Halo Thread
Halo Thread
>TFW you're the only one who likes 5
>being this new
holy fuck
I'm playing online since Halo 2. My favorite multiplayer is the one from Halo Reach but my favorite campaign was ODST.
remember speeding home from work to catch some custom games with your buddies from high school?
Reach and 3 PC port when
Yeah, you're the only one with shit taste.
i played it and let me tell you something it wasnt as bad as i thought it wouldve been. just wish they would drop the MONDAY NIGHT ARENA FFFOOOOOOOOTTBALLLLLLL!!!!!!!!! sports aesthetic theyve taken onn
Some god-tier taste my friend
>tfw no elite gf
The campaign was pretty weak, but I had some fun in the multiplayer
CMT SPv3 part 2 soon
>tfw I lost my halo 3 disk
Im pretty sure the comcast guy stole it, though I have no proof and I didnt realize it until a week after he came that the game was missing. I dont know whats worse, losing it or the fact that I really dont care because I havent played the game in years. I still really want it back though
omg i had to scroll down to see its ass made me laugh
The only thing I'd get an xbox for is halo and I don't think that's enough
do people play halo ce multiplayer on pc
and is halo online still a thing
are there any other options for halo on pc
you are a special snowflake
Shit game, Kilzone is better.
>do people play halo ce multiplayer on pc
hue hues still play online
That is one ugly character design.
2 = 1 > reach = odst >>> 3 >>> 4 = 5
>reach before anything other than 4 and 5
>all those hours playing infection with friends
Halo 3 is definitely my favourite multiplayer experience. No other game has been able to fill that void that it left once everyone moved on.
I feel this... I wish I could just go back...
It's not the same playing it today.
Closest that's to it is crap like Garry's mod, but it's full of faggots and 8 year olds.
Competitive gaming is also a curse. It's not fun to worry about a rank. You shouldn't be worried about anything, you should just be having fun.
Does anyone here still play 3? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one still playing but it's still my favorite.So many damn memories too does anyone know when the game is turning ten years old?
I'm glad you can't, I'm glad halo 2 and 3 will be gone forever after they were such shit shows.
Brb, Halo CE right now.
>it's a retard contrarians shit on H3 only because it's a monolithic member of the FPS genre that managed to surpass 2 and makes Reach/4/5 look like games for sad faggots which they definitely are episode
I hope you enjoy that local only multiplayer kiddo.
Halo 3 was my shit!
Honestly I really enjoyed Reach's multiplayer but the lag and constant quitting from people was shit. But SWAT in that game is still one of my favorite game modes.
>tfw it only took me 3 years to pass Reach's campaign solo on legendary
Nigga I still play splitscreen 1 and 3 with my friends to this day. Love this franchise to death and I hope 6 is a true return to form. 5 was a good start multiplayer wise, but it might need to go hard reboot or some shit eventually. Also:
>Halo 3 going BC soon
>all DLC is free
>MCC was a complete failure
>will never be able to relive my favorite multiplayer experiences again
343 has fucked everything up so badly. I should've gone with a PS4 from the get-go and not wasted money on an Xbox One first.
>took you 3 years to pass the campaign with several unkillable AI allies that draw fire and kill enemies
>1 that low on MP
Defend this
It was fun in its prime but it has the least amount of variety of the original trilogy games. There wasn't much of a point in using anything other than the magnum. Still have some good memories of it though
>tfw used to work with a moving company
>used to steal vidya from clients all the time
was awesome, it was like they invited me in to take whatever I wanted
it kinda makes me mad how Sup Forums prefers to meme on Halo for being a kids game or whatever when compared to todays stuff its fucking great
>Games launched with at least 12 maps
>Tons of game modes and features
>Not too gimmicky until later releases
>Strong arena shooter roots, weapon spawn control was a must
>Pretty skill based in so far as there weren't lots of 'i win' buttons like in things like Overwatch with ults or whatever
>absolutely incredible music and score
>were always pretty games for their time
Halo was fucking great man.
>tfw you beat halo ce on legendary
>tfw elite grab nigga ass
i was speechless
too bad halo 2 got nothing on legend
While I don't despise 343 like most people do, it's undeniable they pretty much took out all the charm and comfy vibes of the series in one fell swoop. As such, everyone left. Unless they can bring it back somehow, Halo's pretty much dead to everyone.
The MP was good but the campaign is ass. Worse campaign in the series.
Can you play Halo 2 on win7 or win10 or is that shit forever locked down onto vista?
>Staten still at MS
>Marty basically a free agent aside from an indie game
Is there hope for 6?
You can basically play any Xbox game on windows now because they merged with the windows store and Microsoft accounts.
If any of you faggots play The Master Chief Collection multiplayer (QUIT PICKING HALO 3)
It's the worst fucking game in the series ffs
yes I am mad -- HALO 3 has it's own fucking playlist, just play that instead of shitting up EVERY damn playlist with that bullshit game
>2 player coop
>the main appeal of MCC is to enjoy h1 and h2 campaign with 4 player campaign and h1 online
>1st is not even available (wtf 343) and the second is broken (oh gee time to restart my Xbox if the search takes more than 3 mins)
How did 343 JUST a literal remake so badly?
Microsoft has become incompetent.
>shit started going downhill around the time windows 8 was released.
No, it started going downhill about a month after 3.1 dropped.
The Windows NT kernel was never meant to deal with the internet, and rather than building a kernel that IS meant to deal with it, they stick with their archaic monolithic kernel and just keep patching the thing. This is what they've done for over 20 years, and they show no interest in stopping. Add to this that there are security problems that Microsoft has stated that they will never fix, and it's an immediate shit-tier OS.