>$7.50 MINIMUM for this outfit
>Advertise all this cool shit on the loading screen
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>$7.50 MINIMUM for this outfit
>Advertise all this cool shit on the loading screen
>Hide it behind paywalls
That underage meme streamer game ALSO has microtransactions? Could this shit be any worse?
i know i play multiplayer shooters to dress up like a slut
>Buys early access game like an idiot
>Complains when it doesn't go in the direction he wanted
>Falling for this garbage game
You deserve it.
>not an argument
>you only hate it because it's popular
There I just saved you a thread user
> caring about cosmetics
this is like arguing that rocket league costs a bazillion dollars because of the skins
What other neat outfits are there?
Doesn't look very practical
>I play survival shooters to look like a japanese schoolgirl
Grow some taste, holy shit.