>game lets you dual wield 2H weapons
Game lets you dual wield 2H weapons
Grayson Hill
Ian Watson
>Skeleton, Awakened
Dominic Diaz
>Play WoW as warrior.
>Always used to build fury, but use a fast 2h like arcanite/khorium champion (faster rage generation, doesn't affect bloodthirst's damage)
>WotLK comes along and gives fury 2h dual wielding, removing any reason to use a single 2h with the spec.
Still mad.
Nathaniel Rivera
what the fuck is this
Andrew Reyes
Landon Hall
Skeleton thread?
I fucking love skeletons
Cameron Torres
Anthony Bell
Should I play 1 or 2? Would shitty laptops even be able to handle it?
Levi Cruz
From the looks of it, NWN2
Kayden Nelson
Sigil, city of doors specifically, it's a planescape persistent world.