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>that crisscrossed 2d flat trass
When will we start getting actual grass in games?

needs moar jpeg

We did.

>drones are actually excited about another empty open world game
>This time with a hat gimmick

Did you learn nothing from BotW?

>seriously pretending this game isn't going to be amazing because of ground textures
This is some sad shit, OP.

>empty open world game
But its not even open world

>2008 multiplat game looks better than 2017 Nintendo games

>people are still nitpicking

Serious question

Were people THIS cynical about Galaxy?


>we prefer hollow games that look good than deep games that play good

It's a platformer/collectathon that has a variety of levels independent of one another. It isn't exactly open world; there's a goal to the game (collect Moons/world specific coins) that is well defined.

What more do you want out of a 3D Mario game, exactly? What's your ideal sequel to 64/Sunshine?

When will people learn that the heavier graphics means the stiffer and shittier the gameplay?

You and your fucking Unreal engine tech demoed that can only do a single hallway for Mario and Zelda because if you tried moving the Fucking engine will crash

poor execution of baitposting.

>literal linear hallway
Do people really wanna go back to strictly this?


It's become more and more apparent with each passing day that Sup Forums, or at least the Neofags that have been invading us since E3, have a hate-boner for Nintendo, and think they literally cannot do anything right, and that everything, including the smallest, most petty, insignificant, is worth criticizing.

You're right, it doesn't.

>graphics doesn't mean fun, Mario is fun

Let's all play pong. Get with the times you stupid cunts.

>deep games that play good

How in the hell can a mario game be called 'deep?' The core gameplay mechanics involve running, jumping and butt stomping. There are very few power ups (usually 3 to 5 per game) and each 3d mario always tries to introduce a few mini games to break up the monotony. The game has the depth of a puddle. Any mario game can be mastered from 5 minutes of gameplay at most.

Barren hubs

>Neofags that have been invading us since E3,
is it because of that shitty Sony E3? Where Sony literally showed nothing new but a multiplat Monster Hunter (Which is the only game sonyfags have used as console war bait) and Final Fantasy Fishing?

You don't seriously believe this, do you?

At least it's more creative than the no gaems meme from last generation.

Pushing for realism in video games and more detailed graphics holds video games back instead of moving them forward.
Strawmen don't work when they're right.

>muh garphics
I play Nintendo games for solid gameplay under powered Peecee consoles don't have this.
If I want good graphics ill play on an actual PC.

It might as well be with all that flat terrain in each world.

If they made a console that wasn't only slightly more powerful than a Wii U, you could at least see Zelda at 60 fps instead of 30 with frame drops. Also Kingdom Hearts 3 looks fun and graphically it kicks the ass of any modern Nintendo game.


They honestly believe they "won" E3. The Monster Hunter shitposting was literally happening for like a month or two prior too.

It really isn't. It's reached a new peak of obnoxiousness.

Oh sweet jesus

sure if you ignore everything else

>he doesn't do A-press limit runs

I can see how you'd think it's shallow, staying in the main universe and all.

on Sup Forums? yes

>IGN video compression

Think people were more meh over 3D World. Everyone loves Galaxy and most think 2 is even better. 3D World just didn't capture people like a 3D Mario should. So they hope a more open like game will get people excited again.

Actually it is, people are at least looking for a reason to shitpost rather than:

>Should I buy a ps3?

It affects gameplay too. Zelda doesnt have amazing graphics but it doesn't even run at stable 30 fps. Their hardware limits how robust their games can be and how much shit can be happening on screen.

>Also Kingdom Hearts 3 looks fun
you mean besides that cinematic shit that even KH fans have been chastising?

Except that when you have good graphics you need sacrifice something.

Either gameplay or confine the game in small areas.

Mario has some of the highest skill ceiling gameplay of all time
>dude how does quake have deep gameplay all you do is strafe, jump, and shoot with like 2 power ups lol

low fps doesn't matter when it's a nintendo game!

Once the hardware required to run that shit properly becomes cheaper.

>>eople are at least looking for a reason to shitpost
Yes, because wojaks and cuck memes are so le funneh xD and so much better.

3d Zelda games always ran at 30 fps you retard.

Why not? It makes for a better playing experience. Zelda at 60 would feel a lot smoother.

Kek stay mad.

I hope this game is successful
I want to see a Sup Forums more angry than with BOTW

This isn't your ordinary hallway this is...


quite the opposite. Some were even grossly overstating the Wii's power based on a few screenshots

Wow, you still forced to play on a small area, sure you showed him.

Mario and Zelda always sells well. The only issue is getting enough Switch out in time.

No, the internet and shit posters are more self aware of what will trigger threads. Look how many responses this has now, these people probably don't even own switches or play video games

Speedrunning a game has absolutely nothing to do with a games depth and is not required to play a game through to completion or even 100% it. Hell, by that margin you could contest that any game has high skill margin because every game has exploits and glitches. And your comparison to quake is horribly flawed as one is a single player game and the other is multi player, where in a knowledge of said exploits apply to said 'skill ceiling' which is what separates many of the players.

What Gamecube game is this?

Galaxy already DID look shit and dated even in 2006.
Now if your newest AAA prestice company mascot game still looks like a fucking Gamecube game in 2017 then there is seriously something very, VERY wrong with your company.

Rocket League

hardware does though.

Enjoy your 20fps

how many decades until nintendo reaches this current gen's graphics?

i say no sooner than 20 years

OoT clearly didn't. It dropped as far as the mid 10s at times.

if you don't care about hardware and technological progress then you should just stick with playing on the original GameBoy until you finally kill yourself.
I mean grafix dun matter right?


That is correct. They came to an anonymous board to damage control Scony's bullshit and shitpost Nintendo. After their shit E3, the Sony damage controlling and anti-Nintendo wojaks increased a lot, even though Nintendo had the best showing.

lol this game is hideous
literally unplayabble
nintenchildren on suicide watch

>Galaxy looked like shit in 2006
Thanks for the revisionist history

Framerate > graphics
Enjoy your Crash rehash at silky smooth 25 fps, Sony cucks.

>Galaxy already DID look shit and dated even in 2006.
Get the Vaseline out of your eyes

Exactly, if they can't do realism right then they shouldn't do the disgusting half-assed realism in the OP and focus on an art style that doesn't induce vomit instead.

But I don't think that's what you were getting at.

People werent as shitposting happy back in 2007 as they were now

Because the open world Mirror's Edge was so great right? C'mon Nintendofag, we all know what happened to Catalyst.

kek I actually thought that was Odyssey for a second

It doesn't.
Good gameplay and framerate matter more.

>inb4 odyssey has massive pop-in issues

but that is shit on nintendo consoles as well

>quake isn't single player
Nigger please
>high skill ceiling doesn't equate to deep gameplay
Nigger please

80% of the switches library runs at 60 fps

>low fps is part of teh core Zelda experience!

It's 60FPS actually famillia

It has fade in and it's so far away it doesn't matter. Unless you plan on posting video evidence?

>It's 60FPS actually famillia

>being a graphicsfag in current year

>one game isn't 60fps so that means that other games aren't either

Stop shitposting


I trust the Mario team a lot more than the Zelda team desu.

>camera view is 3 feet off the ground
When will first person games stop doing this

Sure thing, pal, just look at the ground and the repetition of textures.

We're talking about zelda now?

>let's conveniently forget about switch's biggest title
I don't think so

Who the fuck are these people that think still shots of buildings are impressive?

So you're gonna say it's 20FPS when it's 30, and act like you're not retarded?

>one game isn't 60fps so that means that other games aren't either

Stop shitposting

>So you're gonna say it's 20FPS when it's 30
so the constant drops were a lie all along...

You know that logic can apply to Bloodborne too right?


>one last-gen game running at sub-30 FPS isn't a huge warning sign about the performance of current-gen games.

Stop shitposting

Copy posting is a newfriends way of shitposting I guess

top lol


>Flat textures
lmao might as well be an orange map on tf2

Only people with eye problems actually notice bitty unnoticeable things like "1080p VS 720p" or "frames per second".

It's more impressive than Odyssey which looks like a PS1 game