>Steam profile lists PC specs
>They're not even impressive
Steam profile lists PC specs
It's so people giving me games don't send me something I can't run.
Are you seriously under the impression I'm proud of my 3 GB 1060, Pete?
>huge profile description listing his favorite games, movies, books, food, etc
>emoticons everywhere
>anime picture
That cat has a handsome face
reminds me of
Kill me, Pete
just kill me pete
Best villain
>They're not even impressive
these are the same people leaving negative reviews on games that are well above their specs
Oh how I've longed to post this again
This is literally what the average Sup Forumsedditor is like
leaf detected
>not degenerate
why didn't you just get the 6gb version
only 1 for me
>mfw zero points
>tfw 5 points
I just don't like spending money on digital stuff, sue me.
>a guy with less than 10 friends
>worth adding
he will be that weird fuck who deletes you if you forget to talk to him one day
>tfw only one point
3 points, but then again I don't play on PC as often as I should.
I was about to argue with you since I only add real life friends that I'm fairly close with, but it turns out I have 12 steam friends.
>tfw you have 5
I just like cute anime grills
seriously, what sort of person actually bothers with all that trading card bullshit
at least you can play the games, what's the fucking point in badges and cards and shit
>I don't play on PC as often as I should.
you've played the essentials though, right?
>Anonymous ⵌⵌ User
anime grills are not your biggest problem.
n-no bully pls
>Not letting your victims who spitefully look at your profile know that they were further humiliated by some Brazilian on a toaster that can barely play the game
>Steam profile has country listed as "Antarctica"
kill me pete
bullying is an unfortunate necessity.
Kill me, Pete
Can you bully my cock?
reddit detected
Kill me, Pete.
I'm replacing it when the next gen comes out anyways, no Vulkan. I wanted an RX580 but stupid NEET miners feel the need to make pennies driving up daddy's power bill.
>5 (five) points
Would score less if I didn't change avatars every other day and played on my Sup Forums machine even half as much as I do on my handhelds.
no, if anything you just deserve to be blatantly ignored by people.
Kill me, Pete
>5 (five)
>my Sup Forums machine
always gets me how that list is incredibly accurate.
I have like 2 minutes in TF2.
i'm so fucking gay holy shit i love cum
>tfw I'm total weeb cancer but only scored 3
Low profile profile.
>3 points
I think I'm good
>Steam profile lists PC specs
>Pentium 4 CPU, Nvidia 5500FX, 256mb of ram
I got 1 point. I like using my Skye icon.
What's something you can't run? Do you absolutely need max settings or something?
>trader being half a point
I have a private profile because who I'm friends with or what games I own isn't anyone's business and only gives fuel for if some faggot who doesn't like you feels like scouring your profile for something petty to mock you for. If you want to know what games I play it will show whatever I'm playing in your friends list. I also don't understand how 'hiding circlejerk groups' is a good reason since generall the insufferable people who wouls join such groups would love any attention.
DDR2 master race.
RAM is a placebo.
>3 points
>Cropped porn pic
>Private profile (Don't want people to troll me by posting in my page)
>Undertale emoticons
Look how much of a faggot I am and you still only give me 3 points. You should change it up a little so that I'm not within the "worth adding" category. Hell, I wouldn't even add me.
>giving me games
Being afraid of someone calling you a faggot is infinitely more pathetic than said person calling you a faggot, faggot. Grow some thicker skin.
Basically anything high end or poorly optimized Nvidia hasn't put out any drivers for, obscure early access shit or whatnot. 192-bit bus is suffering.
Honestly it's mostly because I upgraded from a GTX 260, which had some issues running lots of stuff, and didn't want to just remove it in case people thought I still had it.
Don't kill me pete
>Not playing on Windows 98 at glorious 640x480
Some of my friends buy several copies of a game and hand them out to have people to play with. My close circle of friends also do Christmas presents, but they already know what GPU I have.
>TFW Steambro for 7+ years that was always nice to you slowly starts falling for the trap meme and gives off subtle hints to gauge if you will accept his new phase.
>tfw that was me, nobody accepted me, and I just logged out one day and made a new account
I accept you
Why does Steam attract so many weirdos? The weirdest people I saw on consoles were the rare bronies.
>tfw this happened to my steam friend who I've had for about 5 years and he stopped talking to me when I said I wouldn't ERP with him
Ain't trying to refute any points here.
I'm not afraid of anyone calling me a faggot, this is the internet, taking -anything- seriously on here is absolutely moronic. As I said, whose business is it? Why shouldn't I set it to private? No one should really be looking at my profile anyway, I don't see a good reason I should give them the option at all.
The scenario I outlined had happened in the past anyway, so instead of mocking me for something on my profile they tried mocking me for the private profile itself. It was quite funny, I think having someone oust themselves like that is a more satisfying outcome than some weak insult anyway.
Are you sure it's not because you're sending pics to people wink wink nudge nudge.
degenerate behavior
is that all?
list a genre or several, if you want some general suggestions.
I know that feel. It was awkward as fuck but I didn't want to seem like an asshole in front of the rest of the group. I just avoided saying anything straightforward about it.
follow the ads if you want more RAM.
You've got it all wrong, I'm not even a cute anime girl.
But I wish I was. ;-;
Oh no, I don't really need any suggestions. I don't play on PC that often since I'm trying to finish some other games at the moment.
You must be a real weirdo then. I don't accept myself. I hate myself. I wish I wasn't like this.
Shut up and let me love you
I just don't understand why people don't just download more RAM.
I think it's because the platform is less restrictive. Also because people don't socialize the same way on consoles as on a computer or mobile device.
tfw I can't play rocket league without seeing people day shit like "fuck me daddy" or something about their "boipucci" and even some Sup Forums tier crap. I hate that I fap to traps but outside of my fap sessions, hearing anything about it disgusts me. Stupid fetishes man.
>TFW reading through the comments on your girlfriend's steam profile
I don't advice anyone to do this if you want to stay sane.
Stop it. Misery shrouds my life like a blanket ghost Halloween costume. Give me candy. Let me die.
I love you no matter what. I'd love you even more if you're decent with your mouth.
>on steam
>adds (no audio) to his nickname
I'm not cute or good at lewd things.
He's deaf.
Kill me, Pete.
>Any -chan or Reddit-related groups
>Avg. Game Completion Rate is less than 40%
>Misery shrouds my life like a blanket ghost Halloween costume.
just fucking end me already pete
Shave your legs, wear a wig and some nylons I'm a simple man.
"So, like uh, this is my PC here. It owns. IT OWNS!" - FPS Doug
>User sends you white nationalist videos and asks you to join a group regarding the Northwest Imperative
1 for less than 40% completion rate
1 possibly for avatar/name depending on how long regularly is
Kill me, Pete
then get to working through that backlog, user!
Literally one point for being Canadian. Kind of a gay list.
6 points, that includes
>less than 150 games
Only buy from humble bundles
>less than 30 hours a week
I only play 1 hour on weekdays and 4~5 hours on weekends
>completion less than 40%
Not an achievements whore
If that makes me an annoying faggot, sure thing.
>More then 75 friends (223)
>-Chan group (/shmupg/, chances are going to dip though given they don't do events anymore...)
>Game completion rate (31%)
I'm apparently 3 points. Huh. Unless my icon's anime shit anyway. Does this count as anime shit? I Don't think Q-Bee is anime shit.
Nope, but you get half a point for the X3 face.
>more than 75 steam friends
That's my only flaw here, except some weeks I drop below 30 hours of play time. But I promise I'm playing games on other devices or emulators.
1 point for