Why did this get so much undeserved hate?

Why did this get so much undeserved hate?

Was it the chibi artstyle? Was it the fact that it was a metroid spin-off?

The game is genuinely fun and well made, I honestly think that if they'd gone with a more serious art direction with realistic looking models, people wouldn't have bitched about it half as much as they did.


>people bitch and moan for a new Metroid game
>this is what they get

Why wouldn't they be pissed? I'm not even a fan of the series and I found this games existence to be annoying.

It's not fun and it's not well-made. It's a terrible game and even worse than Hunters and Other M.

Nintendo is so god damn retarded all they had to do was wait a few months and then announce it with MP4 and Return of Samus. Even if the game is shit people would have given it a chance.

>The game is genuinely fun and well made

This is why people make fun of Nintendo fanboys on here. You're absolutely braindead

Because it's a good game, and its existence doesn't slow down the development of a new Metroid game since it wasn't made by the main studio.

It's actually pretty good. It's basically Prime: co-op edition.

Yeah, Nintendo makes some really dumb moves marketing wise. But honestly, fans are really fucking stupid too. I've been a Metroid fan since Zero Mission was originally released on the GBA, and I've played every game in the series and I chose to give this game a chance, and haven't regretted it, it's actually really neat. I commend them for trying something new instead of justing shoveling more nostalgia down our thorats.

Give me three reasons as to why it is a bad game that aren't related to "b-b-but it wasn't a new metroid"

It was really boring when I played it, it's competently put together and there's some neat lore but the gameplay itself is just completely uninvolving and not really what people look for in Metroid either

It would have been better received with a different visual style and with knowledge SR and MP4 were coming though, would've been more of a "who cares" than the seething rage it drew at its reveal

Everything else aside, the gameplay looked really uninspired. Basically a shittier Triforce Heroes. Bosses looked especially terrible. Maybe the game got better later but I didn't feel like making that gamble.