ITT: Announcements that would make you lose your shit

ITT: Announcements that would make you lose your shit.

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What's the point of another Pokémon Stadium when the series is already in 3D? You can't seriously tell me you would rather have another sequel to Stadium than Pokken, right?

Inb4 Half-Life 3

Pokemon Stadium 3 happened 17 years ago. Also fuck you, you're a queer, those games are dull now.


I wouldn't mind Stadium if they added all those cool post-game facilities like PWT and Battle Frontier. Shit'd be dope.




Are you retarded?

Microsoft Train Simulator 2

Hell yeah or be able to EV Train or Breed pokemon on it. A modern on could even be updated to add future pokemon and they wouldn't have to make another.

the minigames

>Ever mentioning Game Freak to me ever again

>Game Freak: What would be a good game to make for the Switch
>Employees: More Pokemon?
>Ken Sugimori: I swear if I hear Pokemon one more time

>Ken Sugimori: hol my chococino

Minigames could be put in literally any other spinoff though.

Pokemon Battle Revolution is Stadium 3 without all the fun of the first 2 games.

Now Pokemon Colosseum 3 would be nice, but theres no reason to make it.

Any Pokémon game would be better than Pokken.

Stadium 3 would be completely pointless and a waste of time at this point. Youre a retard.

MGSV: Chapter 3

>KOF XI on Steam
>New Fighter's History game
>Anachronox 2

tfw never

Megaman Battle Network 7 or some game with the same battle system.
Fixing the mess that was Dark Dawn with an actually good 4th one.
Persona Q 2
English localization of the Alliance Alive

it wouldn't even matter if they made another stadium
everything after gen4 was awful

>Anachronox 2
Why would you even type these words. I was scrolling down the main page and saw them without even knowing what thread this was. Why would you do this to me? Why did you make me remember?

Megaman Legens 3
Half Life 3
Portal 3
Team Fortress 3
Golden sun Remake
New Star Fox Game

where were you when Battle Revolution was released and subsequently bombed?

Jet Set Radio Future HD or a whole new JSR sequel

A new Grandia game

To divide the competitive scene from the main games so that the main games can focus on single player instead of VGC.


they can just add a stadium mode to any of the new games at this point

the only thing stadium every really had was graphics

viewtiful joe 3

>Anachronox 2
Why are we still here?
Just to suffer?

Why would you let yourself forget, user?

sin & punishment 3
animal crossing switch
littlebigplanet 4 (except it is actually good unlike 3)
sega pc ports (shenmue, jet set radio future, yakuza)

What's your issue with Pokken?

The appeal of Stadium was seeing your shitty Gameboy sprites coming out as full 3D models that were reasonably detailed for the time and fighting like the anime. That appeal is gone now.

not that guy
but these tiny ass maps in pokken are cancer

Pokemon stadium but in VR

Hire me nintendo

>tiny ass maps

you what, Pokken's stages are larger then most fighting game's, not that that even has any correlation with quality

I want a sequel to this game so badly, or just another Pokemon SRPG in general, but I know it will never happen.

something new and exciting

Coming to the states


F-Zero Switch
Elite Beat Agents Switch!
MediEvil for PS4
New main Phantasy Star game that's not an online game

around like 18 or something when I thought it would have been Gale of Darkness 2.

Pokémon Snap 2

The only way to save the franchise is to make a Pokémon game for older players that introduces awesome new mechanics and a good story.

But that won't ever happen.

unironically this

Pokemon Snap 2
Breath of Fire 7 that not for mobile, not 3d shit
Xenosaga HD
Ace Combat HD

dont count on it

Wasn't shattered memories its remake?

>What is Pokemon XD?
>What is Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness?
>What is Pokemon Battle Revolution?


How do I get every Pokemon I want to use up to now since I was a total hater f or after Gen 3

Sun and Moon had Snap moments. It wasn't quite as in depth, but they were there. That's probably all you're ever really going to get again, though.

i would go out and buy a switch the moment this shit was announced. so never ever

>The only way to save the franchise

Save from what? Earning millions by the day?

Sonic 3 and Knuckles bundled with sonic mania

Gen 1 (Red, Blue, Yellow) can trade with Gen 2 (Gold, Silver, Crystal), but Gen 1 and 2 are locked from everything else. All current Pokemon that can be used with modern systems must be Gen 3 and above. Den 3 can transfer up to 4, can transfer up to 5, and 5 can transfer into Pokebank which can transfer into 6 and 7. 6 and 7 (and probably 8 when it comes out) all use Pokebank, so anything you put into that can be pulled out into any of those generations as long as you aren't trying to trade gen 7 pokemon into gen 6 or anything. And anything that trades up (3 to 4 to 5 to bank) can' trade back down.

Also, virtual console Pokemon games trade into bank. So if you have RBY or GSC when they come out, you can trade Pokemon into bank and then take them out and use them in modern games.

>WiiU had so much potential for a Snap 2
>Never use it

Golden Sun 3

I unironically liked the announcer on Pokemon Battle Revolution
it gave certain flare to the battles and I wish Nintendo brought that shit back for online PVP or something

Suikoden 6 please.

>stadium 3
>dream game '17
>no 3ds support possible

its nintendo, they dont give us good things. Only false hopes filled with gimmicks. Stadium 3 would become that.


>tfw kept my BW team alive for Pokemon Stadium for Gen 5
>Never came

A new Pokémon XD for the switch would be cool.

But there's already a 3rd golden sun...

There is? Where? How was it?

GameFreak has actually commented that they will never make another Stadium game again because now portable systems are capable of 3D.

...if you're being serious it's called golden sun dark Dawn and it came out October 2010

You guys are retarded.
The main series are 3D now. There's no point for Stadium games.

In fact, they could simply add a Stadium mode in Pokemon Switch.
Rent your own Pokemon, give them your own moves, a la showdown. Have battles with your friends, 2P style like Stadium.

It would be fucking amazing.

kill yourself


You mean, Pokemon Stadium 4 right?
3 already came out in Japan.

It still boggles me why they didn't make a FExPokemon crossover. It would so perfect now.

Fuck everyone saying this can't be awesome
>Gen specific cups
>Gym leader castle for every gym so far
>Battle Frontier
>Exclusive pokemon/move/ability combination rewards
>Exclusive move tutors

All it really needs to be is an extended endgame Pokemon game and you're golden. A lot of people play the mainline games for that purpose anyway.

I know, but it's better to pretend it doesn't exist.

it alreasdy discxists

>Nintendo making Mario&Luigi remakes and crossovers nobody asked for
>Not making a sequel like that
It hurts

Ever heard of Harmony Knights? Tempo the Badass Elephant? Giga Wrecker? Pocket Card Jockey?

>Fan-translation being cancelled because of assholes bitching to the translator that Atlus USA will localize it
>Atlus USA never localized it in the end

See what did you did there?

A few years ago I would've said a new Xenoblade or Nier 2. A few months ago, I would've said a new 2D DBZ game or a new Metroid (2d or 3d).

Boy, have I been lucky. I've been constantly losing my shit for this past few years and literally the only thing left is for Namco Bandai to release a remaster of the ps3 version of Tales of Vesperia.


Oh, and Dragon's Dogma 2.

>ever lending the ip after the two shit storms of butt hurt it experienced when Japanese fans said they'd love Hal labs and genius sonority to make more pokemon console games
Never ever, fuck these people

MGS6: Death Stranding

New Aki pro wrestling game based on NJPW
Duke Nukem in Quake Champions
2K gets the rights to NFL back
F-Zero Switch

>To divide the competitive scene from the main games so that the main games can focus on single player instead of VGC.

>wanting another F-Zero without explaining what would they add in the sequel
i can already foresee the ">nu-nintendo" shitposting over F-Zero NX not having a bigger roster than AX or being slightly slower than Climax or X

Kill yourself Caramel

Twewy 2

Neither will happen please end my pain.

Vectorman 3.

>somewhere, in an alternate reality

post some fucking Roll cASSket at least

Guild Wars 1 remake

>But Unreal Tournament 4 exists. It's literally out there, you can play it. It's even free to play.

Accidental meme arrow, disregard

It's a fucking fighting game... Jesus.

6 years later and I'm still mad


Because of the Minigames and because despite their crappy moves, there was a bit of a strategy with using Rental Pokemon to me.

Caramel you already lose. You said it'd be in this E3 and it wasn't. You cannot backpeddal without looking like even more of a bitch.