Item has a 0.1% chance to drop

>item has a 0.1% chance to drop
>it's a single player game

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Guardian

"gimme a hug man"

>Final boss drops ultimate gear
>Alongside being powerful, its super fun to use
>No NG+ or post-game content

What's your P-P-P-P-P-POINT!?

Fags that complain about the game being 'too short' and 'not getting their money's worth'.

>item gets nerfed in a single player game

>Outfit only drops from a specific set of enemies that if you kill them too many times, they vanish forever unless you beat the game and farm items to get an item to let those enemies come back to life only much stronger

fucking dark souls 2. and that set wasn't even the only example, it was fucking plagued with those.

what were they thinking?

>forced stealth section
>actually pretty easy so far
>round the corner

Who are you quoting?