
Have you ever spent years obsessing over a terrible video game just because it had girls in it?
I saw some teen who was the split image of her the other day. Even the hair and hipster clothing. Part of me was happy I didn't find her thin frame attractive. Another was I wish I could be a teen again.
My fucking niggas
>tfw no qt religious gf
>tomboyish skater girl
>admits that she is beautiful,wanted to kiss her again,questions if those feelings are love her from time to time
hmm, another reason why she has hots for chloe
She cucks warren indepenant of your choices
And she ends up having thing for the blue chick indepenant of your choices
chloe's skater btw, even in prequel they showed it.
>admits that she is beautiful,wanted to kiss her again,questions if those feelings are love her from time to time
Can sombody post the screenshot of this? I never found it in my playthrough.
I didn't get it because I didn't kiss her. Strictly girl bros. Also cucked Warren because that faggot was worse than Chloe.
I want to protect her.
it happened in your playthrough but didn't read the journal meh.
If you kissed her:
>"I've never been so glad to see Chloe in my life. The second I saw her blue hair and that beautiful pissed off face I wanted to kiss her again."
if u didn't:
>"I've never been so glad to see Chloe in my life. The second I saw her blue hair and that beautiful pissed off face, I kind of regretted not kissing her when she double dared me. Maybe if she had double dog dared me..."
Holy shit
>Strictly girl bros
even developers,their VAs, confirmed that they're more than that whatever you do kek.
>another retard that hates lesbians
Are you gay?
Well she's dead in my playthrough so I'm still in with a shot.
>tfw Sup Forums hyped up the rwby pron but its actually just all shit
>tfw Max's still keeping first selfie in class/and intentionally didn't rip the butterfly photo in that ending
Re-think your decisions,user.
You should've listened when Sup Forums told you that Ruby is for cute, not lewd.
why not both
I'm fine with lesbians my nigga, I just don't like Max and Chloe.
That's a good point.
>there are people in this thread who sacrificed Arcadia Bay and deliberately opened the door for more disasters to end innocent lives just because they wanted some blue puss
>there are people in this thread that actually played this schlock all the way to the end
Twice in fact. Can't wait for the prequel next month and the sequel after bros!
no, but i also haven't been a virgin for a very long time
kill yourself then
I don't think it's classed as a sequel if it has a whole new story and cast of characters.
I'm glad i did
>tfw no max gf
>Implying most people wouldn't let a city go to shit just to save a loved one
You've never been in love so you can't understand.
If universe would gave me powers just right when I could save my loved one, and then plays with me the fucking mind games and sending a tornado to gain balance,then I'd flip off and don't do anything and accept my decision rather than chickenin' out.