Why do we never get frieza's 2nd or 3rd form in any DBZ games?
There's always 100 different Goku's, but never for frieza.
3rd form is best form.
Why do we never get frieza's 2nd or 3rd form in any DBZ games?
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best game had them fag
maybe if you actually played videogames
because foe goku you only need to change the hair color for freeza you need to make a new model, budokai tenkaichi 3 has all the forms including golden if you use mods
>best game
Why were they so lazy with Super's designs? It's literally just recolors. Like why even give them new forms if they're just palette swaps?
That's not Raging Blast 2
Toriyama just seems like he's phoning it in these days. Zamasu and Black were decent, but none of the storytelling is even on par with the older stuff and the power scaling is inconsistent from episode to episode.
Black is literally the evil twin trope, fuck that noise.
Where the fuck is this shitty art from?
Really, when you look up DBZ on google it's all like this, with all the super extreme shading in everyone's hair. Certainly isn't drawn by Toriyama. Is it key art done for Kai? Couldn't be, because they really didn't draw anything new, it was the old animation they used.
Look at this shit. Goku's hair looks made of metal. Should be jet black.
Blame videogames. No, really.
Who the hell WANTS the other forms?
Also this OST is fucking flawless
Shut the fuck up Onsokumaru
I can't even pinpoint what looks so bad about it. It's looks like plastic kinda.
>literally the evil twin trope
>we will never have energetic DB/early DBZ era Toriyama art style ever again
Because 2nd and 3rd forms are drastically different in size and body shape to the other forms, requiring extra work. They're not relevant enough to be worth the effort of adapting the animations to them. In contrast, all you need to do to give Goku a transformation is change his hair or maybe at most his whole head. 4th is the only Freeza form that is absolutely necessary. Maybe Golden if you want to stay current and 1st if you want to be thorough without going overboard.
>literally the evil twin trop
>not best game
explain yourself if you don't think it's the case
RB2 sucks dicks compared to BT3.
>replying with pics because he knows I'm right.
It's mostly the shine I think. Like you said, it looks more shiny, almost like everything's made of plastic. Too much hard lighting. They also add an extra layer of highlighting where in the old screenshots in that pic almost nothing has highlights on it.
Max power final form >2nd form > Golden > 3rd >Final> First.
I just love his final form with the bulky shit.
Not DBFZ, so DEFINITELY not the best game
>Best regular DBZ game is already leagues worse then a beta version of a real fighting game with alot more detail and craftsmanship
Hell the original 6 character build for E3 is a better game.
he's just zamasu in goku's body dude
explain what you mean i guess because i don't see it
because goku regularly uses most of his forms for various reasons throughout the series. freeza only ever used his multiple forms during his fight with goku.
>best anything
He only used his final form on Goku. He used the other forms to shitstomp Vegeta several times over, though.
I don't mind it, it's not that bad.
That said, I think Sayan&Frieza Saga stuff should be portrayed with the respective Toriyama style.
he's literally not the evil twin trope
Do you fucks have even played the game?
looks better than db super
the older toriyama style was way more expressive
>Quick, I have to go into this thread and pretend that I know the subject matter
>I'll make sure to come up with a good one liner if anyone points out how wrong I am
>watch dragon ball super finally
>it doesn't even feel like dbz
>all the characters act retarded, it seems more like some shitty fan fic
Honestly I'd rather watch DBGT than DB Super. I think Toriyama just got too old, his creative brain cells are gone.
Female Broly was kind of fun
>demolishing goku and the stage
>gets one shot by new alium guy
They redrew stuff for Kai? I thought all they did was uprez the old art.
Why the fuck did we get Gold instead of pic related?
Gold is cool and all but I miss when transformations were more than just palate swaps
If its the one with dragon rush qte then it is a piece of shit.
>no story mode
its shit
Look too cool.
That ain't Kai. It's a video game and serves to show what generally modern animated DB looks like.
Toryiama hates stuff he didn't make
frieza has super cute feet
it all uses toriyama's manga as storyboard reference
he never drew for the anime
It's not though, at least try and get your facts straight before shitposting a game you never played. Tenkaichi 2/3 never tried to be actual fighting games like Budokai did. They were just DBZ simulators and damn good ones at that.
Zamasu is literally the worst villain anything Dragonball-related has ever had.
When is cell getting a new form?
interesting that with the filter in this current arc, the colors look very similar to this
That's the point of the filter
yeah i know.
it's just the filter looks more like that art than actual original dbz.
the fact that dragon ball fans are retarded enough to enjoy this shit makes me sick.
Was the Great Saiyaman movie just filler or was that in the manga?
Those two episodes had no business being so enjoyable.
>the fact that dragon ball fans are retarded enough to enjoy this shit makes me sick.
you mean Dragon Ball Super? or you do you have actual criticism at DBM that isn't "I dun liek it"?
Why would I be talking about Super when replying to whatever that is?
I might come off as harsh but assuming DBM is what that picture is from, my criticism is that the artstyle is unpleasant, tone seems weird, and isn't where that weird shit with Ginyu Bulla acting creepily sexual came from? That should speak for itself.
>the artstyle is unpleasant,
but it looks exactly like DBZ
>tone seems weird,
I need to take a course with you guys to learn how to be this vague
>and isn't where that weird shit with Ginyu Bulla acting creepily sexual came from? That should speak for itself.
Ginyu should act reserved and well-manered?
it's not nice to lie user
Not that I'm a huge fan of golden form, but I never liked Cooler's final form, so I'm glad. Freeza's final form was all minimalistic and sleek, like he had gotten rid of all the unnecessary parts from his previous forms and was now at the peak of his evolution. Then we get OC donut steel Freeza's older brother that has an additional form that goes back to being big and bulky with horns and shoulder pads. Cooler is the worst movie villain.
i own 2 and 3
>being vague again
c'mon now
>Wanting to play the same story you've played through in the past 30 games released beforehand
>first complains about the art style being bad when it looks just like the original series
>then complains about tone without specifying anything
>second post complains about lying without specifying anything
you're being vague as fuck, but that's common when you have no ground to stand on
It does not look exactly like DBZ. My autism allows me to discern artstyles very easily. Just a personal thing though.
On tone, it seems awkwardly dark, but I've only read a few pages.
And c'mon man. Does that honestly seem like something Ginyu would do?
>it ain't me starts playing
Cooler is my favorite character for sure.
>On tone, it seems awkwardly dark, but I've only read a few pages.
it goes dark and light toned at different times, depending on who's involved, etc, or are you saying it should be lighthearted 100% of the way or something?
>And c'mon man. Does that honestly seem like something Ginyu would do?
Ginyu switches bodies and kills the previous owner, I can't imagine him having any semblance of remorse (and desu I remember him acting like an asshole but I don't remember him going sexual)
Dragon Rush is Budokai 3.
Tenkaichi 3 doesn't have Dragon Rush because it's a complete different game.
Isn't all his forms in budokai 3?
ya they were.
This looks retarded
Tenkaichi 3 did, not Budokai.
>or are you saying it should be lighthearted 100% of the way
Nah it just seemed darker than anything Toriyama would make.
>I remember him acting like an asshole but I don't remember him going sexual
Yeah that specifically turned me off. it just seemed edgy for the sake of it I guess?
Again, it's just my opinion though.
you don't like dark or edgy stuff, fine, but I'd say DBZ got very dark at parts like Frieza going around Namek slaughtering nameks
not as much as you though
That's not Budokai 3/Super DBZ
Objectively wrong.
He's the closest thing to an evil twin Goku has, especially since Toei turned Bardock into a full fledged good guy in that Gine chapter.
what if Freeza decided to just kill Vegeta and the others in his 2nd transformation instead of showing off?
>Budokai 3
*brethes in*
Budokai 3 is a better fighter than tenkaichi 3. That said it's not much of a fighter and super dbz is best until db fighterZ comes out.
Tenkaichi fighting system is fucking garbage. Budokai 3 may have meme rush but everything about tenkaichi mechanics is just bad
Turles is too based to be an evil twin. He ironically the only one who came close to killing Goku.
I never said Tenkaichi was good you massive mongoloids.
All these niggers in this thread who keep confusing Budokai Tenkaichi with Tenkaichi. Fuck Sup Forums is full of underages
*Blocks your path*
Budokai Tenkaichi and Tenkaichi is the same thing you good-for-nothing imbecile.
Budokai and Budokai Tenkaichi are the different games' names.
that's fair.
They literally are not you uncultured mongoloid. Stop referring to wikipedia for your information
the only good thing about dbm is the super op namekian. he needs to win
No user, you're the one who's confused.
Budokai Tenkaichi is Tenkaichi, but Budokai 1-2-3 alone are different games.
They are you giant moronic fucking shit stained mouth breathing imbecile.
Dragonball as a series started to go downhill with the Piccolo arc, because it turned TOO serious, and also started the trend of retarded TRAINING > BEAT BAD GUY (BUT NOT REALLY) > GET BEAT > ALL HOPE SEEMS LOST > DEUS EX MACHINA > BEAT BAD GUY formula.
It should have ended with Goku killing Freeza, but dying in Namek's explosion. Then we just see Gohan, who's not as strong, continue on his own path and have his own adventures.
Fuck the android saga. Way too serious.
The first Budokai Game already answered your question. He goes to Earth and then destroy it.
I don't think Freeza was showing off, I honestly feel that he wanted to let loose some pent up rage and slowly torture the heroes.
Fucking prove it then, underage.
stop being retarded.
I dunno. Why does everyone forget about Cell's imperfect and 2nd forms?