you can feel it's coming, get hype for literally nothing
New Humble Bundle thread
you can feel it's coming, get hype for literally nothing
New Humble Bundle thread
>Humble Bundle
I wanted to play Stryder so I gave them a dollar for the last one. First one I bought this year.
Better not have more fucking comics in your monthly again.
we just had two good weeks in a row, I think it's safe to asume that this week is gonna be literally fucking great
>wanted to play re6 for months
>game shows up in bundle
>aw hell yeah
>game is shit
The controls for kb+m were shit but at least I saved money.
My deepest darkest hopes and dreams for a Humble Bundle is a full Cryptic Comet collection. The dude got Armageddon Empires bundled in Humble once, but since he's abandoned ship on videogame development and moved to board games I wish they'd have an inexpensive bundle for his full catalog. Bonus points if Solium Infernum is in the cheap tier to encourage multiplayer.
It's the only time I would be happy about a non-Steam bundle.
where the memes at, man?
no effort... just a logo
where is the /fun/?