ESA 2017

European Speedrunner Assembly
17 hour super mario run edition

NOW: Ape Escape
NEXT: Crash Bandicoot: Warped
THEN: Crash Team Racing
STREAM 2: some ironic weeb shit

Schedule :

Stream 1 : twitch
.tv/esamarathon (embed) (embed)

Stream 2 : twitch
.tv/geekygoonsquad (embed) (embed)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Ape Escape

so one person made this entire touhou game? that's actually pretty damn impressive

>Secondaries playing 2hu games



>some ironic weeb shit
Is 2hu ironic weeb?

>Don't play the games but like the doujin music
You can't stop me. I live life on the edge like this.

>Dude Spikat LMAO

why not just post the url you goober

It used to be the de facto ironic weeb thing before Neptunia and Jojo

In retrospect, 2hufags are the proto-Neptunefags.

So what's an ironic weeb?

probably a circle


We can post twitch links now?

Anything I don't like

Please stop posting this boy

You are.


best run so far on stream 2


>playing with the shota

What are they doing

So is it post-weeb now?



An anime themed hipster.


I think it's people that shows everyone "how much fo a weeb" they are instead of actually just enjoying it.
People that are so obnoxious about "being a fan" in other words.


>and tohou 11, I think?
How can you be not 100% sure about it? Fucking secondary.

Japanese Ogre

So like wearing garish colored anime girl shirts?


atack :DD

ape escape looks alright

jyapanisu goburin

>Claps with the mic

I'm not even sure if Touhou 11 is SA or UFO anymore desu


I even have some anime T-shirts but they look stylish and you don't really see it's anime stuff unless you take a better look.

They are re-airing the OJ parole?

do any of the touhous wear diapers

just wondering haha

it's the newest worst meme out there.
people just slapped ironic on weeb and go around spouting it like it means something.

>it's over

Only on their heads.

t. ironic weeb

Fucking secondary.

>You're a secondary if you don't play the games
>You're a secondary if you do play the games
Well which is it then

>that closeup

Say goodbye to the Touhou. You will never see them again.

Which PS1 Ape Escape did you play? There's only one character in this

tell me when new vegas starts

$50k and the week's not over yet? That's not bad, it seems like only a year or two ago they were streaming in 480p and getting like $8k

you're a secondary if you haven't played the series since PC-98, studied every touhou-related material, and played every single games including the fan ones with a lunatic 1cc on each.


ITT: only the strongest

I'm up next, wish me luck!

Good luck


That was fast...

Playing unofficial games don't count user.


aw man, I remember that game. comfy stuff.

>two more hours of ape escape
>glitchy bethesda run
I'm out for a bit

Good luck Billiards demon

They've got like sponsors now, next one they'll even be able to afford trannies.

I hope your run gets mercy killed, faggot

10/10 run

at being dumb?

Whats up with the Mexican sombreros?

The current donation amount includes an anonymous donator who will double everyone else's donations.

So in truth, there have been 26k real donations, and the other guy will put another 26k.

Haha thats right haters hating on cute waifus being all kawaii and waifus, I'm going to ora ora ora them to reddit like Josuke, shit, new Markiplier is up, he is playing yandere simulator! Silly youtuber, you can't make those faces!

>missed the 2hus

pls no more Xevposting. I'm sick of it and don't want the others to become so too

Who the fuck are you exactly?

Crash/Spyro/Ape Escape community has a bunch of inside jokes like that. Mainly Crash people, but there's a lot of overlap.


>fallout: nv next
was thinking "meh" but then I realized the run is only 20 mins long

time to see how broken it is

please be autistic

I feel like this is a reference to something but I can't think of what.

it's just a bunch of quicksave/quickload spam

it's just your imagination

stream one or two ?

Seven Deadly Sins

Is it bad that I liked Phantom Blood and Battle Tendency but thought Stardust Crusaders was incredibly fucking boring?

Nah, good rugby lad sunpunching vampires >*

>New Vegas doesn't start until 8 minutes from now

Why do they play this awful music instead of some video game music?

Yes, everyone who started Jojo three years ago thinks that

Well I did so I guess that works out

>2 hours of Ape escape

Good night

it doesn't get your vods muted

I didn't really like Stardust Crusaders either. The pacing was somehow worse.


they're playing the exact same stuff that NASA 17 did, apparently they were giving out $1 licenses for it on humble bundle, basically being cheap as fuck despite having sponsors and crap unlike nasa

Makes sense if you don't like monster of the week type shit

beth is just 20 mins long

I thought NASA was funded billions of dollars from the government.

Is it THE happening?

Can't they just use ocremix stuff?
>You can use OC ReMix content in your videos, streams, podcasts, etc. or at parties, stores, clubs, etc. as long as you're not profiting directly from its usage.
>This means that if you're using a mix in a YouTube video or Twitch stream, for example, you can still have ads, as long as the video isn't just the mix & you're actually adding something.

Someone donate with this message. None of my fucking cards are working:

My wife and I are big fans of the event and this year is special. We have our first baby on the way which we named "Monkey" who will do its own ape escape soon, so this donation goes out to him or her. Little monkey hype.