Why the hell are people so triggered by this game?
It's clear for everyone that it has lower budget than MvC3.
Capcom is releasing 4 times less games these years than a couple of years ago, all their games have noticably lower budget and less marketing. It's clear that they don't have the same amount of money for the game than they did with MvC3.
There is literally no point in everyone being so hateful towards this game.
They want me to pay full price for a blatantly smaller game than MvC3. And that's even after I bought it twice. (UMvC3)
Chase Foster
>It's clear for everyone that it has lower budget than MvC3. okay but it's $60 and has a $30 character pack already
Levi Rivera
They're bandwagoning cucks
Xavier Foster
>$60 price tag
boo hoo poor developers :(
Eli Richardson
Explain why I should buy this instead of continuing to play UMvC3. What advantages does it have?
Charles Perez
Isn't UMvC3 online kinda dead at least on PS4?
Justin Adams
I really hate the voices in this. Morrigan, despite having the same voice actor, sounds really stupid when saying Soul Fist. And Doctor Strange's voice just overall sounds bad to me. He sounded nice and clear in UMvC3, here he gets drowned out.
Oliver Garcia
Is this really the whole roster off the box?
Bentley Campbell
>Why are shitting on it it's supposed to be shit
Fuck you, you fucking apologist
There is no fucking variety in series within the roster, especially with Capcom
All the cool newcomers are DLC BEFORE LAUNCH
Easton Carter
Maybe they'd have a larger budget for their games if they hadn't ruined every single popular franchise besides maybe Monster Hunter.
Gavin Turner
It's missing the already revealed Nemesis, Spiderman and Frank West
Also since the leaks are confirmed true Firebrand, Ghost Rider, Dormammu, Monster Hunter guy, Ant Man and I dont know if im missing someone
One would expect characters like Daredevil or Punisher since they have or will soon have Netflix series so the game could help to promote them
But no, here you have Gamorah and Winter Soldier.
Brody Morales
It's slowly looking better, and they even addressed that there will be a day 1 patch to fix Chun-Li's face and other graphical imperfections, so I don't mind that. But I still have a beef with the anemic base roster. If it weren't for that, I'd be on board.
Parker Foster
>Bland, safe roster with less characters than vanilla 3 and only six actually new fighters, seven if you count Thanos, with the rest being lazily copypasted from the last game with very few changes >Announce the game with a 30 dollar season pass that includes six more brand new characters that would have been on the base roster to begin with in any other title
Nah, MvCI is horseshit and I'm glad people are seeing right through it. Day one pirate, greedy as Capcom can eat a dick.
And that's ignoring the fact that they're removing fan favorites and franchise staples because of corporate politics, and have the audacity to tell people that they don't actually like the characters anyway.
Or the characters they didn't bring back, despite their blatant rehashing, for no apparent reason at all like Wesker, Phoenix Wright, Joe, MODOK, Ammy, Tron, etc. etc.
Andrew Ross
>reduce your game from a 3v3 to a 2v2 so you have an excuse to shrink the roster
Jacob Stewart
Because they're selling it to us at the same price as MvC3?
Connor Fisher
>Spider-man and Frank West
John Rivera
Is Jedah the character with the greatest change in design from previous depictions of the Capcom side so far? Like less of a weird schoolboy clothing and more like a gaudy priest.
Aiden Miller
That roster size is fucking embarassing
Bentley Edwards
No Wesker no buy. No Vergil no buy. Characters aren't just "functions" for me. I play characters that I actually like regardless of how good they are.
Brody Hernandez
People keep saying this game's roster is "safe", but does that term really make any sense when EVERYONE, from the normiest normie to the hardcoriest hardcore, hates the roster so much? If anything, the roster being as boring and small as it is risking the game's day one sales.
Sebastian Jenkins
I actually prefer 2v2 to 3v3, but the roster size is absolute bullshit even if it were 1v1. How many characters did Tekken 7 have out of the gate again? What about KoF XIV? Why is Capcom the only AAA publisher getting away with this shit?
Nolan Carter
>It's clear for everyone that it has lower budget than MvC3.
So, fittingly it will have a lower price tag, correct?
Jayden Walker
What's Shuma Gorath's function and what could they get to replace it
Elijah Nelson
Executives are dumb and out of touch, and their conception of safe isn't always actually safe.
Juan Rodriguez
yes, why would they have Gamorah and Winter Soldier from their billions of dollars movie franchises
are you stupid?
Logan Russell
39, but that game had years in arcades of revisions first.
Oliver Jones
Because Disney is treating this game as advertising for their movies, not like an actual game.
They have no idea how to make games.
Ayden Wright
There is nothing surprising about the roster. That's the problem. It's lacks that WOW factor.
A big part of the appeal of these games is seeing crazy, unique, or out there character choices. People you'd never expect to see in a fighting game crossing over and fighting. That's why people get HYPE at roster announcements.
Look at Smash Bros reveals for example. When Nintendo adds an unexpected or off the wall character to the game, something no one ever saw coming, people lose their god damn minds.
Instead, it looks like Capcom filling out a checklist in order to meet some asinine quotas. They're giving fans the game they think they want, instead of doing something actually interesting. Because they're going into it treating characters like functions, failing to realize that they're the main draw of a crossover fighter.
tldr; Capcom doesn't understand their audience. Like with Street Fighter V, they're more concerned with FGC and sales from average joe players will suffer as a result.
Samuel Johnson
At least they are over the hump of "this character is in because well-known/we had the assets already" by this point. Should be like 50% new characters at least from now.
Asher Green
>80 percent of roster is copy paste from umvc3 >graphics look like a fucking iphone game >even the ui looks bland as fuck >combofiend saying that characters are just functions and no one gives a fuck about x-men characters >dlc out the ass and the game hasn't even come out yet
Cacpcom can suck a dick. It's obvious this game is rushed. They need to delay it at least until next year. There should be no reason for a game coming out on consoles to llok like that in 2017.
Chase Harris
>They can't even Atleast give the newcomers their own trailer
>watch us play a game demonstrating Gamora and that other guy but we keep switching to Chun Li
Jose Gray
Jedah didn't, but they had a trailer with Gamora released for SDCC
Logan Thompson
Yes. He got the SF5 treatment on top of being censored to hell and back.
Gavin Perry
No Doom no buy.
Not only is he a franchise staple, but he's one of the best and most iconic Marvel villains of all time.
Removing him so haphazardly, even more so than the X-Men, is just huge red flag about how little of a fuck Capcom gives about the fans of Marvel. If there was any one character they should have fought for to get in there, it was him.
But they didn't
Michael Adams
So when are they releasing Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom Infinite? Blame Ike Perlmutter, he hates the Fantastic 4
Benjamin Hernandez
Probably next console generation when sales for DLC have passed.
Kevin Walker
KOFXIV is 3v3 though, so I'm not sure it makes sense to put it in your post.
Your point still stands, though.
Hunter Wood
I dont go hateful, but really capcom have fail in alot of steps. For the people that cant see the gameplay being different, they will see it as the same thing with 1 less character. And the cast is recycle, then the story mode demo was awful, not only with terrible gameplay, but showing how the writting of the story was made for 4 years old with characters with forced interactions and lame lines
The game will be 60 bucks, and the only promess is "the cast will get better in the future.... when the DLC comes out.... and you have to buy it as well....." that isnt promising, specially if the DLC characters are in the game story mode... that is lame and look like they are selling it appart. (talking about black panter)
Angel Taylor
Its a 20.00 download title being sold as a 60.00 game. No one should buy a game using 100% reused assets out the door. If you do buy this game, you are a fucking tard. Simple as that.
Luke Wright
>only one new IP per side >monster hunter and captain marvel This perplexes me.
Dominic Rogers
>fighting games >online
Nathan Fisher
PS4 had the worst netcode if I remember correctly. Xbox and pc being just supperior
Juan Allen
Shit roster. Shit game.
Logan Garcia
Pretty much this. Even without the leaks, the only surprising character on the roster would be Jedah. Wierd/niche/wacky picks are sorely missing in their current lineup, from both Marvel and Capcom's side.
For reference, MvC3 brought us MODOK, Task Master, Ammy, Phoenix Wright, Arthur, and many others.
This too is a huge problem. The lack of IP variety and representation. You can blame Marvel for their side all you want, but Capcom's end? No excuse. Compare to the number of franchises included in UMvC3 and it's laughable.
Charles Campbell
Modok and Taskmaster are not exactly obscure characters.
Mason Scott
Monster Hunter hasn't even been revealed yet. Capcom still hasn't revealed any new IP representation, when they said this would be a platform to bring some of them back.
Justin Morales
Obscure? No.
Characters you'd never expect? Yes.
Andrew Carter
Why not? Taskmaster was rather prominent in the 2000s and Modok shows up in damn near everything eventually.
Nathan Adams
Taskmaster is not exactly an A-lister, especially at the time of the game's release.
MODOK's bizarre character design and skillset made him an unlikely choice. That's why he's so great. A lot of time and effort went into crafting his moveset and animations, bringing him to life.
That's more than one generally expects from lazy Capcom, which is why one would have considered him pretty unlikely pre-reveal, and why seeing him in the game was so HYPE.
Gavin Rodriguez
Capcom Franchises MvCi has 10 franchises represented (11 if leaks prove true). UMvC3 has 13. Vanilla MvC3 had 10. You're right, that's a travesty!
Leo Harris
Don't even pretend that people would shitpost less if the game was sold cheaper. If anything they would use it as a proof that "the game was meant to be a cheap cashgrab". Selling a game for 40 or 30$ instead of 60 also never made the reviews for the game better.
Also, the content-price ratio is only bad if you already own UMvC3 and that game actually sold pretty poorly. I'm fairly convinced most people shitposting about MvCI don't even own MvC3 but just want to join the circlejerking.
Chase Morgan
Fuck off, I bought the $90 steelbook special edition of MvC3 when it launched.
Fool me once, shame on you.
Isaiah Sanchez
my problem is with a lack of new franchises. Where's Power Stone, Rival Schools, Breath of Fire, Sengoku Basara, God Hand, Asura, Onimusha, Dino Crisis, and so on.
Lincoln Hill
Friendly reminder that Spencer came back instead of Joe, Amaterasu or Phoenix Wright
Nathaniel Scott
He looks more kike a superhero
Aaron Ward
>10 franchises represented
Only 1 of them being new though
>Vanilla MvC3 had 10
Except you had 5 new franchises being represented
Elijah Lopez
Rival Schools isnt new to the Vs games
Daniel Nelson
Both Spencer and Nemesis also got in over Wesker too, somehow.
I didn't even play him and that baffles me. He was easily in the top 3 most popular new additions added in MvC3.
Jordan Campbell
4, techically 3 if you count Yami from TvC
Adam King
I agree completely with you, but pretending UMvC3 had a great Capcom side is ridiculous. The put in 2-4 reps from each series with only Frank and Wright being solos (Clover series are weird). I would've preferred 1-2 from each series so more franchises could've been in.
Andrew Flores
Fuck you man I hate that they cut those but all I wanted was for Spencer to be back and him and Jedah are one of the few things I like on this shitty game even if Spencer kinda looks like shit
Levi Williams
Lol I bought both the 90.00 Steel book and played UMvC3 in tournaments around my state for years. You can get fucked capcbro. MvCI is a 20.00 download title and it shows. There is even more embarrassing shit coming out against MvCI everyday.
Juan Martin
Yeah, nothen personell, classmate was in CVS2 and Hiyama yelling incoherently was in TVC.
Dominic Rivera
I think its the Clover reps that made it seem so great. Amaterasu was a great pick.
Hudson Rogers
>UMvC3 >steelbook edition wow, you really want to fit in and ride that MvCI hate train dick if you are so desperate in making shit up
and it's not like you wouldn't be an illiterate retard anyway. I've said most shitposters don't own, not everyone. I don't need the few specific people who actually bought the games (tho you are clearly not one of them) point it out that they did.
Nathaniel Gray
Theres a reason they are not calling it MvC4
Aaron Campbell
>Spencer looks more like a superhero than Viewtiful Joe
Kevin Moore
>Only 2 heads tall. Like some kind of X-Babies parody version.
Landon Sanders
its a new start, specially because it use infinite stones.
Logan Adams
What I want to know is why they have both Spencer AND Winter Soldier on the roster.
They're the same shit, except one has a grappling hook.
Robert Sanchez
They had those in Marvel Super Heroes
Ethan Thomas
>only Frank and Wright being solos Haggar? Spencer? Hiryu?
Jaxon Myers
He's gonna pull a retarded answer out of ass by saying
>past vs games outside marvel had ______
Mason Rogers
Nah, dawg. I'll admit I goofed on that one. I'm an anonymous person on the internet, why would I try to defend my mistakes?
Caleb Flores
More than the guy who's actually dressed like a superhero...k.
Brayden Cruz
Yes. Such a silly design.
Andrew Lopez
Well, props for owning up to a mistake you made on here. You just don't see that often enough.
Gavin Davis
>Marvel vs. Capcom
>No budget
Jeremiah Foster
>385125003 He's saying he bought the original with the steelbook and played UMVC3.
Grayson Howard
You can't stay rich if you spend money
Logan Powell
Steelbook for the original MvC3 was $90, buddy.
Charles Gomez
They're clearly pinching pennies with this title. Anyone with eyes can see it.
Luis Collins
Your face when Capcom it's gonna die in your lifetime.
Wyatt Hughes
Capcom and Konami need to die.
Sebastian Wood
That's cuz we're gonna nickel and dime you to get them back via DLC, goy
Jace Gonzalez
>calls people illiterate retards >can't read
is this the MvCI fanbase?
Ethan Sanchez
>Top 3 poll of MVC3 going into Ultimate was X, Strider and Phoenix Wright
>Phoenix Wright's inclusion saved the main series
>SoJ and DGS getting a sequel and Anniversary
>No inclusion
Atleast we are getting Monster Hunter
Colton Flores
Couldn't they at least have used the Rearmed Spencer looks instead?
Justin Lee
it doesn't have gayass otk's and it has combo breaker
Robert Perry
The fact that they cut out characters then told people "you don't really like those characters" 0, only their functions!" I can understand them cutting characters in a non-crossover fighting game but not in a game that is all about two worlds colliding.
Oliver Wilson
>He thinks I currently can't buy UMvC3 for the PS4/XBONE for even cheaper price than MvC: I you're a special kind of retard aren't you?
Lincoln Hill
That would have required a little extra time/money to make a new model, you silly goose!
In all seriousness though, they're probably just going to lock it behind a DLC paywall again.
Brayden Reed
>Don't even pretend that people would shitpost less if the game was sold cheaper. They would. One of the biggest complaints about SFV was that it sold for retail price despite basically being the open beta dumped onto a disc and sold to us.
Nathaniel Martin
Wacky hitboxes. Amingo
Juan Sanders
As people have said its because of the re-hashed roster and how one of the dumbass capcom higher ups actually fuckin said in an interview: HURR DURR WHO EVEN KNOWS WHO THE XMEN ARE ANYWAY, DO PEOPLE EVEN WANT TO STILL PLAY THESE OLD CHARACTERS
....Even among x-men movies still coming out...its some of the most retarded shit I've seen from a dev in a good long while that wasn't Konami
I'm just gonna stick with the thought that if they keep making games that flop or not meet their retarded high sales figures (they believed sf5 would somehow reach 2 million within a year of it launching....seriously not even joking) they'll finally do something fans really want like I dunno go back to franchises we like instead of just 'sticking with the ones that sell well.'
Its almost physically painful seeing the studio they've become after all this time.
Logan Davis
The one positive thing I can say about MvCI is that it doesn't have any Inhumans in it.
Cooper Adams
2017 was a good year for Capcom, they had their best Net and Operating income since at least 2013. They have around 220 million $ in cash, and the amount of developers they employ is also rising every year.