Describe a game as [Blank] meets [Blank] and other people try to guess the game
>It's like dark souls meets ori and the blind forest
Describe a game as [Blank] meets [Blank] and other people try to guess the game
>It's like dark souls meets ori and the blind forest
It's like dark souls meet undertale
It's like Dark Souls of action japanese RPG
It's like walking meets more walking
It's like CSGO meets Battlefield
It's like Vampire Killer meets babbies first 3D action adventure game.
It's Dark Souls meets Darkest Dungeon.
Smart lad
>it's like devil may cry meets monster hunter meets rpg
dark souls meets bloodborne
It's like dark meets souls
crash XD
Its like hotline miami meets street fighters
Dragon's Dogma
Dark Souls 3
So what you're saying is it's like Castlevania.
It's Dark Souls meets Monster Hunter. But with lolis.
Have a (You)
It's like jojo's bizzare adventure meet jrpg
It's like dark souls meets dating sim
It's like shit meets your taste.
It's like Pokemon meets a visual novel.
It's like Dark Souls meets Persona.
Its like a single player mmorpg.
It's like Professor Layton meets Ace Attourney
It's Fire Emblem meeting actual quality,
or Diablo.
I'm actually curious about this one. But if I had to guess, the Fate series?
Its like kill meets youself
Darkest Dungeon
It's their crossover game.
Smt 4 apocalypse
I'm to lazy to find that quote :^)
Dream Daddy
Persona 3
>turn based MMORPG
Nigger what
Dragon Age.
It's like shit meets piss.
FF Tactics meets and gives birth to several dumb children with Persona
it's like mario meets sonic
It's like Street Fighter meets Super Mario Bros.
The Street Fighter comparison is pretty much guaranteed to piss everyone off.
Either Amalur or Inquisition
Your favorite game?
At the Olympic Games!
>meets and gives birth to several dumb children
Conception 2
I know, it's just that considering that the name of the game is almost what you posted I thought you were joking so I joked back, but I guess you weren't joking and so it looked like I didn't know the game, but I did know th e game ;
It's like Fallout meets Metro.
It's like Dark Souls meets Demon Souls
My bad user I'm bad at humor over text
Stop with this cringy meme
Tekken right?
Hey guys I came from Reddit
It's like Sup Forums meets reddit.
Its like SMT meets Pokemon
It's Dark Souls
No idea, but I'm curious
Youtube/Twitch streams.
.hack series
What is Underrail.
Ah, you mean Sup Forums. Not a big fan.
It's like Dark Souls meets Demon's Souls
>Like SF meets a 2D platformer
>Is it Tekken, the 3d fighter
It's Smash
r/Sup Forums
It's like Dark Souls meets Mario.
It's like Alone in the Dark meets Soul Reaver
Yay, ok, then my trun
It's like Towerdefence meets Rogue
It's like Resident Evil 4 meets Alien
Hollow Knight?
What is Crash
What is Lords of the Fallen
What is DeadSpace
Xenoblade Chronicles X.
DayZ and all it's clones
More like RE4 meets Event Horizon
It's like System Shock 2 meets Dishonored, Deus Ex, Metroid Prime, and Half-Life
It's also the best game of the year
It's like Bullet Hell meets action rpg.
It's like Dark Souls meets Touhou 7
It's like shit thread meets kill yourself.
it's like medieval 2 meet warhammer and some edgy stuff
it like my dad + touching my pee pee :0
it's like mighty no. 9 but actually good
It is like dungeon crawler meets cartography
It's like Dark Souls meets Nioh, and has a baby named Dark Souls 2 who winds up going to the Bloodborne School for Wayward Youths, meeting another teen called Salt and Sanctuary, who end up going on a violent crime spree around Italy in a car named Hollow Knight, before escaping to Estonia by stowing away on on the SS Darkest Dungeon and spending a few years in a drug fuelled frenzy at the Lords of the Fallen crackhouse before attemping to rob the Nioh First National Bank and getting shot to death in the ensuing escape by officer King's Field.