When there's nowhere else to run, is there room for one more son?

When there's nowhere else to run, is there room for one more son?

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Lanky hot-dog shaped runner
Airborne explosion jumper
Illiterate gas station man
Black British Cyclops
Picnicking piglet
Tiny contraption birther
Anti death-ray nurse
Aboriginal urine launcher
Backdoor violator

>Backdoor violator

What is the most fun official map and why?

For me it's CP_Process, map of champions.

It's weird how plain a lot of the TF2 designs are, but they're all so iconic.

The Scout is literally just a dude in a team-colored t-shirt with a messenger bag, headset and patrol cap.

It's the most generic thing, but it's so innately TF2.

I think it's pretty good, so many characters today in other games are ridiculously overdesigned.
However, I get what you mean by it being weird. When I look at a hatless player in TF2 they seem strange to me now.

Simplicity is key in good designs.

Every character was designed to be noticed by their silhouette

>Soldier isn't even 6 foot
What a manlet

Suijin a best


Steel. Reminds me the most of Doom multiplayer maps of anything else in TF2.

ow my performance
I'll give you that it looks pretty and can be fun to jump around on, though.

Weebs get out
My nigga

Upward easilly

its fun for every single class both offense and defense.

>How to fix the DDS
Make it a cosmetic

I hate it but its a really cool map.

Problems with TF2 classes:
has some broken as fuck unlocks
so versatile you never have a reason to not pick him since there's no risk of being soft countered.
Too good against bad players when used by a bad player, too bad against good players when used by a good player, buggy, basically a worse version of every class when it comes to doing useful things
stickies have a smaller hitbox/viewmodel than grenades, despite doing more damage than them. This makes traps have less fair counterplay, as they can be hidden just about anywhere.
Uninteresting to play as and against (a slow, low-counterplay, hitscan high DPS damage sponge). low skill floor and low skill ceiling; too good on defense, too weak on offense.
Low skill floor and low skill ceiling; too good on defense, too weak on offense.
Absolutely mandatory to win, which means you're forced to play him, even if you don't enjoy it. Because he is such a powerful healer, and healing stops people from dying, this slows down the game. Suffers from "One Viable Loadout" syndrome: Crossbow, Stock, Ubersaw are so strong that there are no other choices.
Low-counterplay design, there's very little you can do to deal with a Sniper picking you off from long range. Balanced due to his skill requirement, but inherently unfair.
Worse version of Sniper when getting picks for most intents and purposes, since he has to get into close range to do what Sniper can do from long range.

well that's obviously not going to happen

He's a very good support and defensive class
But thats pretty much it

It might not be the hardest class, but it takes it's sweet time to master him.
But, unlike most classes, besides a good shotgun aim, you just need to know what the fuck you're doing

t. Pyro/Engie main

Press F to spit on its grave

The fat lady hasn't sung yet. These were proposed changes, remember, not actualized ones.

Fuck spies
Fuck the dead ringer
Fuck the Ambassador (tho I can forgive this one since it's hard to pull consistent headshots)

TF2 is a push-based game. Of fucking course engineer and medic are going to be absolutely vital for their roles because they are the cornerstones of the opposing sides of pushes. How the hell is them being good at their roles even a problem at all?

imo the meet your match update was the final nail in the coffin of tf2.
I just want my pubs backs



The user who posted those "problems" is under the assumption that all classes need to be equally balanced in terms of contribution/productivity to a team.

>How the hell is them being good at their roles even a problem at all?
Because being forced to play a certain class, even if you don't like it, is bad game design.
Also because Medic is both an offensive and defensive asset, rather than a solely offensive asset, which means he's not actually good enough to counteract Engineer's defensive power when you have 6 Engineers stacked on defense, and thus the game ends in a stalemate. Stalemates are bad game design because nobody wins.
Additionally players who enjoy Engineer or Heavy miss out when their team is playing on offense in many modes, because despite the fact that they're theoretically allowed to pick Engineer or Heavy on offense, their class isn't actually optimized it. So that's confusing design for new players, and restricts the potential enjoyment of players who like being a Minigun wielder or a supportive/sentry builder and want to play offensively. (Gru and Gunslinger were attempts by Valve to fix this problem, but are so far insufficient).

The point of a class system is so that players can choose to play what they enjoy. Once there is a MANDATORY choice of class, you're sucking the fun right out of the game and defeating the point of having a class system at all.

So that's what the problem is.

I'm not a greedy man.

TF2 was a masterclass of game design that took 9 years to make, followed by glorious years of amazing updates, and even a decade later is still the best when it comes to objective/class-based multiplayer shooters.

I'm not expecting to see even the idea of talks about TF3 until my kids are out of college and I start collecting social security checks.

But the least they could do is unfuck the game. Bring it to Source 2. Clean up some of the effects and cosmetics. I ran the TF2 beta on high settings on a 3 year old mid-tier-for-its-era computer back in '07. My "adult with disposable income"-as-fuck rig in 2017 struggles with it while it has no issues with seemingly more demanding titles. Bring community servers back to the forefront. Matchmaking might work for CSGO and Dota but TF2 with its 12 vs 12 brawls was ill-suited for it.

It's a problem when people are locked out of choosing what they find fun because of poor game balance.
99% of TF2 players do not enjoy playing as or against the Heavy. Even the few "Heavy mains" like FUNKe can't really explain why they main the class.

You're telling me that's not a problem?

>reddit spacing

Ask someone who just spent $190+ on various tf2 keys to open boxes that he's gathered over the years and never opened and got one shitty unusual anything.

Post it, let's see what the damage is.

Isn't the point of a class system that some classes have a niche that others cannot fulfill? This is just from my interpretation from other Class based games where there are some obvious situations where say the infantry is better use than a pilot or a sniper. Of course, there are general classes and TF2 does that well, but specialist classes should still be a thing because there are some requirements and niches that General classes can't fulfill. All this is just coming off other class based shooters like Star Wars Battlefront.

>Talks about TF3
What do you want to see in TF3? I'm interested to hear (read: steal without credit and email to valve) your ideas.
>But the least they could do is unfuck the game. Bring it to Source 2
It literally can't happen. Even if Valve expanded their team size, TF2 is a fucking mess of 10 years' worth of spaghetti code, written by people who largely no longer work at the company, and full of delicate physics and stuff. Porting TF2 to Source 2 would be like moving spaghetti between two bowls, using chopsticks, without dropping any. Because every dropped piece of spaghetti is a dropped game mechanic: Rocket jumping, for example, would be very difficult to execute in Source 2, which has different physics to Source.

But putting all that aside, let's say they miraculously managed to transfer TF2 to Source 2 without breaking the game. TF2 would still be horribly optimized, and now on an even more demanding machine. CS:GO and Dota 2 lost millions of players when they made the switch/partial switch to Source 2. TF2's fortnightly playerbase is 1,800,000 players. So basically swapping to Source 2 would kill off most of the playerbase, who play on toasters.

If you want Team Fortress in Source 2, it would have to be rebuilt from the ground up. Porting is simply not an option.

>It's a problem when people are locked out of choosing what they find fun because of poor game balance.

Yes, everybody always picks what's necessary for everything, which is why teams that are 50% sniper, have no engineers or medics, and every demo is a demoknight instead of something useful is such a fantasy scenario.

Are you literally me
Granted I've only spent around 100$ on keys and got an orbiting planets scout shako


I would like to see the proposed TF2 be the TF3. Sure, the cartooney aesthetics of TF2 was a huge advantage for it, but I wouldn't mind seeing Valve tackle large scale maps and vehicles. Also having the commander and civilian class back in.

I actually love playing medic when my team cooperates and gives me time to heal them properly, and doesnt rush even though they have all low health. Also when they actually push together with you when you uber instead of leaving your patient and you alone to kill everyone (often failing because soldiers and demos have almost no ammo)
What is the best medigun for pubbing?

Hey Sup Forums,

>Isn't the point of a class system that some classes have a niche that others cannot fulfil?
Of course. But that doesn't mean that those niches shouldn't be equally useful.
Right now Pyro's and Spy's niche is useful for about 10 seconds per game, while Medic's niche is useful for the entirety of a game, because his anti-damage numbers are so high.
We can make Medic not mandatory to win and he will still be a unique class.
>but specialist classes should still be a thing because there are some requirements and niches that General classes can't fulfill
I believe that every TF2 class should be both a specialist (does something unique that no other class does) AND a generalist (is useful both on offense and defense).

>robo hat
>ass-tier effect
>pyro only

Fucking Allen, he stole so many of my quarters as a kid.

I'm talking about balancing the game for the scenario where people are actually trying to win. Surely you can agree that's reasonable?

Well, I can't think of many niches in TF2's game modes other than ones where both teams are attacking/defending like CTF, 5CP and King of the Hill.

I guess that's where my Battlefront 2 comparison wears down.

Putting characters out of their niches isn't reasonable. It's how you end up with aimless clusterfucks that ruin the whole point of having classes in the first place.

>Spending over $100 on keys when you can buy a GOOD unusual on the market for a little more than a quarter of that,

>spending money at all

>wearing unusuals

>he thinks he'll get to collect social security

>Rocket jumping, for example, would be very difficult to execute in Source 2, which has different physics to Source.

You're right, but it's not like they haven't tweaked TF2 physics before, and it's not like TF2 and CS:GO and potential other shooters won't have fundamentally different movement, the most obvious being TF2 characters can reliably shoot while moving.

>Bring community servers back to the forefront.
this and focusing on cleaning up the game is all i need. future proof it for newer players, starting with the unfinished tutorial. stop hiding the server browser ffs, community servers were the best way to play this game.

>What is the best medigun for pubbing?
Honestly in a pub they're all on an even keel.
Stock is an all-around champion and the best thing to bring out of the setup gates.
If you're pocketing, Kritz is great.
If you have a bunch of morons that won't protect you, or a hacking Sniper, or the enemy team is all one class, Vaccinator is good.
Quick-Fix is the best when you have a lot of people who need healing ASAP and the fighting is intense.

However, in competitive play, Medic only really has one viable loadout: Crossbow, Stock, Ubersaw. Everything else is extremely situational or banned.
I'm not saying we should put characters out of their niches. Engineer and Heavy would still have a niche if they weren't such dedicated defensive classes: Engie would still be an aimbot builder who makes support structures, and Heavy would still be the slowest, tankiest guy in the game with a bigass fuckoff gun, just less drastically, gamebreakingly so.

Being defensive is not Engie's and Heavy's whole identity. And even if it is, it's shit design for the reasons I laid out here:

Pretty sure Sniper is actually taller than Heavy and this shit was manipulated.

Man do you alwaaaaaays have to right essays about TF2's balance?

It seems like you don't even enjoy or play the game. Every time when a TF2 thread is up, this one guy swoops down like a vulture and constantly ranting about the same exact cliches he spammed the past threads with.

ingame they have different postures, the scout in game looks like a golem

It's manipulated in the sense that the classes are stretched up to their full height, rather than hunching or bending their knees like they do normally.

>has some broken as fuck unlocks
see: soldier
scout is the most balanced class there is along with demoman

>demoman complaint
what the absolute shit are you talking about

I do enjoy and play the game, I just think it could be better
>this one guy swoops down like a vulture and constantly ranting about the same exact cliches he spammed the past threads with
pretty sure that's 90% of Sup Forums's population in general, and it keeps threads going, so sue me

Fuck the dead ringer and fuck what valve did to spies.

It will forever be remembered as a class for shitters thanks to the bullshit they pulled with the new items.

wow i actually agree with all of these

>see: soldier
soldier's only overpowered unlocks are Reserve Shitter, Disciplinary Action, and Escape Plan. Everything else is balanced or underpowered. Scout has way more overpowered stuff that buffs him as a class than Soldier does. I'm not playing favourites.
>demoman complaint: what the absolute shit are you talking about
Let's say you're playing 5CP, either in comp or a pub, and you're trying to push the last point as a hitscan class. Not only do you have to move slowly and carefully and watch everything because stickies could be hidden in any tiny corner, but even ones that you do see are difficult to kill, because they have a tiny hitbox.

Here's what I mean for the ridiculous amount of places stickies can be hidden entirely:
This makes the game less fast-paced and provides an advantage to defenders, thus helping create stalemates. I want stickies to be just a little bit bigger so they make more visual sense, have better counterplay, and can be hidden in fewer places.

Look, Dustbowl might be cramped, it might be unskilled, it might be an hour long spamfest, but what can I say: It's comfy as fuck

Post your prediction of when the update will actually be out???????
for me it's August the Third


In game characters have different postures. Scout for example is designed taller, but in game is Engie's size because he is slouched forward.

This thursday or it never comes out.

Maybe if the game had held back on desert maps, but when the rotation is heavy under maps like Badwater and Goldrush, Dustbowl just feels bland and unoriginal.





How has b4nny still managed to stay optimistic over this game I'll never know, he must have an ironwill.

Still I can't help but feel like he's at the brink at this point.

it really is

>mfw I'm the same height as my main

In that instance I think he was just reading out a subscriber message
I get your point though
He stays optimistic over TF2 because he's highly invested, but also because it's the best game ever made, which is why he put so many hours in in the first place

I don't watch his streams, what am I supposed to be looking at here

>15,000 hours

koth_king is top tier for me, but I have to agree that something about cp_dustbowl is just right.

I miss TF2 so much.


What the fuck? Dustbowl came before Badwater and Goldrush, what the fuck are you talking about it feeling "unoriginal"

Kong King

>tfw it was a promotional map
>tfw we'll never get anything with its theme ever again

then just come play, set aside all the nitpicks. It's still an entirely workable game

>>tfw we'll never get anything with its theme ever again
Ever played pass_district?

Everyone I used to play with is gone. Not just my friends, but the random pub shitters are all different now. It's not the game that's been broken, not really, but the community.

nah it doesn't have 'that feel' anymore

playing in some random pub server doesn't do it. all of my favorite community servers are dead and nobody plays zombie fortress anymore (the zombie mod with the class system, not the horrible medic vs engineer one)


looks rad as fuck, though

>low skill ceiling
Strategy is part of skill ceiling.

>. It's still an entirely workable game
>3/4 games is either a roll or getting rolled
>Server's refuse to add people in 95% of the time leading to nearly every game being a 9v3 match
>Hackers plauge the community
Hardly playable.

c-can I play with you guise

>but the random pub shitters are all different now
I don't understand why that's a big deal. There are still competent players (some call them pubstompers) who turn up in every pub as the top ~three players, and present a solid challenge.
People just play Passtime as a DM mode really, the speed boosts are fun however


pyro update which was supposed to bring ((((balance)))) to the game.

>Strategy is part of skill ceiling.
You're overestimating the "strategy" required in playing Engineer. You can plop down a Sentry in any old spot and it will pick up kills in pubs.
In competitive, you just put the Sentry in the commonly accepted "good spot" and you're done.
There's very little strategy involved in being an Engineer and sitting behind an aimbot whacking it with your melee; I'd like to increase his offensive power and his strategic variety.

What do you want to see in Team Fortress 3?
tell me

>and it will pick up kills in pubs.
>in pubs.
Come on.

>game balance is bad haha im so contrarian xD
neck yourself

>durrdihurrdedurr im retarded
see I can do it too

>offensive power and strategic variety
We tried that. The community took offense.