Does anyone else think MGS2 graphics hold up better than MGS3 blurry mess of a jungle...

Does anyone else think MGS2 graphics hold up better than MGS3 blurry mess of a jungle? I just can't look at MGS3 and say this is a pretty game especially if playing the original PS2 version, only like the final fight against The Boss looks beautiful.

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No. The character models in 2 are very blocky and waxy, and everything's in 90 degree angles.

Look at this for god's sake

Yes, the textures still look great.

I played this on pc, lil while ago after i patched the fuck out of it and mg3 on pcsx2, i own the hd collection simply for peace walker id rather play 2 and 3 on pc, 3 on pcsx2 looks fucking good, and pc version of mgs2 after you fix it is the best version. Not great ports on the hd collection, ps3 should of been the preferred platform but qas choppy and not even in 1080p play on pc user

The graphical environments in MGS2 were a lot simpler, it was mostly metal platforms and polygons. It's also why it had the higher framerate

But the fire effects in MGS3 were the best of their time

MGS3 has much better character models

>Not great ports on the hd collection
the fuck are ya babbling? The ports are magnificent. Literally the golden standard to which all the rest are compared.

Excuse me that 7th gen machines were not 1080p consoles.

>cut content
>FPS drops
What's great about them? They're just normal ports with uncapped FPS. The only change I can think of are rare unnoticeable texture improvements or the fixed UI.

720p at ~50-60fps is much better than 512x448 at 20fps