Are there any games that feel like D&D...

Are there any games that feel like D&D? I know that no video game can give you the endless possibilities that pen and paper can, but is there any game similar to it?

I'm guessing you missed all the D&D CRPGs on purpose

I want something more modern

Old CRPGs.

Just play Planescape: Torment and ascend to the next level of taste

i'm going to get shit for this, but minecraft

Good luck not playing anything then, considering D&D crpgs died out and now you only have halfassed trash
I suppose Sword Coast Chronicles is """"decent"""" in that it works as a fair enough D&D campaign
KOTC2 is literally a never ever considering how fuckslow the development is
There is that soon to be released Pathfinder Kingmaker game but
They never fucking learn

Are there any online DnD playthroughs? Recommended or no?

I want to know too.

baldur`s gate 1 and 2
icewind dale 1
fallout 1 and 2
up to a point, dead state
knight of the old republic 2

those are my favorite pnp-like vidya