Is it any good?

Is it any good?

Other urls found in this thread:

here, watch cut priced CrowbCat's video and decide for yourself afterwards



No seriously, that's its weakness, the whole "for" factor. If you are on your desk, you don't need it. If you are on a console like setup or a steamlink for couch console experience, the bluetooth Current Xbox One controller will be optimal 90 percent of the of the time, and fully compatible/usable 97 percent of the time, while this is serviceable like 80 percent of the time, but. BETTER 100 percent of the time for cursor-based games with the need for better tracking speed, shooters, RTS and trackball emulation.

So get it IF it is on sale IF you have the games that benefit from it and IF you don't game on a desk. otherwise, you are wasting money.

only if you git gud at using it

memes aside, it has a learning curve for usage if that makes any sense, it takes a while to get used to using the touchpads as replacements for sticks/a mouse, but it winds up being somewhere in between in terms of usefulness. There's a fuckton of customization options you can fiddle with to make games pretty much perfect to play though, and community controller settings show up when you're trying to mess with settings so you don't usually have to make the settings yourself

It's the best way to play Wii games.

The touchpad allows you to do waggle without actually waggling

You just sold me

It's something not many people think about but oh man, being able to play Mario Galaxy with a normal controller and still pick up star pieces with the cursor is super nice.

It's best strength is that you can play games you'd never thought you'd play relaxing on a couch. It was rather enjoyable and worked well with FTL for instance.

It's pretty difficult to get used to for FPS and other games requiring faster and/or more precise movements. I found I constantly overshot my target when trying to aim at something.

I absolutely hate it. waste of 50$, no, it doesn't get more comfortable after using the touchpad for weeks, it's still awkward for most games