titanfall 2 got a new update today
Titanfall 2 got a new update today
John Bailey
Hunter Parker
did this patch remove that bitch Monarch from the game or not?
Samuel Price
They don't look anything alike, are you high?
Colton Cruz
You're a fucking retard. The structure of the cockpit is entirely different and the shoulders are nothing alike.
Elijah King
Is this game worth $20?
Anthony Torres
>Tfw Scorch got buffed
Yes. It's one of if not the best game of 2016.
Robert Wilson
>game looks fun
>it's only for origin
Jonathan Gonzalez
Should I buy it on PC or PS4
Carter Diaz
In order of least ded playerbase to deddest it's PC-Xbone-PS4
Camden Ward
don't talk shit about my mecha-fu.