Why does Sup Forums hate tumblr?

Why does Sup Forums hate tumblr?

Shit like that is a major reason.

Why is tumblr's solution to everything to make it fat and brown? They bitch and moan about muh standards of beauty but then redesign every character that doesn't fit their physical ideal instead of accepting who they are.

Because you are GOLD (gold) glad that you're bound to return. There's something I could have learned.

It's a hamfisted attempt at cultural appropriation. There's absolutely no attempt at actually resembling the character from the medium, concept art, or other official sources of design.
This is therefore arguably worse than the deviantartists who draw Sonic in crayon because at least they manage to get the core of his character design.
It's a corruption of intellectual property, as well. Imagine if DaVinci had to deal with people repainting Mona Lisa as a fat brown attempting-to-be-sassy lesbian. It's so far removed from the original piece that the core is completely missing. To then say "these are the same people" is insulting.
Here's my take on the right character.

>unrealistic waist
>implying women NEED to wear a skirt because MUH ATTRACTIVENESS


just like Sup Forums, tumblr is where social rejects go bathe and circlejerk in their own filth

virtue signalling

Left looks better because she's actually shaped like a human being.

Female animu characters all have unrealistic waists and shoulders.