>macs cant game
>macs are expensive
Meanwhile you need to spend 3000 dollars on a 6950x processor ALONE to even match the performance of a high end mac.
Meanwhile i still play all my games at the highest settings on my macbook pro from 2014.
Explain this, pc fags
Here's the explanation: work on your bait
It's not bait. If you think it's bait you've never used a mac. Mac has better performance even with lesser specs due to a being more well-engineered and having a solid, modern operating system that is heavily optimized and does not get viruses.
>macs cant game
Nobody in history has ever bought a Mac for gaming
>macs are expensive
True but you can hackintosh your shit if you have an intel processor and most Nvidia graphics cards are compatible now, so you can have all the benefits of OS X without paying a trillion dollars.
>Meanwhile you need to spend 3000 dollars on a 6950x processor ALONE to even match the performance of a high end mac
Shhhh, this raises Sup Forums's blood pressure
>Meanwhile i still play all my games at the highest settings on my macbook pro from 2014
How the fuck? I also have a 13 inch from 2014 and the fan goes crazy with 3D games.
dark souls thread?
dark souls thread
I'm guessing you're an artist? Is the 'macs are better for art' meme really true? I gotta get one for my program this year, it's a requirement.
why would i pay 3000 and 99 US dollars on a photoshop machine
>1tb ssd
>1000w psu
>5k monitor
>still cheaper and upgradeable
I really only started using Flash recently because I bought a graphics tablet like two years ago and I realized I never really used it. Trying to learn how to draw without copying an image.
I'm a TooToober and I use Photoshop a lot for thumbnails but my main programs are Final Cut Pro and Logic Pro because I make vidya guitar covers.