Why are video games more popular with men than with women?
Pic unrelated.
Why are video games more popular with men than with women?
Pic unrelated.
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life rewards girls for being girls. Video games gives males a false sense of achievement to fill the void if they dont have a real sense of achievement by being chad
What the fuck is that thing
why are sports more popular with men than women?
why are mechanical hobbies more popular with men than women?
Why are sciences are more popular with men than with women?
Because women can get sex easily than men, that's why.
Holy fuck that spooky skeletal is taking over that girls body!
I went to school with a hirl who looked like that. Now she's a stripper. Kek
Because video games appeal more to men than woman. Simple.
Post it. You know what.
Spoopy skeltal grill
Stop posting my gf please
>answers like this
How's your day /r9k/?
>tfw you are a necromancer and one of your skeletons suddenly becomes a fashion loving meme shit
She should be called back from the summoning attempt!
Go get her to dance on you and pluck your boi pussy and greentext already faggot.
go back to.... well, you know.
Video games and challenges go hand in hand.
Guess what women hate doing?
You must be purged for the greater good.
I love gothic grills.
>you can't say the truth because muh r9k
>roast beef general
Video games.
>No anorexic, black haired gf who likes Slint
id put an extra bone in that skeetletons body wink wink
I don't see a problem with the gender divide. There will always be some miniscule overlap but the idea that everything has to be accessible for everyone is iherently stupid
I made a game out of this girl. I watch every video checking if she somehow even got thinner. Trend was >thinner until that "drama" where she was bodyshamed in yahoo news funnily enough and she somehow got a bit of weight but now it's back to >thinner again.
I bet you are a palacuck plate faggot.
Nope. I am /fitlit/, sorry.
> implying anyone would want to see that thing strip
nigga stop lyin
Because women are the epitome of the term "normie" and they're much more social than men in general.
They are more concerned about their looks and what other people think about them. They use their spare time to polish that image instead of watching television or playing games. They rather socialize around the clock and keep themselves public at all times. That's why they rather go to a party and fuck every hunk at sight, than stay home for a movie night or play games with friends.
A shallow person has no time for videogames or other type of "self time".
Why are you asking such a stupid question?
I would probably enjoy it until all her clothes were off and then she starts taking off skin.
Women tend to be more interested in people, while men are more interested in things. That's why there are more men in Engineering and more women in Nursing.
Her puss puss is surprisingly puffy.
I bet it's tighter than a german's bolt screwed in.
>tfw no skelly pussy
Emos or whatever that thing i the OP is supposed to be are out.
Get with the times grandpa or get your phylactery ready so you can watch tv instead of wasting your time on doing halfassed necromancy.
She's such a QT
Wow the skeleton is still alive?
How do you even know if it's not a piece of her clothe? I mean why should all meat concentrate on one place?
Really like that ass.
What the fuck
Jesus christ, you can park a car in that thigh gap.
its sad. if she gained like 20 pounds she would be aight
>that ass
You mean the pelvis back bone.
she is a younow celeb who got famous here a couple of years back when everybody was lurking on younow searching for some cute lolis.
her name is eugenia clooney btw.
They require passion and a commitment to work towards a goal. They are meritocracies and do not care about your sex or gender. Many of them involve you playing by yourself in a room (even in multiplayer) and women can't stand being alone.
She's so thin that if you throw a bone near a dog it will bring her instead
>those twig legs
Jesus Christ how have her legs not snapped yet?
I'm going to ignore every post itt that isn't from a woman rather than men who think they understand them
Thanks, Mr. Skeletor
She was famous even before that in Sup Forums. Been subscribed to her for at least 3 years now. Knew her because of Sup Forums.
Anyone remember Thanks Mrs. Skeletal? Or is this too old for nu-Sup Forums?
Post the pussy video, she hides a lot of meat down there
my adopted blonde-haired, blue-eyed sister plays EDF 4.1 with me
Roastie, roastie, roastie.
She goes way before Mrs. Skeletal meme, I used to go on her channel just to report her new videos until her channel got canceled.
what's her paypal?
I don't usually give money to hoes but this bitch needs a sandwich immediately
Yup I know but she popularity exploded because of that meme.
>I used to go on her channel just to report her new videos until her channel got canceled
you are a MASSIVE faggot
Would bone her.
oh, i do something similar on facebook
Have you licked her in the vagoo?
Or touched her bonkers at least?
How come you keep posting her? Do you want to fuck your not blood related sister?
>you are a MASSIVE faggot
user, she's fucking disgusting, she's literally 80% bones and 19% skins. She needs help, she needs to get thicc
this picture is pretty much irrelevant now. people make threads like this specifically to discuss the picture, the vague mention of video games is a thinly veiled cover up.
The weirdest boner.
Because men need something to escape their horrid reality whereas women can always get a new boyfriend if they're not happy with their lives.
Where as I agree she's unhealthy, it is fucking hypocritical as FUCK. I've NEVER seen anyone reporting videos from the fucking landwhales on youtube. If someone reported some girl who made the EXACT SAME VIDEOS but she was MORBIDLY OBESE, people would be in support (You go gurl! Body positive!) , and there would be almost no reporting happening.
wtf man
i just like talking about her, i guess
>it's a pic unrelated more interesing than the topic OP gave thread
>user is tsundere for his NBR sister
You're going through the high of having a new GF
Be sure to let us know when she cucks you.
But I report those too user, in fact I down vote and even comment against vegans too.
>tfw I got a warning cause I kept saying I would eat a burger for every time a vegan would upload a vid
I'd really like to see this girl's asshole opened right up. We know she doesn't eat so their shouldn't be much fecal matter.
Spooky scary skeletons
Send shivers down your spine
Shrieking skulls will shock your soul
Seal your doom tonight
This faggot love this girl so much but has no chance with her so he makes this shit stories just to feel something.
Ahh tragedies are the best.
>But I report those too user
my man, carry on
Rattle rattle
She'd be qter if she weren't unhealthy.
yeah, except for the tsun part
hey, don't say things like that
Girls are cutest when they're 20 lbs underweight. She might be pushing the boundary of what's attractive to most, but she is VASTLY more attractive than the "average" western woman.
>3 CON
what in the actual fuck?
>tfw you realize theres a skeleton inside you right now
What game is this? I wanna get spooky
anyone remember this?
>/fitlit/ is gone forever
>What game is this? I wanna get spooky
who dis?
thanks mr skeltal
Pls no bully ;_; I just wanted to know
Looks like modded NWN2
It's a NWN2 mod you newf*g