literally every game after 2010 was horrible
prove me wrong, you can't
literally every game after 2010 was horrible
prove me wrong, you can't
Other urls found in this thread:
Just kill yourself or find a new hobby
Utterly proven wrong by pic related
>retarded nostalgiafaggot cancer opinion
Lel, why don't you write it down on a piece of paper so I can wipe my ass with it. At least it will be worth something then.
there are plenty of great games post 2010.
maybe you are just buying the wrong games?
>dishonored 2
stealth died long before 2010
>dishonored 2
your sense of taste didn't die because it was never alive
>it's another "new games suxx" thread because he's too retarded to look for hidden gems and probably only plays online garbage
if they are hidden, then obviously I don't find them
Breath of the Wild exists, but OP is a shitposter and the only game he clearly enjoys is getting (You)s