Are you hyped?. because i am.
Are you hyped?. because i am
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I'm hyped too user
Yeah sure why not. Only ever played a handful of Metroid games,and I never beat any of them,but this looks fun I suppose.
Good to see, no to much threads to talk about this game or Metroid in general.
I did a quick analysis of what we've seen so far and then someone screencapped it (pic related). Honestly there's not a whole lot to say about the game. And even when the game comes out, there won't be a lot to say about it because it's not a multiplayer game or a large open-world game.
Why? I played this game 20 years ago. It' s just new graphics.
No you didn't.
I am.
Currently playing through Metroid for the NES.
It's quite fun though dying sucks because you have to grind out life to continue exploration.
So far so good though, Got a lot of power ups so far, including Screw Attack and Varia Suit.
This game feels pretty huge for an NES game.