Zero Escape

>unironically liking VLR more than 999
>Has a great amount of bullshit
>Forced "game over" endings
>Has x2 more content but less depth
>overall decent but worse cast (Alice worst)
>loses its tension after the 1-2nd ending
>muh voiceacting
>muh twist fiesta in the end


I agree

999 > VLR > the game with the worst plot you can imagine > ZTD

seriously, Phi's delicious thighs and ass are the only good thing about ZTD

>Alice worst
I don't give a fuck, she fine as hell.

Also, why the fuck isn't Sigma voiced?

have you finished VLR? Then you'd understand why

I liked VLR more than 999 in almost every way.

>the twist is that Dio is as much of a dick as you expected him to be from the start


>have you finished VLR?
No, I have not.

because of the tweest

Get the fuck out of here then