ITT: Vidya characters that got you into one or more fetishes
ITT: Vidya characters that got you into one or more fetishes
>tfw that was the character that made me come to terms with my sexuality
>that character is the reason I've met my loving boyfriend
>we're both monogamous and incredibly romantic
thanks for posting that image user.
it took me down memory lane.
Pretty much any character with a tanktop, but Hitomi really went and made me into an armpitfag.
Sucks because it doesn't even feel like an approachable fetish. Never even thought of bringing it up to any of the girls I've been with.
I am legit confused about this fetish. I can somewhat understand footfags but what's the appeal in armpits?
this loading screen awakened my inner homo when I was a kid
I'm just as confused as to how people don't find sexy
get him a pin that looks like this on your anniversary
Can't really explain it. Just like any other fetish, if you have it, you have it. You don't, you don't.
So you got into vore?
I probably will. Hopefully I can get him into the Souls franchise, starting with Demon's Souls.
Cardboard ass?
flat asses?
I know that feel. I don't remember how I got my armpit fetish, though.
But hey, at least that's a thing irl. Realisticaly speaking, it's not that weird of a fetish and it could happen if you find a girl that you trust.
I always knew that darkmoons were actual faggots IRL.
-t. Darkwraith
Yen got me into NTR.
At first I hated the fact that she keeps cheating on Geralt behind his back etc. Then something changed in me and now I enjoy it.
I want to ass blast that fucking rabbid
What are sunbros then?
Shark teeth and witches. Already liked both, but she's what made both of them into some of my biggest weaknesses.
neither are my fetish, but armpits make more sense to me
way easier to fuck an armpit
I hope it's not pink hair, that's the worst hair colour ever.
fight me irl, i fight on the honor of my lover, fag
>falling for the meme
I'm a raging armpitfag and even I strugle to find an explanation.
It seems to me that it has something to do with the whole area around the neck, the collar and the breasts. There's a lot of synergy among those parts.
Also, it's actualy a strong point of flat girls, as smaller breasts don't draw as much attention and showcase the armpits and those other upper-body features better.
My fucking girlfriend has an armpit fetish. Wants to smell and sick on my armpit hair. It's really fucking bizarre and I'd actually preferred if she didn't have it. Don't mention it to your girlfriend until you've been dating for more than a couple of months and are already comfortable with each other.
> soft skin
> sweaty
I think I got some wires crossed in my brain but there's something erotic about a part of a woman's body having those two traits. Personally, I wouldn't try to stick my penis anywhere near one but it hits certain boxes for me in terms of getting me into the mood.
it's a fetish, there is no real explanation, you either find it attractive or you don't
Insect rape and oviposition, as well as ryona in general.
In retrospect, it's very easy to pinpoint the exact day where I feel like I've change fundamentally as a person, and yet I don't regret for a single moment.
I can explain my shortstack fetish. I really just wanna know what the main reasons for armpits are.
>>that character is the reason I've met my loving boyfriend
JoJo reference?
> short hair
> sassy and independent
> enjoys reading as a hobby
> quit smoking/doesn't enjoy doing it anymore
I'm in my mid-20s now and I'm surprised by how much I'm still affected by Heather. Feels bad that I've struggled with long-term relationships my entire life. Still waiting to connect with someone.
That doesn't mean we can't find an explanation for it, both on a biological level or even just as a more personal description.
This is a circlejerk thread anyway. It's more enjoyable to discuss it more descriptively.
I don't think I'd ever tell her. The girl I'm with now is cool with a lot of shit, but I'd rather not ruin it by getting greedy, you know?
>not realizing this is your cue to shove her face in it and assert your place as her Alpha God and make her your live in cumdump like shes begging you to make her
it's like describing dreams, entirely pointless and subjective
Well, basically, he and I had been incredibly close for a long time, closer than most friends usually should be. I'd been struggling with coming to terms with my sexuality for quite a long time, and even fell into Sup Forumstard bullshit because of it. That character however caught my attention, and it made me think of my now-boyfriend. I gave in to what I had been feeling this entire time, and just fell for him. We've been dating for 8 months and it's been a really solid, romantic relationship. I'm really disappointed in the gays who live just for pleasure and shit, because loving someone is so much better.
I'm glad he's in my life, and I look forward to marrying him someday.
Don't let Sup Forumstards fool you. Not all gays are scat loving degenerates. There's a few out there who are really good people.
Why are all fartmoons twink builds that get oneshotted by a big strong weapon?
Also mound makers is the best covenant. Being a wild card is fucking fun
You bet!
This twintail hairstyle luckily my gf loves it and she doesnt know its my fetish
>guys I'm a great human being.
Femdom? Her accent? Attitude? Proportions? Glasses?
>tfw qt childhood friend came out
>tfw he's been crushing as long as he's known me
>tfw considering going for it even though I've never been in a relationship and thought I was straight until we drunkenly cuddled one night
I'm so fucking confused it hurts
it's no fetish
you're just gay
What if one just really appreciated a good armpit, like the musculature and shape but didn't want to grind their face into it, does that count at all?
Yes, but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to circlejerk about it.
When we try to explain it, we're doing it more to ourselves than people who don't get it.
There's nobody trying to sell you on new fetishes, bro.
>Don't let Sup Forumstards fool you. Not all gays are scat loving degenerates. There's a few out there who are really good people.
Meanwhile you've been fooled into thinking the majority of gays are "scat loving degenerates" and you're one of the holier-than-thou SACRED FEW who actually act normal!!
Kill yourself self-hating fag.
You're the absolute worst stain on our community. Go fuck yourself.
God damn, I started noticing armpits because of Sup Forums and that one fucking picture.
you know which one
mah nigga
Traps are a fetish.
A gay fetish, but a fetish nonetheless.
Conker, from Conker's Bad Fur Day.
Urination / Watersports
what's the fetish here?
>general idea is that loud minorities don't speak for the majority
>flips shit anyways
Sure I could have worded it better but damn dude, there's no need to be so angsty and angry about fucking everything. My point was basically the same as yours, that no, the majority of gays aren't scat loving degenerates like Sup Forums wants you to believe.
traps from the waist down is straight
I bet 90% of trapfags have second thoughts the second they see the face
This guy started my fetish. Literally got a boner thinking he was a chick.
> our community
> falling for the "community" fallacy of gay culture
Nah, you're the bigger stain on the gay "community." Not the guy you responded to, by the way. You're just clearly an asshole.
Do you want to fuck it?
Sniff it?
Look at it?
What are the rules of your fetish? How is it applied practically if you find a girl who's down to please you with her armpit?
Everything took me a little while to warm up to her proportions though
I've met some really cute traps, user.
it's the voice that does it
Shitty boss and a fag covenant
People get off to being shitters
Traps 2D only, though
My best friend is a huge fan of this trap. What are the chances he's a degenerate?
>not all gays are scat loving degenerates.
...I wish what you're referencing didn't do things for my penis but it does
>fag acting like an emotional assholes
Way to prove us right you fucking degenerate.
This man is correct
my friend please do post more or where i might find more
Sharing some nice chocolates with a lovely person also gets me in the mood.
>"I'm not like the other gays, I'm ~different~"
Okay cool at the end of the day "the gay community" exists. All it means is "all gay people that exist". And how gay people speak to straight people about how gay people "are", that effects how "the gay community" is perceived by everyone else.
So when anons are saying some stupid shit to ~look cool in front of le epic straights~ xD
It pisses me off and makes everyone else look as retarded as that person.
If you don't like "gay culture" thats fine but thats probably because you're a self hating faggot too.
striving for mechanical perfection
also being talked down to by a perfect being, of course
Yeah, I genuinely belive traps are actualy a straight fetish, and have gone through great lenghts to argue and seriously discuss this subject here on Sup Forums before.
And as enjoyable as that might be, it's more often than not a fuitless and stressful endeavor, so today I only want to relax and have fun.
Armpits are for licking
if traps aren't straight then why are the most sought after the most feminine?
Ro dancers this outfit
I've seen Mountain Dew green hair and it's even worse.
>thighs are a fetish
literally the one universally appreciated trait
...uh...yes. that too is what I enjoy
trap x female is my fave
Not the guy you're talking to but I want to lick a clean, smooth armpit with the back part of my tongue. I can't really explain why.
For the four years I spent on this site prior to 2013, I was more or less immune to most furshit.
I am a good boy no more
I'm almost positive furshit is one of the most common fetishes in the world
It's not uncommon to find good art, but since it's such a mild feature it's often not even tagged so it's hard to look specificaly for it.
It's something you come across on occasion and I'm more than happy to start a new folder in my collection.
Same for games. You'd think it would be advantageous to have so many games with the camera on a character's back, but in reality nobody pays attention to it that way so there's barely any games that showcase pretty, bare backs.
now post the dick version
I'd be fine with any of that tbqh. And all this talking about it is making me want to just bite the bullet and mention it to her.
She recently fucked up pretty badly and has been basically kissing my ass until we get past it
People won't admit it though. All the Disney shit probably helped.
Same goes for Filia.
She's not fat, but the anti-fats are fucking autistic. Concept art for a (technically ) different character for a different game from 2009 doesn't prove shit. I honestly think people who care THAT much only care because they're in denial about something.
You're internalizing some bizarre paranoia over the language that other gay people (whose conduct you have no right to police) use around heterosexuals. First of all, you're an absolute narcissist if you believe that other gay people have to speak a certain way in order to maintain the "public image" of other gay people. Second, you're a narcissist if you believe that YOU'RE an authority on how other people should conduct themselves.
The only "self hating faggot" I see here is someone who projects their own insecurities on other people just because they may have said some naughty things about other gay people. That's you.
Of course, you're far too emotional and "outraged" to understand any of this.