UNIEL thread anyone? Yesterday thread was fun and comfy

UNIEL thread anyone? Yesterday thread was fun and comfy.

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post mains

I've never played the game, but you people are alright simply because someone out there made this: uni.thischair.com/

One day I'll be decent with this bitch.

that's cool

Where can I find a ROM for Blitzkampf? The official jap site doesn't even have it anymore.


tfw no parasoul in unist

Man, when did James get so buff

I played two hours against an Eltnum but I'll gladly play more later in the nigh

Get on it




can't people just mash 5A and stuff her teleport?

If they're good enough to react I guess

These two, although my execution with Hyde is absolute dogshit on pad so I'm waiting on a new stick.
Doing pretty well with Wagner and Mika right now so maybe I'll pick them up and see how things go.

And before you ask where Sion is, I couldn't find her. Hopefully someone can rip the new the girls as well as the guys so I can make stuff off of theirs too

I literally searched "Akatsuki Blitzkampf english" and found it.
I never actually started it though, might do it tomorrow.

Fuck it, a few things bothered me

I don't think Sion is in this game user

Does Enkidu have no way of getting in? Couldnt he have also just parried the hit?

Oh right, how could I mistake her.

I need to know how to play neutral with her. I want to get good with her really badly

Is there no love for my girl NANASE here ?

Dumb violent tsundere

How hard is it to play for a fighting game beginner?

i'd say it's not as unforgiving as most anime games, but there's still a learning curve to it. not that difficult to get into though

The tutorial in the latest version teaches you pretty well, but it's meaningless if you can't understand what exactly and why they're showing you the lessons since moonrunes

I hate her first color though, prefer the second one

Tfw no elphelt in unist

I have enough trouble dealing with guns. No thanks

Thank god for that

OHH what a great idea next we need another Leo right ?

tfw no kokonoe in unist

We only need Big Band in unist so shut it

Veteran Guilty Gear player here. So far I'm enjoying Linne's heavy offense and mobility. I'm nowhere near the point where I'll decide a main yet, though.

Fillia is all you will get, be thankful.

Not when the legion of thiccfags try to protest that body

So does Filia win the Hyde-bowl?

that feelio when fillia wont feelio my phallius

I'll make a thread later when I'm ready to have a lobby. Unless any of you plan on doing it earlier