I want to check out Dragon Quest, but where should I start?

I want to check out Dragon Quest, but where should I start?
Is V a good choice? I heard it was fine but what does Sup Forums think abou tit?

I mean, if you want to start with the best game in the series, go ahead.

Might ruin the rest of the series for you though.

Play 8!

not true
I love the series, and the order i been plaing it is
now im planing on start 6

The series is excellent, you love it or not, but it do not deppends on the order in my opinion

8 is arguably the most easiest to get into

you can skip 1 and 2 and just play 3 DESU if you like old games

they pretty much were the same game like how saints row 2-4 were reskinned

5 is easily the best place to start. Great story, cool monster taming shit, and it's relatively short(Around 30 hours).

5 has better story but i feel like normies would get the 3d graphics better for 8

they are both viable options

2d = 5
3d = 8

they are both self contained stories

now leave b4 it gets spoiled

But 5 had a DS remake with pseudo-3d, doesn't it?

>not playing it on the original console like it was ment to bee played

i want reddit to leavbv scieber's gay son

If you like having total control over your party composition, start with III.
If monster catching and choosing a waifu is your thing, start with V.
If you want a huge 3D world to explore, start with VIII.

Whatever you do, don't start with VII.

7 was fine on 3DS

>choosing a waifu
It is decided

I say this because it's long as fuck, and newcomers will almost certainly get burned out on it.

Play DS for extra waifu.

My first DQ was 9 and while I really enjoyed it, I feel the game's story might have been gimped because the party members CAN'T have any personality or arc because of how the game works. Are the other games stronger for having actual characters as party members?

Yeah, 4 and above all have party chat, which greatly enhances the immersion. The arcs aren't very interesting, though, and the MC is always silent.

>Play DS for best waifu


Just wait like 3 days for XI to release and play that.

Watch out cucks, best game in the series coming.

Are there any Dragon Quest games with a female protagonist?

The only Dragon Quest I've enjoyed was Builders.

Start with the first one on Android. Then play them all until 9.

Then learn japanese for DQ10.


I'm currently playing 8 and 5 on ps2 and they are both great. 5 has great story chars and monster capturing. 8 is just a huge fucking awesome game that just keeps getting better the more you explore and level up. love the alchemy system. early level 5 games were the shit

i started out with 4 on ds and nothing interesting has happened yet. just finished the tomboy princess chapter

For anyone who has finished vii already: I'm right at the part where maribel leaves the party because her dead had a heart attack or something.

Do I need to kill myself playing if I want to finish it before 11 release in 4 days or am I like at the final third or something?

I really want to play builders as soon as I get a ps4.

Dragon QUest 9 is the best, check it out first