>board about video games
>e-celebs, console wars, and politics are at least half of the threads
Inb4 this gets deleted because it's not video games. Seriously though the state of this board is appalling
>board about video games
>e-celebs, console wars, and politics are at least half of the threads
Inb4 this gets deleted because it's not video games. Seriously though the state of this board is appalling
Other urls found in this thread:
Who was in the wrong here?
user, if it weren't for vidya men wouldn't be so feminine in the modern world. Therefore vidya is important in politics
Link the threads, you won't get more than 5.
>thread starts with a perro image
>he doesn't use filters
You're complaining that it's too bright while holding a pair of sunglasses. M00t gave us filters for a reason. Not my fault if some retard doesn't use the tools given to him.
Redoot is down the hall and to the left.
He's not complaining because he has to see them. He's complaining that other people get to.
OP is a faggot
>He digs trough garbage, console wars and "what did he mean by this" threads instead of using filters to put your favourite games on top and anything news related
Feel bad for you, hope you'll get better
care to share your filter user?