Ok anons, I'm thinking on building a PC but I need some advice...

ok anons, I'm thinking on building a PC but I need some advice. I found a cheap 1060 but I don't know much about cpus and how can a bottle happen. would this cpu be good for a buid?


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I built a pc last year when i5 was still champ. But now everyone says to get ryzen instead.




any current gen i5 or ryzen 5 is more than you'll ever need for vidya for the next 3-6 years

Unless you want to play something like ashes of the sigularity at absolute max you will max almost anything with a 1060 and i5 at 1080 and play almost everything at high/max on 1440p

Get an i7. Last gen emulation is becoming a reality.

thanks for the replys.

Im very noob at pc, whats 144hz?

How does one bottleneck?

I already have a ps3 and a ps4, I may use the pc for multiplats and RTS