>want to play some platformers lately >pirate pic related because I heard it's pretty shit anyway, also don't wanna risk with unity garbage >start game >main menu ugly and annoying as fuck with those faces and sounds >start new game >intro cutscene >HUGH HUGH HU HUGH HGUH NYE NYE NYE NEY NYE >MY FUCKING EARS >return to the main menu as quick as possible >go into options >no voice mute or slider option >google the annoying voices issue >"HAVE U NOT PLAYED BANJOO KAZUI?? IT'S SUPPOSED TO SOUND LIKE THAT" >"HOW CAN ANYONE DISLIKE THE VOICES?? IT'S THEIR TRADEMARK"
so what else am I in for? I know the only "positive" reviews are just manchildren with nostalgia goggles is this shit worth my time?
Juan Cox
>Plays a spiritual successor to B&K >Doesn't like B&K
Samuel Powell
You sound like a dumb faggot, probably underage
Ethan Lopez
how so?
Hudson Foster
A patch for the PC version was recently released that fixes a few things, including a volume slider for the voices. Update that shit if you can't stand them.
Kayden Cook
I hate it when people say this, theres no way this shit compares to B&K
Tyler Collins
I haven't played Yooka-Laylee but you wrote a fucking cancerous post so here, have a (You)
Jonathan Harris
Funny enough that "sound" is your own mental voice since you are reading text, so the underage dumb faggot you hear is (you)
Adam Carter
I will say, as a Banjo Kazooie fan I found Yooka's voice to be annoying and grating. JUST his though. Banjo's "uwe hua uah uhwua uhwua uwah" was kinda cute and endearing, and so was Kazooie's "awa awaw awawwaw awawaw". I understand they wanted to do dialogue the same way, I just think they should've tried a few more different sounds to find one that sounds better than "ahh umm hmm ahh humm"
John Taylor
>Same composer >Same style (menu navigation, general movement, voice acting, music, anthro characters, collectable, and sold as "the spiritual successor of b&k") >Similar level development
Just because it wasn't as good as B&K doesn't mean the intentions of the game changed.