>please name your character
Okay, no problem, I'll just....
>forty-five minutes later
>still at name screen
>please name your character
Okay, no problem, I'll just....
>forty-five minutes later
>still at name screen
Other urls found in this thread:
i give them my real name
>think of a cool name that fits the sitting
>20 hours later discover an NPC with the same name
>name character something stupid
>is this your true self?
>being this autistic
i just name all my characters "NIGGERLORD420" and then i don't have that problem, you sperglord.
I've been naming my characters "cuck" or a variation thereof lately
im not even into cuckshit or a Sup Forumstard or anything
what have you done to me Sup Forums
> write name like this:
>game has everyone's name like this:
>Please name your character
>put name of japanese porn actress
It's that easy
I go with Rob for the first name, what fucks me is the surname
>not naming your character after yourself
You are all fucking stupid and socially fucked. How hard is it to just type your own name. It's only there for saving purposes so the game can organise it's files and saves. So it does not get mixed up with other people's save games if they share the system/PC.
If any of you actually self insert or try to make a new character and role play... It's just sad. It's a game, just make a character that looks cool and PLAY the game instead of this cringey roleplay shit.
Just put your real name backwards. It usually sounds fantasyish
Just call him Cumby or Smegmert
if you cant think of a name, putting something stupid in solves your problem immediately, and leaves you wondering why you cared so much in the first place.
>rev up mmo, gamertag, ign, or any multiplayer based naming
What happens then?
being so unimaginative that you have to name yourself after epic Sup Forums culture
Unrelated but is the artist of OP pic finished with his military service?
He has, but doesn't want to continue the manga.
It hurts user, hold me.
>they don't have a canon name
Kill me
But what do you do when playing RPGs? Doing only basic interactions sounds really boring.
>being so unimaginative that you spend more than 5 minutes on the name screen
I just want to play my fucking game
He just said he finished his mandatory service but the author doesn't wanna go back and do more.
I always restart when games pull that shit. Drives me nuts
>they do
>it sounds stupid
>name is the same as the main villain who appears only at the end of the game
What now?
Cali logan
Flor Eltev
Ah right i said japanese, i think she was named... Maho sawai?
The fuck are you talking about? Speak English because that sentence is grammatically off base.
I usually have the same name for all my characters. Unoriginal, but I don't care.
Well that doesn't make a name, it makes a bad Scrabble hand.
>not just using first letter of your real name
Tkynsydska. Accept no substitutes.
Looks fine to me fampai
You turned me into a pooinloo I'll never forgive you
If it's a single player game I go with my real name
otherwise I just use the username I use for everything
This in Ever Oasis right now
Can't think of a fitting name for my seedling girl, named her Aphrodite but that just seems wrong.
Name her Alice
Naitsirhc Notsew Reldnahc
sounds like some middle eastern shit
Meh i guess it kinda works.
Me playing Etrian Odyssey.
This is not a bad thing, I don't know why you're upset about this.
That shit rustles my jimmies.
> press start
> default name is filled in
Give her an Arabian name.
>Not killing them and then living their life.
You lack imagination
mm not bad
>Give a nickname to the caught ______?
Would fit her appearance but that's what I named my fort in EO4. If there isn't anything better I'll go with you.
Feels the same as Aphrodite does, little chibi doesn't work as well with it.
your fuckin name is dongus? more like dingus
>tfw slav name
okay never mind thats actually pretty cool
>tfw nicknamed nothing in gen 5
>tfw something snapped in gen 6 and in that and gen 7 I now name everything save for legends and shinies
Makes it amusing to look through my box.
Bean Bean
Rednaxela, nigga that shit sounds like a sonic OC
Lurk moar you fucking newfag
I've actually used all of those save for Beanno in other games.
separate into two: red naxela.
could be some war nickname/title or something.
hell yeah
You sound very unimaginative and boring.
Doesn't sound good to me.
It sounds fantasyish in that it's the name you give to the slow-witted castle groundskeeper.
You're right user, it does.
Maybe if I was playing as some kind of amazon warrior